

Study of Visualizing Algorithm of 3-D Seismic and Topography Data

【作者】 曹引超

【导师】 张群会; 张义宽;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在地质开采、石油勘探、地形模拟等领域,可视化技术有着十分重要的意义。应用三维地震数据体可视化技术,可以对原始地震测井数据做出正确解释,从而得到矿藏是否存在、位置和储量等重要信息。借助于三维地形网格可视化技术,可以更准确地描述地形的起伏变化。 体绘制的传统算法是光线投射法,由于地震数据量大而绘制速度太慢,本文在借鉴一些改进算法的基础上,结合地震数据的特点,提出了一种基于图像空间的逆视变换的加速光线投射算法,实验结果表明该算法在保证相同图像效果的同时,具有明显的速度优势。三维网格显示中的网格消隐与断线处理一直是网格可视化技术中的难点,本文结合三维地形网格的特点,提出了一种新的网格可视化算法——切片多边形区域填充法,在实验结果对比中,无论是算法复杂度还是显示效果上都明显优于浮动水平面法。 本文以研究三维地震数据体和三维地形网格的可视化算法为主要目的,讨论了三维地震地形数据体的交互可视化系统。本系统主要实现了三维地震数据体的直接交互显示、三组正交切片的交互显示、任意角度的切面交互显示和三维地形网格数据的交互显示。

【Abstract】 Scientific Visualization is an important technology in the fields of exploitation of geoloy and petroleum, reconstruction of 3-D topography. Application the Scientific Visualization technology of 3-D seismic data, researchers can interpret original seismic data exactly, so can get the important information of position and reserves of mineral resources. Also application the Scientific Visualization technology of 3-D grid data of topography, researchers can get the wave of topography.The traditional algorithm of Volume Rendering is Ray-Casting, not a proper algorithm for the large 3-D seismic data, referring some improved method and considering the characteristic of seismic data, a new fast Ray-Casting algorithm of oriented image space and negative-view transform was brought forward. As a result, this algorithm excels the traditional obviously by speed with image quality in experiment. Grid hiding and break line cut are difficult point in displaying of 3-D grid data, the thesis also presented a new visualizing algorithm applicable for 3-D grid data of topography-Sliced Polygon Filling. The experiment result shown, contrasting to Floating Level, this algorithm excels in both time complication and effect of grid hiding and break line cut.Aiming at studying algorithm of 3-D seismic data and 3-D grid data of topography, a interactive visualization system of 3-D seismic and topography data was discussed. The system main realized interactive rendering of 3-D seismic data, interactive rendering of three crossed slices, interactive rendering of rand-cutting face and interactive rendering of 3-D topography grid data.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】655

