

Intelligent Controlling System of Arc Furnace Based on ANN

【作者】 王征

【导师】 汪梅;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文结合实际情况和用户的需求,在电炉计算机控制系统中,应用2台工控机。一台工控机作为基础级(基础自动化)控制,完成专家系统+神经网络预估,实现电极升降控制,另一台工控机作为过程级工作站,显示曲线、数据,对基础级传来的各种工艺参数进行分析、计算、优化。 本文首先针对电炉的执行机构的调节总是滞后于电弧炉实际状态的变化,加上电弧炉神经网络预估模型,通过它预估出电弧炉下一时刻的状态,使电弧电流能达到一种相对的极稳状态,减少无功功率冲击。同时利用此方法也可对各种原有的控制系统进行智能化改造,降低了费用,是一种低投入高产出的方法。监控系统从现场进行数据采集,将采集的数据送往PLC进行调节,并将PLC采集的数据进行分析,利用其强大的分析计算能力(各种高级语言进行支持)将最优的控制参数计算出来传给下位机进行控制。之后经过应用程序传到数据库进行管理,上位机部分主要承担整个系统的管理、分析、计算、统计、报表打印、画面显示和通讯等工作。本系统组网采用国际上普遍受欢迎的二级控制,即上位机与PLC建立网络联网,同时上位机作为工业以太网的网上站点通过TCP/IP协议与其它站点进行通讯。 本系统合理控制三相电流、三相功率的大小,从而电极能够实时、快速、准确地按照冶炼工艺要求进行调节,使电弧功率稳定在一定的范围内,获得期望的控制效果。上位机对基础级控制参数进行及时修正和干预,实时监控设备及报警,达到控制灵活的功能。

【Abstract】 An automatically controlling system of arc furnace has used two industrial computers in this paper, based on the fact and requires of customs. One computer achieves electrode lifter controlling as basal automatic control, with expert system and neural network predicting model; the other computer shows trends and data as processing workstation, analyzing, calculating and optimizing technical parameters from basal control.Owing to the delay in change of regulation of executing agency with respect to changes in realistic state, arc furnace is predicted the state in the next time, with NN predicting model, so that the current wins comparative stabilization and impact of trashy power is reduced. This is a way of winning much output with little input, that can change intelligentized intrinsic system and reduce charge. This system sends data gathering from scene to PLC to regulate and analyze, and achieves optimization parameters to send to PLC to control, in virtual of the powerful capacity of analyzing and calculating. Then the data are sent to data-base to manage. The host is charged with managing, analyzing, calculating, counting, report-printing, menu-displaying and communicating. The system uses the popular double-deck controlling, namely the host communicates online with PLC, at the same time it communicates with other stations by TCP/IP protocol.The electrodes regulate timely, quickly and true, with controlling three-phase voltage and current, so that power is stable comparatively. The host correct and intervene timely the basal control parameters and reach the result of flexible controlling.

【关键词】 监控系统预估模型上位机
【Key words】 Supervisor SystemNN Predicting ModelHost
  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】314

