

Study on Industrial Cluster of Small and Medium-sized Sci-tech Enterprises in Xi’an

【作者】 吕靖烨

【导师】 孙红湘;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以西安科技型中小企业产业集聚研究为主题,从理论探索、实证研究和策略分析三个方面进行研究。 本文首先分析了科技型中小企业的划分标准,并结合西安的实际情况定义了科技型中小企业。在基本理论部分,较为详细地研究了产业集聚的含义、形成原因和发展类型,并对科技型中小企业产业集聚发展的新特点、波特的影响产业集聚因素和科技型中小企业产业集聚的经济效应进行了分析。 其次,本文对西安科技型中小企业产业集聚发展进行了实证研究:第一,分析了西安科技型中小企业产业集聚从市场自发形成到政府扶持发展的两个阶段,通过对西安4000多家科技型中小企业的统计,显示了其集聚在主要以软件业为代表的电子信息产业、生物医药产业、光机电一体化产业和环保产业这四个领域。第二,结合专家评价找出了影响西安科技型中小企业产业集聚的主要因素,确定了不同影响因素的权重和重要度,并对西安和典型城市北京、深圳、成都的科技型中小企业的发展环境进行了比较分析,研究表明科技是西安最具优势的因素。根据评价结果,提出了西安科技型中小企业产业集聚主要存在的问题。第三,本文运用层次分析法对西安科技型中小企业最有利于产业集聚发展的重点行业进行了排序,指出电子信息产业是最有利于产业集聚发展的产业。在上述研究的基础上,本文提出西安科技型中小企业产业集聚应该建立横向的、纵向的和混合型的专业化分工、合作与竞争机制,并以软件业为例,研究了软件业中小企业产业集聚的发展机制。 本文最后提出了六点促进西安科技型中小企业产业集聚发展的策略,指出政府应率先转变思想、积极创新,加强专业孵化器建设,创造良好的外部环境;应加强“官产学研”的交流合作,促进西安科技型中小企业产业集聚的溢出效应的发挥;应该结合西安的科技比较优势,利用科技型中小企业产业集聚增长极效应,改造西安传统产业,并大力开拓新兴产业,最终促进我省“一线两带”的建设的发展。

【Abstract】 The paper analyses Industrial Cluster of Small and Medium-sized Sci-tech Enterprises in Xi’an (ICSMSTEX) in three respects: theory exploration, positive research and strategy design.At first with the help of the research of the clarifying standard of small and medium-sized sci-tech enterprises, it gives the definition of such enterprise under considering the fact of Xi’an. In basic theory part, it points out the theory of industrial cluster including reasons of development and categories, and also stress the new characters of cluster, diamonds model of Port, so as to research the economic effect of cluster.In the positive research section, the paper studies mainly clustering areas of small and medium-sized sci-tech enterprises in Xi’ an by the statistics of Xi’ an High-tech Zone, which indicates the industries, including the Information technology (IT), especially the software, the biological & Pharmaceutical, the Optic-electronic-mechanical integration and the Environment protection, are dominant industries of cluster. With the help of experts’ evaluation, it researches the important factors that influence of ICSMSTEX and the weight and degree of importance of each factor. It shows that science and technology is the comparison advantage in Xi’ an by the research of other three typical cities, Beijing, Shenzhen and Chengdu. The conclusion of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) points out that IT industry is the most advantageous industry for the development of ICSMSTEX. However it also gives the main problems of ICSMSTEX and suggests that the lateral, longitudinal and miXi’ure economic ties should be built in order to promote ICSMSTEX, the example of software was given in the neXi’ part.The conclusion can be drawn at last, that the government should change the idea firstly to innovate the function of good services. Specialized incubators are necessary out come of the development of general incubators and will even further meet the requirement of ICSMSTEX. The High-tech Zone should continue to provide enterprises overall qualityservices so as to better foster innovative and market-competitive. To make full use of advantages of spillover effect of ICSMSTEX, ties among government, enterprises, colleges and institutes, should be set up. ICSMSTEX is a very important development pole to equip traditional industries with high technology and to enhance the economic standard of Shaanxi province.

  • 【分类号】F276.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】822

