

Research of Integration System of Information and Control Based on FCS

【作者】 吴化柱

【导师】 乔毅; 袁爱进;

【作者基本信息】 大连铁道学院 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 现场总线的产生和发展引发了工业控制领域的一场革命。现场总线以其全数字、全分散、全开放的特点适应了工业控制现场的分散化、网络化和智能化的发展趋势而成为控制领域的一个热点,基于现场总线的信息控制一体化系统正在逐步取代传统控制系统,而走在学科发展的前沿并产生巨大的社会和经济效益。如今,正逢我国处于新技术改造和产品的升级换代期间,将先进的科研成果向实际应用阶段转化以实现我国由“工业经济”向“信息经济”的转变已显得尤为关键和迫切,本课题正是在这种产业背景和技术背景下面向实际应用而展开的。 间歇生产过程(又称批量生产过程)是工业生产中广泛采用的一种生产方式。间歇控制本身具有控制柔性度高、控制策略灵活、多种控制方式并存、开关量控制与模拟量控制并重等特点和难点,相关设备状态联锁条件严格,对控制系统提出了更高的要求。同时,现代工业控制现场的规模越来越大,而且生产过程中需要大量的传感器、执行器、调节器等相关设备,它们相对分散且分布在非常广泛的范围内。所以,对现场设备状态的监控、生产过程的自动实现和对现场数据的采集、处理和传送成为信息控制一体化系统功能的核心,而基于现场总线的信息控制一体化系统的研究为解决这类问题提供了新的方案和借鉴,并对整个工业现场控制都具有普遍的意义。 “本钢流体量数据采集、管理和活化炉监控系统”的特点是采集的点数多、地域分布广、系统能够自动监视网络故障和设备状态、控制任务繁重、具有典型的综合间歇控制的特点和要求,联锁条件严格。其特点完全符合了现代工业发展的网络化、分散化和智能化的发展趋势。文中论证了现场总线控制系统作为企业基层INTRANET数据采集监控网络和实现过程控制的优势,提出并论证了采用SHCAN2000型现场总线控制系统来设计和实现信息控制一体化在现场环境中应用的可行性。同时深入论述了SHCAN2000型系统的体系结构,系统应用过程中硬件设计、软件设计以及如何通过上微机编程和下位机组态大连铁道学院工学硕士学位论文来实现系统功能的。 本课题设计的基于现场总线的信息控制一体化系统已经在本钢集团得到了成功的应用,系统功能强大、控制效果好,智能程度高,在工业控制现场具有良好的推广应用价值。证明本文提出的实现方案设计合理,切实可行,为现场总线在工业控制领域的进一步应用作了有益的尝试。

【Abstract】 The occurrence and development of the field bus lead to a revolution in the area of industrial control. Featured by full-digitalization, full-dispersal and full-openness, field bus is now a "hot spot" because it adapts to the development trend for industrial control area of dispersal, network and intelligence. Based on the fact that, leading in the area, monitoring systems integrated by field bus information is gradually superseding conventional control systems, it produced substantially both social and economical benefits. It is urgent and important to turn research achievements into practical applications, realizing a transformation from "industrial economy" into"information economy", especially when new technological reformation and product generation upgrading occurred in China. The study in this paper is conducted on such an industrial and technological background.Productive process control has been a difficult problem for a long time. Characterized by long reaction process, by combustible, by strict interlock conditions, by heavy control duties, by high control flexibility, by flexible control strategy, by concurrence of various control modes, and by equally highlight switch on/off control & analog control etc.. higher requirements are imposed on the control system. In addition, larger scale of industrial control field and more relevant equipment, such as sensors, performers and actuators, which are distributed in a wide area, required in productive processes. Therefore it is crucial, for information integration of monitoring system, to strengthen the state control of field-used equipment and the field data acquisition, processing and transmission. This is of universal significance to the whole industrial field control, thus the data acquisition for field bus and application of the control system providing a new scheme for resolving problems of this kind.There is a practical application projects: s "fluid quantity data acquisition and administration system in Benxi Steel & Iron Group"(widelydistributed, more data acquisition points, being able to automatically supervise network faults); the other is "monitoring system for activation stove t "(typically general intermittence control, strict interlock conditions and heavy control duties), project featured by modern industrial development, ie. Network, dispersal and intelligence. Combining the characteristics of the above projects, a research topic is selected based on the application of data acquisition and control system to focus on the realization of integration information administration with control. The advantages are demonstrated for the realization of chemical engineering process control using field bus control system and for the data acquisition monitoring network based on enterprise workshop INTRANET. Adopting the SHCAN2000 field bus control system in designing and realizing data acquisition and monitoring system, its feasibility is elucidated for the application of the scheme to field environments. It is intensively dealt with the frame structure of the SHCAN2000, the hardware and software design in the application of the system and how to realize system functions through computer programming and off-computer configuration.On the basis of field bus, the data acquisition and control system designed in this study has successfully been put into use in Benxi Steel & Iron Group and Yinkou Xiangyang Chemical Plant. It is of high value to be widely used in industrial control practice due to its powerful functions, good control effects and high intelligence. It is proved that the scheme presented is reasonable and practical and is a beneficial attempt for further application of field control to the area of industrial control.

  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】87

