

The Animal Model Development of Syndrome of Earth-drying and Water-exhaustion in Rabbits

【作者】 李淼

【导师】 张喜奎;

【作者基本信息】 福建中医学院 , 中医临床基础, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:采用多因素联合造模的方法,研制家兔土燥水竭证动物模型。 材料与方法:将家兔随机分为空白对照组、病理模型组和模型验证组。空白对照组给以正常饲料喂养,自由进水。病理模型组和模型验证组给以拌有次碳酸铋的饲料喂养2天,于第2天禁水24小时,然后在自然状态下,以速尿注射液二次利尿脱水。病理模型组被随机分为内毒素攻毒一次组和内毒素攻毒二次组,内毒素攻毒一次组分别以低、中、高三种不同剂量内毒素攻毒,内毒素攻毒二次组于24小时后以相同剂量重复攻毒。各小组又随机分为A组和B组,其中A组为模型试验组,分别于攻毒前后以生理盐水灌胃;B组为模型治疗组,分别于攻毒前后以大承气汤灌胃。模型验证组对应各自的病理模型组,在造模的同时,即灌胃以大承气汤,空白对照组则以生理盐水实现上述操作。 结果:病理模型3组、5组和6组的实验动物及其模型验证组动物大部分死亡,其他各组的实验结果如下: 病理模型A组动物的腹围和体温均有明显的波动,其中以2A组的变化最为显著,同时A组的WBC计数、NO、MDA和MMS含量均有不同程度的升高,血浆SOD和-SH含量均有不同程度的降低;A组的全血、血浆比粘度、PAI-1含量均有升高,t-PA含量均有下降,同时伴有TxB2、6-keto-PGF和T/K值不同程度的升高;各病理模型组家兔的钾、钠含量均有不同程度的降低,模型验证组与空白对照组比较无差异或偶有差异(P<0.05),A组与B组分别比较均有显著差异(P<0.01或P<0.05),其中2A与2B组比较差异非常显著(P<0.01),2A组与1A和4A组比较差异显著(P<0.01或P<0.05)。病理形态大体观察:大部分病理模型组动物皮下和脏器组织有不同程度的点、片状肿胀和淤血,实验中死亡动物各种病理变化最为严重;光镜观察:各病理模型组动物肺、肝和结肠组织均有不同程度的细胞变性、坏死,组织充血、淤血,以及炎性细胞浸润,其中2A组病理变化最为显著和严重,B组和模型验证组变化较为轻微,各空白对照组未见明显病理改变。 结论:l、采用次碳酸秘、速尿和中等剂量内毒素一次攻毒联合造模的方法,制作的家兔病理模型,其主要症状、体征和病理变化与中医的“土燥水竭证”具有较强的相关性,故可以认为此种造模方法是成功的;2、急下存阴的大承气汤不仅可以有效地降低模型家兔的腹围、体温,减轻模型家兔的症状和体征,而且可以改善反映“土燥水竭证”病机特点的各种检测指标和病理改变。以方测证,则可反证此种造模方法可靠,所制作的家兔土燥水竭证动物模型是成功的。

【Abstract】 Purpose:To develop the animal model of Syndrome of Earth-drying and Water-exhaustion in rabbits by multifactor interventional methods.Methods:The experimental rabbits were divided into three groups randomly (Control group, Model group and Model-proving group).Normal feed was given to the animals of Control group, and the Bismuth Subcarbonate feed was given in Model groups for 2 days, no water in the second day; then Furosemide was injected venously twice for dehydration.The animals of the Model group were divided into 2 groups randomly(Endotoxin for 1-time Group and Endotoxin for 2-times Group). low, middle and high dosage of Endotoxin was injected venously respectively in Endotoxin for 1-time Group,then in Endotoxin for 2-times Group ,this manipulation was repeated after 24 hours with the same dosage .Group A and group B were divided northerly in each small group,of which group A was the model-experimenting group,group B was the model-treating group,before and after the injection of Endotoxin , the Normal Saline and Dachengqi Decoction were given orally in A and B groups separately .In the Model-proving groups ,the Dachengqi Decoction was given immediately after the Bismuth Subcarbonate , Furosemide and Endotoxin were administered,while the Normal Saline was given in the Control group for demands.Results: In the Group 3 , Group5 and Group 6,there all came the dead animals ,and the results of other groups were summarized as follows:There were obvious changes of temperature and abdominal circumference in the Model group A, of which Group 2A was the most serious one. The WBC counts and the contents of NO, MDA and MMS increased in various degrees in Group A ,whereas the contents of SOD and -SH decreased ; The contents of K and Na decreased in various degrees in Model groups ; In Model group A, the content of t-PA decreased while the content of PAI-1 increased to some extent, simultaneously the contents of TXB2, 6-keto-PGF1 and T/K value increased in various degrees. There were no or slight differences in most of Model-provinggroups when compared with the Control groups, while the significant difference were found between group A and group B(p<0.05 or p<0.01 ),especially the difference between group 2A and group 2B(p<0.01 ), and significant differences(p<0.05 or p<0.01 ) were found when compared group 2A with group 1A and group 4A respectively.Pathological observatiomof the Model groups,most animals had macular bleeding spots under the skin ,there were obvious tumefaction, congestion and hemorrhage in most of organs and tissues to some extent. The dead animals in this experiment had the most serious pathological changes. Microscopic observation:pathological changes were found in the lungs, livers and intestines with various degrees in the Model groups ,such as cellular degeneration and necrosis ,congestion and hemorrhage of the tissues,infiltration of inflammatory cells .The pathological changes of Group 2A was the most obvious and serious one, slight changes were found in the Model B groups and Model-proving groups, whereas there were no obvious pathological changes in the Control groups.Conclusion: 1 . Undergoing the multifactor intervention of the Bismuth Subcarbonate, Furosemide and middle dosage of Endotoxin for 1-time given, the course of the onset , the main sumptoms and signs and pathological changes of this Model group have the striking interrelationship with the "Syndrome of Earth-drying and Water-exhaustion" of the theories in TCM ,so this model-developing method can be believed successrul.2, The Dachengqi Decoction can not only decrease the temperature and the abdominal circumference, alleviate the symptoms and signs of the rabbits effectively, but also can improve various indexes and pathological changes which are accord with the pathological characteristics in TCM. Those results of the treatment have proved the existence of the model of "Syndrome of Earth-drying and Water-exhaustion", and also indicate the reliability of this model-developing method.

  • 【分类号】R-332
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】56

