

Technical Research and Development of Virtual Instrument Platform Software

【作者】 马志艳

【导师】 陈奎生; 闵华松;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 虚拟仪器技术以透明的方式把计算机的资源和仪器硬件的测控能力结合起来,其产生是计算机辅助测试技术发展的必然趋势,近年来国内外对虚拟仪器的研究开发以及虚拟仪器在各行各业的广泛应用表明了虚拟仪器的广阔前景。 随着计算机技术的飞速发展,人们对软件产品的质量和软件的生产速度都有了更高的要求,就虚拟仪器软件开发而言,主要体现在两个方面:一方面就是基于组件技术的虚拟仪器开发方法;另一个方面,就是如何提供一个组件“搭建”的平台,即虚拟仪器平台软件的开发。虽然国外已有仪器厂商开发出了虚拟仪器平台软件,但是深入研究虚拟仪器开发的关键技术及其实现方法,对于我国自力更生发展虚拟仪器仍具有积极的意义。 本文从软件工程的角度出发,对虚拟仪器平台软件的开发进行了研究和探讨。依据软件开发的瀑布模型,在经过可行性研究与需求分析之后,即着手对虚拟仪器平台软件进行了总体设计规划,并对组成虚拟工具箱的“部件库”进行了详细设计、编码与单元测试,为使个虚拟部件更为通用和标准化,还提出了将虚拟部件进行组件化的解决方案,另外,在解决计算机与测试系统之间的接口问题,作者提出了基于动态连接库(DLL)技术的数据采集卡驱动程序的统一封装以及与虚拟仪器软件的适配问题,最后,以某型号的电液伺服阀静态测试为例,应用本虚拟仪器软件,取得了较为满意的测试效果。 总的说来,本论文研究的主要问题有: 1.用户仪器的自定义和可设计性。 作为虚拟仪器平台软件的标志,软件平台必须为用户提供方便、尽可能全的设计模块。仪器可由用户自行设计,真正实现仪器功能由软件决定。 2.用于测试平台的组件开发 针对常用测试仪器,以虚拟示波器/信号发生器为例,对虚拟部件进行了详细设计,给出了虚拟示波器类的UML框图结构; 3.后台数据采集的硬件无关性 初步解决了具有统一函数格式的数据采集卡驱动程序的二次开发问题,为数据采集卡的更换提供了简洁的软件实现途径;

【Abstract】 Virtual Instruments technology combines the resource of computer with the ability of testing and controlling of Instrument hardware in a transparent way. The development of the Computer Aided Test technology gives the emerging of the VI an inevitability, on the other hand, the research and development on the VI and its widely applications in variety fields have been shown its vast perspectives.With the rapid developments of computer technology, higher requirement is expected both in the quality of software production and in the manufacturing speed of software, as far as the software of Virtual Instruments, showing in two ways: one is the study on component-based Virtual Instruments development; the other is how to provide a platform for using those components, that is to say, the development of virtual instruments platform software. Although such products are produced in the foreign countries, it also has positive meaning for development our own virtual instruments technology by deeply researching its key techniques and its realizing methods.The study and discuss on the development of virtual instruments platform software, from the view of software engineering, are included in this paper. According to the waterfall model, after analyzing the feasibility and demand, the author specified the whole frame and designed the virtual parts in detail. What’s more, to specify it, how to transfer the parts into components are also discussed. In addition, the author puts forward the resolving of data acquisition board driver uniform interface based on Dynamic Link Libraries. At last, taking the testing of electronic-hydraulic servo value as an example, the author applies this software to get satisfying results.In general, main problems researched in this paper are listed below:1. User definition instrument and designableAs the sign of platform, the software must give user convenient and complete virtual parts to design. User can define the function of virtual instrument.2. The development of components for testing platformFor common testing instruments, the author takes virtual oscillograph /signal generator as an example and designs the virtual parts in detail and gives its UML framework.3. Hardware-independence in data acquisitionThe problems of the secondary exploring of data acquisition card’s driver program are primarily solved. It gives a concise and convenient method to replace the data acquisition card.

  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】319

