

On the Relationship between Gong Zizhen’s Poem and His Personality

【作者】 于慧

【导师】 裴世俊;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 古代文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文分三部分来论述龚自珍诗与人格的关系。 第一部分,主要剖析龚自珍的人格。 首先,龚自珍的人格在类型上具有传统继承性。作为南方文化最早代表的庄子、屈原身上,都体现了对独立人格的追求与实践、对恶浊现实的不满与控诉以及表达方式上的天马行空、绮丽多姿;魏晋人格是庄、屈、儒在那一时代合流而形成的,它以情为核心,追求人格独立,精神自由;以苏轼为代表的唐宋士人人格,以儒家为本,兼取释、道两家,开始走向放达;晚明士人主情欲的浪漫心性,代表着个性解放思潮的兴起。龚自珍作为中国古代士人独立人格发展链条的一环,无疑从前贤那里接受了深刻的影响。其次,生理、心理特质以及人生经历的锻打,对人格生成起着决定性的作用。龚自珍敏感多情的心理特点,与对母亲的依恋有关,同时又是禀赋中生命哀凄之情的体现;他的纯挚干直一方面出于天性,一方面与他优裕宽松的生长环境有关,这种个性使他怯矫去伪、任情率性,这就是“童心”;家庭的培养使他才高志大,然而冷酷的现实又让他才华未施即理想告破。这种才命相妨的不幸主要是由他狂放的个性不见容于世所造成。现实生存的困境造成了他孤独、悲凉的心态,但他从未屈服,从未放弃社会责任感和对崇高理想的追求。第三,思想对个体人格的形成,起着决定性的作用。本文从清代嘉道之际的社会思潮入手,指明龚自珍思想的三个来源:考据学、今文经学和个性解放思想。这些思想经过能动地选择和整合,成为龚自珍先进的近代启蒙思想的基础。龚自珍思想的先进性决定了其人格的超越性:他在特殊的时代将儒家的奋发进取精神发挥到极致,产生了极具震撼力的现实效应,从而起到了重大历史作用;他又将顾炎武式的进取与晚明的个性张扬结合在一起,从而使其人格具备了历史超越性,就是说,近代型的人格至此已从古典人格中脱胎而出——性格独立、开放;思想活跃,极具批判精神;负有强烈的使命感,胸怀博大、思虑深广;行动积极果敢、富于创新意识。作为中国士人独立人格发展链条的一环,他的人格完成了由古代向近代的转变。综合上述三点,我们清楚地看到:龚自珍是一个极为复杂又极富魅力的人。他天资聪颖、学养深厚,志向高远、识见不凡;他积极进取、顽强奋争,执著理想、至死不渝。同时,他又多情善感、真纯坦诚,率性任情、洒脱不羁。龚自珍的人格是在个人秉性的基础上,杂揉历史积淀中诸因子而形成的,它以儒家风范为底色,以名士风流为表征,又具有个性解放的时代先进性。其人格构成要素丰富而驳杂,矛盾中又趋向统一,从而异彩纷呈、魅力四射。 第二部分,论述龚自珍诗的思想内容与其人格的关系。 龚自珍心理过程的内在逻辑是:焦虑—困惑—矛盾—超越。这四种要素之间相互连接、彼此渗透。第一,对世界现有样态的不满和由此而生的自我探问造成了他的焦虑。其焦虑在诗中集中体现为对夜和梦的偏好以及佛教“观心”式的自我探问。伴随焦虑而来的是对世界现有样态的怀疑,这就是困惑。困惑与诗人开放性的认知风格有关,而这种认知风格来自他天真坦率、自由不羁的个性。困惑在诗人身上造成的压力驱使他去寻找洞穿人生底蕴的新视角,从而改变既有的认知格局,并通过诗歌揭示出社会本相,体悟到人生真谛。第二,焦虑、困惑也是一种矛盾心态。诗人的自我探问容易产生对自我的分裂性体验,导致诗人的矛盾心态。剑与箫在诗中的对举,就是龚自珍矛盾心态的写照。又由于社会传统中主动性(主动承担的责任感)和受动性(内敛态度、明哲保身哲学)的矛盾在诗人心理中的作用,加强了矛盾的复杂性。这种矛盾主要体现于诗人在人生抉择中是执着进取,还是逃避退缩。焦虑、困惑、矛盾使龚自珍痛苦不安,然而徜徉在诗的自由境界中,他回复了“童心”,故能跳出平庸的常识看世界,窥见社会人生的真面目,从而也安顿了他那躁动不宁的灵魂,达到了对痛二却勺超越。龚诗中对幻想境界的描绘,即是这种超越感的反映。第三,龚自珍心理过程逻辑结构各要素在诗中的体现,有着共同的特点,就是都包含着自我对外部世界的认同性体验。它是一种写作态度或方式,依此方式,诗人是作为参与者而非旁观者去观察和描绘事物的。这种观察是他对外物的沉潜和浸淫;这种描绘则是从外物的跳脱,是个性化语言自由自在的舞蹈。从观察到描绘是诗人全部情思与个性由入到出的过程,因而诗作凝聚着诗人的自我人格力量和个人体悟的真理之光,从而获得了巨大的认识价值和审美价值。 第三部分,论述龚自珍诗歌艺术与其人格的关系。 第一,龚诗语言瑰丽璀璨、绚烂多姿。这涉及到他的诗文主张,他提倡行文既简要清通,又不能忽视文采,而应是文采与平易的结合。正是这种要求诗歌“面目不专一”的主张,令他的诗歌华彩纷披、别具一格。对华美文采的偏爱,文学遗产固然起到熏陶作用,而他细腻缠绵的唯美情怀则是更为内在的缘由。语言表述的平实畅达与早年文字学、经学的系统教育有关,也与他直率开放的个性、简朴散淡的做派相一致。第二,龚诗“情赴乎词”的特点来自他“

【Abstract】 This article chiefly discusses the relationship between Gong Zizhen’ s poems and his personality in three sections.The first section throws light on the reason for the building-up of Gong Zizhen’s personality. Personality is a complex dynamic system. It is built up for internal as well as external reasons. Firstly, times and tradition, as the external reason plays an important role in building up his personality. This article, beginning with the trend of thought in Jiaqing and Daoguang’ s time in the Qing Dynasty, displays three sources of Gong Zi-zhen’s ideas: textual research, Jinwen scriptural study and personality liberation, which form the basis of Gong Zizhen’s ideas through effective selection and combination. Gong Zizhen’s personality is typically traditional, which originates from Wei and Jin period when personality was a join-up from Zhuang Zhou, Qu Yuan and the Confucianist. Emotion as centre, it pursues personality independence and liberty. On the surface, it’ s evidently characterized by Zhuang Zhou and Qu Yuan, but in fact by Confucianist. Heir of independence and emotion of early Wei and Jin period and successor of personality liberation of the late Ming Dynasty, Gong Zi-Zhen, acting on the calls of time, accomplished the transition from Ancient Times to Modern Times as the last link in the chain of personality development. Secondly, the internal reasons like biology, psychology and grinding experience of life have the decisive effect on the building-up of personality. Gong Zizhen’ s being sentimental owes to love for his mother and incarnation of feelings of life. His open and pure character forms on the one hand from his nature and on the other hand from his superior living condition, which makes him open and frank with "childlike innocence" beyond pretension. Deep in his sentimental and pure, he developed Theory of Childlike Innocence and On Respecting Sentiment, and on this basis, he put forward Respect Heart , only to protect self-dignity as a human being and give a forceful blow to the binding theory of Song and Ming Dynasty. Family trained him to be talented and ambitious while cruelreality ruined that. This misfortune resulted from his arrogance in personality and intolerance of the rotten society. Frustration made him lonely, sad, and rebellious in personality.The second section tells about the relationship between his idea in the poems and his personality. The internal logic in Gong Zizhen’ s psychological process is: anxiety -puzzle -contradiction-surmount. These four factors interact and influence each other. Firstly, dissatisfactions with himself and self-inquiry on this led him to anxiety which lay in his preference for nights and dreams as well as in a religious self-inquiry. Secondly, anxiety is followed by puzzle coming from his doubt on his views of the world .This puzzle has some relation to his open nature and style which is relation to his personality such as innocence and liberty. This puzzle pressed him to look into life, discover the nature of society and sense the true meaning of life. Thirdly, anxiety and puzzle is some kind of contradictory feeling, His self-inquiry is liable to experience to self-split which results in his contradictory mind and behavior. The contrast between sword and flute in the poems is a reflection of this contradiction, which lies in a choice in life, to be keenly progressive or to be escapist. Fourthly, anxiety .puzzle and contradiction made Gong Zizhen upset, whereas walking in the liberty of poems he reverted to "childlike innocence" . He went out of his way to view the world and pursue its truth, thus comforting his uneasy soul and surmounting his pains. Gong’s poems showed a fantastic description which reflected this surmount. Viewing totally the logic structure of psychology and the expressions in poems, we find their common characteristics: All contains an experience of self-acknowledge . It is an attitude as well as a mode to transfer subjective to objective. Depending on this, he observes and describes thing as a participant inst

【关键词】 人格心理思想内容艺术
【Key words】 personalitypsychologythoughtart
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】523

