

On the Training of Self-discipline Spirit of Students in College of Internet Society

【作者】 王照华

【导师】 戚万学;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 网络自上世纪九十年代以来,在全球各地迅猛发展,成为集报刊、广播、电视之后第四大传媒,它为人们的行为、思维乃至社会结构注入了新的内容和形式,引起整个社会生产生活方式的深刻变化,从而形成一种由人、机器、信息源之间相互联结而成的新型虚拟空间即网络社会,它以其自由性、开放性、虚拟性、非人性化的特点深深吸引着大学生,并对大学生的思想观念、价值取向、行为方式等方面产生了深刻的影响。但是网络又是一把双刃剑,它在给人们带来巨大而深远影响的同时,也给大学生带来了诸多的负面影响。本文引据了一些调查数据说明,网络社会引发大学生的价值冲突,使其道德观念模糊,道德责任感淡化,网络犯罪现象也日益增多。 面对网络社会对大学生的负面影响,教育界应当引起高度的重视。大学生在网络社会中的种种不良表现,使传统的高校道德教育面临着前所未有的冲击和挑战。反思现行的学校德育,无论在教育理念、教育内容,还是教育方式上都存在着与网络社会道德不相适应的种种弊端。大学生之所以在网络社会中出现大量失范行为,其中一个重要原因就是学校道德教育的他律性与网络社会道德行为自律性存在着矛盾。因此笔者认为,要解决这一矛盾,就要加强大学生自律精神的培养。 追溯中外道德教育史,我们会发现对自律的研究和探索始终是贯穿西方道德教育史的一支主线。马克思、康德、杜威、威尔逊、柯尔伯格等教育思想家对自律问题都进行了多方面的研究和探讨,他们普遍认为人的道德发展的基本规律是从他律向自律发展的过程,自律是道德发展的最高境界,是道德教育的本质和内在要求,道德教育的最终目标就是要培养道德主体的自律。我国的教育思想史源远流长,对自律的研究也由来已久。早在春秋战国时期,儒家就极为重视道德修养,提出修身正己的思想,在修养方法上强调克己、内省,将慎独作为个人道德修养的最高境界和最高目标。随着计算机的迅速普及和网络的飞速发展,中外伦理界人士和有关机构在此方面进行了大量的理论研究和实践探索,将网络法律无法规范的、技术又难以解决的问题试图通过加强网络公民的道德自律得以解决,这些都足以表明自律在道德教育中的重要地位和作用。 在网络社会中强调自律精神的培养,还在于网络社会与自律精神有着内在统一的关系。首先网络社会的道德是以慎独为特征的道德自律,自律精神与网络社会所倡导的自由是相辅相成的,它可以有效的防止和减少网络大学生失范行为的发生,保障网络秩序的健康发展。因此,自律精神是网络社会大学生道德的必然选择。 从以上论述来看,大学生自律精神的培养是网络社会学校德育的合理选择和最终目标。笔者认为,在大学生的自律精神的培养过程中,学校德育要采取一种综合的方法。首先要确立大学生网络道德主体地位的教育观念。因为道德具有主体性特征,没有了主体就无所谓道德,也就更谈不上自律,特别在网络社会中大学生被符号异化的情况下,更要确立这一教育目标,这是大学生自律精神培养的前提和基础;其次,学校道德教育在内容上要进行调整和更新,对大学生要进行网络道德教育和道德责任教育,通过开设网络道德教育课程,加强网络法制教育,制定完善的网络道德行为规范,来提高大学生的道德认知水平,培养大学生良好的行为习惯,树立正确的网络道德观;再次,学校在道德教育方式上要变道德认知的灌输为道德能力的提高,变外部的强制力为自我意识的发展,变单一的封闭式德育为多样的开放式德育,变理论的训导为主体实践活动的践行;最后,在加强大学生自律精神培养的同时,还要将自律教育与他律管理结合起来,加强网络技术监控和法律惩治等他律机制,为大学生自律精神的培养创造一个良好的外部环境,使网络社会在有序中健康协调发展。

【Abstract】 Since the 1990s, internet has developed rapidly everywhere in the whole world, and become the fourth biggest media following the newspapers ,broadcast and television, pouring new content and form into people’s behavior, thought and even the social structure , it has caused great changes to the production and living style of the whole society, and thus formed a new-type invented space interrelated to man , machine and information source -the internet society . characterized by its freedom, openness, inventedness and non-humanity, internet has a strong appeal to college students, and has a profound effect on their modes of thought, incline to value and patterns of conduct. On the other hand, internet is like a double-blade sword that has brought them a lot of negative effects besides its positive ones. This thesis, based on numerous investigated data, indicates that the internet society leads to the value conflict of the college students, who are made to become vague about their moral concepts and indifferent to their moral concepts and indifferent to their moral responsibility. At the same time , the internet crimes increase day by day.It should be taken seriously by the educational circle that the internet society has produced negative impact on the college students. The adverse effects have made the traditional education in ethics faced with attack and challenge. Considering the education in ethics in force, there exist a variety of maladies which can not suit the morality in the internet society whether in the concept, content or in the method of education. One of the major reasons the students commit a great many substandard behaviors is that other-discipline inthe moral education contradict the self-discipline of the moral behavior in the internet society. Therefore, in order to solve the problem, it is necessary for us to strengthen cultivating their self-discipline.Tracing back to the history of the education in ethics both in china and foreign countries, we can find out that the Research of self-discipline is masterstroke of moral education in west. The theory has been developed and perfected through the arduous and sustained efforts by the educators Marxism, J.Wilson ,Kohlberg.L who believe that the basic law of human moral development follows the course of other-discipline to self-discipline, the latter reaches the highest ideals of moral development. The final objective of moral subject, for the basis of morality is the self-discipline of human spirits, and the morality which is lack of self-discipline is not the one in a real sense. The history of educational ideology in our country goes back to ancient times and the research to self- discipline is of long standing. In the spring and autumn and the warring states periods, the Confucianism attached importance to moral accomplishment. They put forward the thought of cultivating one’s moral character, stressed restraining oneself and introspection in the approach, and regarded being careful of oneself when alone as the highest ideals and aim of his moral accomplishment. Alongside popularization of the computers and rapid strides of internet, the problems, which the internet law fails to standardize and technology is difficult to solve, are tried to be settled by reinforcement of the moral self-discipline of the internet people, the ethnical personage and the concerned organizations at home and abroad have made a great deal of theoretical researches and practice explorations, which lay a solid theoretical foundation for the cultivation of the self-discipline spirits of the college students.The reason that the cultivation of the self-discipline is stressed in the internet society is also that the internet society has the inner unitedrelationship with the self-discipline spirit. The morality in the internet society is a kind moral self-discipline characterized by being careful of oneself when alone, the self-discipline spirit and the freedom in the internet society complement each other. It can effectively prevent and eliminate the substa

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】603

