

Study on Lapsus in Middle School Mathematics Teaching and Countermeasures

【作者】 朱艳

【导师】 傅海伦;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 数学是中学一门重要的基础课程。如何更加有效地搞好数学教学工作是广大数学教育工作者一直关注的课题。本文从一个新视角——研究“数学教学失误”来透视数学教学问题,探讨其影响数学教学功能得以正常发挥的原因、后果及其相应的对策。 近年来,在数学教学方面的研究成果非常丰富,但是对数学教学失误问题的研究却是比较少的。在对“中国期刊全文数据库”(1994年—2002年)检索中发现,篇名与“数学教学”有关的论文有6610篇,而篇名与“数学教学失误”有关的论文却只有4篇,因此研究中学数学教学失误问题是数学教学理论研究的一个新领域,对增强数学教学的实效性,进一步落实素质教育和新课程改革的要求具有重要的现实意义。 本文所研究的中学数学教学失误,是指中学数学教师在教学理念、教学原则、教学方法、教学手段、教学内容和教学评价等方面不符合数学教学客观规律的要求,从而导致在教学过程中出现的偏离和失调状态。它使数学教学功能不能得到正常发挥,无法达到预期的教学效果,造成学生不能形成应有的数学素养,甚至影响到学生的全面发展。 本文以造成数学教学失误的主体——数学教师的教学活动过程为线索,把中学数学教学失误问题相应地划分为四大类并分类剖析:①教学目标确定的失误:表现在对数学教学策略中的“正态分布论”认识上失误;把数学仅当作一门技能性学科;把数学教学看成思维结果教学。②教学内容处理的失误:表现在数学教学中缺乏人文精神的体现;缺乏数学史的渗透;在数学教学语言、解题教学、作业教学等方面存在失误。③教学方式选择的失误:表现在启发式教学的运用、数学课堂设问方式、多媒体辅助教学、数学教学模式推广等方面存在失误。④对学生学业成绩评价的失误:表现在评价目的异化,评价内容片面,评价缺乏客观性,忽视了评价者与被评价者之间的交流。 数学教学失误问题会直接影响到学生良好数学素养的养成。在分类剖析的基础上,本文研究了中学数学教学失误造成的四个方面的不良后果:①数学课堂教学有效性缺失:表现在会造成班级学生学习机会差异悬殊;课堂教学密度大、质量差;学生数学知识迁移能力差。②数学课堂教学创造性缺失:表现在过教学中分强调知识的系统性、逻辑性、工具 性,缺乏应有的生活意义和生命价值;教学中过分看重结果,严重抑制了学生的创造性发 挥。③数学课堂教学主体性缺失:表现在教学中学生主体性自主活动整体缺乏,学生间交 流不足。④数学课堂教学情感性缺失:表现在重视数学知识的传授和技能的训练,忽视了 学生“情商”的培养。 基于以上探讨,根据有关教育教学理论研究成果,并结合调研分析及教学实践经验, 本文着重从数学教师的教学观念、数学教育中的人文价值观、教学模式推广、数学教学语 言、解题教学、作业教学、多媒体辅助教学及学生学业评价等八个方面提出了克服中学数 学教学失误的相应对策。主要是:①数学教师观念的更新是克服数学教学失误的重要前提, 要树立新型的数学学习观和教学观。②在人文价值的体现方面,数学教师应提高自身的数 学素养,要融数学史于数学教学中,在数学教学中渗透科学人文精神。③在数学教学语一言 方面,要做到科学准确、言简意赅、形象有趣、通俗易懂;体态语言要使用得当,恰到好 处;板书作为书面语言,要具有层次性、目的性、计划性、示范性。④克服数学解题教学 失误的主要策略是:注重从例题的问题情境和解题方法中抽象出策略性知识;解题教学中 要充分体现数学思想方法;注重数学解题思维过程的教学,适当体现一些错误思维的暴露 和纠正过程。⑤在数学作业教学中要做到作业形式多样化、作业内容层次化、作业评价要 及时反馈。⑥解决数学教学中多媒体技术应用失误的主要策略是:正确认识多媒体的作用, 明确目标,扎实备课;数学教师要全面掌握现代教育技术,成为多媒体辅助教学的主体; 在应用方面注意媒体的结合,优化结构,增强交互,通过教学实效检验,逐步完善课件。 ⑦在防止数学教学模式推广失误方面要把握两点:一是要研究“模式”,防止“模式”化; 二是超越“模式”,发展个性。⑧在数学教学中要以实证化评价与人文化评价、定量方法 与定性方法相结合的办法,建立合理的学生学业评价体系。 为了进一步验证本文研究结论的科学性,作者在济南第二十七中学对解决中学数学解 题教学和作业教学失误的对策进行了实验研究。实验结果表明作者所提出的对策对于提高 学生学习数学的兴趣和学习能力作用显著。各项指标与本文的研究结论基本一致。

【Abstract】 Mathematics is an important basic course in middle schools. How to carry out mathematics teaching in a more effective way has long been a subject that many math teachers have paid close attention to. This paper, from a new perspective, tries to probe into mathematics teaching issues by studying mathematics teaching lapsus, so as to discuss the effects, causes and consequences brought about by the lapsus, and the corresponding countermeasures in mathematics teaching.In recent years, abundant research has been done in mathematics teaching. However, the study on teaching lapsus in mathematics instruction is comparatively few. Searching the Chinese periodical full text database (1994 - 2002), one comes up with 6610 theses on mathematics instruction. But there are only four theses related to "mathematics teaching lapsus", which means it is a new field in the theoretical study of middle school mathematics teaching. The study would be of practical significance for strengthening substantial results in math learning and instruction, and for further implementing quality-oriented education and the new course reform.What is referred to as middle school mathematics teaching lapsus is, among the math teachers in middle schools, the teaching theory, teaching method, teaching practice and teaching assessment that fail to meet the demands of the objective laws of mathematics instruction, thus leading to certain departure and maladjustment in the course of teaching. This failure not only hinders the normal function of teaching, resulting in a lack of proper mathematics adequacy among the students, but also brings about delayed and even blocked physical and psychological development among the students.Focusing on the teachers as the principal parts who are responsible for the lapsus in mathematics instruction, the paper classifies the lapsus into four categories and deals with each of them in an analytical way: ㎜apsus in the teaching goal of mathematics, which manifests the mistaken idea regarding the so-called "normal distribution theory" in mathematics teaching strategies-taking mathematics only as a discipline on skill training, regarding mathematics teaching as the result of mental work. ㎜apsus in organizing the instruction, which shows a lack of humanism spirit in mathematics teaching; the absence of the education of the mathematics history; lapsus in mathematics LOGO, problem solution, assignment, etc. (3) Lapsus in the choice of the teaching modes, which reveals inadequacy in heuristic educational practice, mathematics classroom question design, multimedia-assisted teaching andpopularization of mathematics teaching modes. (4)Lapsus in assessment, which shows an alienation from the right appraising purpose, one-sided appraisal contents, lack of appraisal objectivity, ignoring the interaction between estimators and those being appraised.The lapsus in mathematics teaching has a direct side effect on the formation of student’s good mathematics accomplishment. This paper focuses on the discussion of the four negative consequences caused by the lapsus in mathematics teaching in middle schools: (1)Shortage of validity in math classroom instruction, resulting in a great difference in learning opportunities for different students as well as heavy density and poor quality of classroom instruction, hence inadequate knowledge transferring ability among the students. (2)Absence of creativity in classroom instruction of mathematics, displaying an excessive emphasis on the so-called systematicness, logics and instrumentalness of knowledge, while lacking the due life meaning and life value; emphasizing excessively the teaching results, thus seriously suppressing the full play of the students’ creativeness. (3) Entity disappearance in classroom instruction of mathematics, which shows total absence of self-motivated activities among the students as principal learning parts as well as insufficiency in student intercommunion. (4)Lack of emotion in the classroom instruction of mathematics: showing an emphasis on mathematics knowle

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1009

