

Improving the Administration of the Classroom to Implement the Method of Co-Teaching

【作者】 杜树佳

【导师】 赵承福;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育管理, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 在现实环境中,许多高中为了自身的生存和发展,提出了“将学校当作企业来经营”的管理观念。学校管理的主要目标,就是追求升学率。对教师实行了“控制型”管理,学生的考试成绩成为评价教师工作好坏的主要依据,并将其与教师的工资、职称评定挂钩,教师在课堂教学中注重的自然就是与考试有关的知识点。教学模式单一,教学任务极大地简化了,变成了可操作性步骤:拟订详细的讲课提纲,收集模拟试题,将重点、疑难点问题做成讲义发给学生,组织学生反复练习,最后烂熟于心。为了追求“教学效率”课堂管理也就成为对课堂违纪行为的严格控制,并在控制过程中,不断地标定并制造着偏差学生,人为地造成了英语教学两极分化严重的现象。教学模式是根据教育科学理论,对教学实践的一种提炼、概括,是沟通教学理论和教学实践的桥梁,是随着教学理论的发展而产生的。但“合作教学”模式的产生,则是20世纪60年代美英等国为了满足教育民主化的要求,适应有特殊学习需要的儿童离开特殊学校重新回到普通班级与同龄的正常儿童一起受教育的教育形势,让特殊教育教师走进普通课堂与普通教师相互合作,共同承担教育全班学生的责任。后来发展成为一种在普通班里满足学习成绩参差不齐、学习需要多样化的特殊教学策略与技巧。强调师生、生生合作互动,这些形式恰恰与外语学习理论及方法相一致。语言学习理论认为:成功的语言学习是交际的副产品,交际能力只有在语言运用过程中才能逐步培养出来。而通过交际使学生无意识地接触语言系统,比通过教学有意识地学得语言的效率高。合作教学中通过小组讨论、生生合作的方式,能营造一种语言运用氛围,使学习与习得相得益漳,也使学生能随时获得教师和同学的协助。有效地提升其语言能力,感受成功的喜悦,激发学生的学习热情,树立其学习自信心,利于新英语课程标准的位断于。。为了这也有 本研究本着从实际出发的原则,结合高中教育教学现状,以问卷调查为主,辅之以随机访谈,就“合作教学”中的如下问题:1、关于/J、组戊叮分问题;2、组员间的分工与小组控制问题;3、师生“合作”的具体内容;4、关于课堂教学各组成部分的顺序问题;5、“合作教学”的评价问题;6、“合作教学”对改变两极分化的效果问题;7、关于学生在“合作学习”中对学习策略的使用问题;8、课堂教学管理问题,又长致师和学生分别进行了调查、访谈。在对两者相互印证的基础上,对合作教学模式的诸多因素进行了分析;9、又们彭响教师积极J胜问题,主要采用了开放式问卷及对教师的随机访谈,对如何攻进管理来提高教育教学水平进行了探讨。 通过又樱据及访断己录分析,本研究发现,在教学实践中由于教师对合作教学模式理解上的分歧,使该模式远没有发挥其应有的效用。主要是:1、对小红戊g分标准称书沮内学生合作如何调控的意见不统一,使组内讨论流于形式,没有充分发挥学生的学习主体性;2、受学校力学目标的影响,教师的教育理念仍然停留在教学就是教学生学知识上,忽略了师生情感的交流,导致合作教学中应有的有利于语言学习的“语境”因素没有发挥作用;3、教师将课堂管理定位于维持课堂纪律,人为地造成了师生的又士立,没有通过适当的课堂管理来发扬教学民主,吸引学生主动参与到教学活动中来。上述结果可能主要由各高中为了应对学校所面临的力、学环境,所采取的管理方式引起的教师又创果堂教学的目标定位决定的,加之我国受前苏联的影响,又创果堂管理的理论研究不重视。 本研究表明,通过采用“合作教学”激发学生主体参与精神,高中英语教学两极分化现象是可以改变的。首先要转变学校管理者的管理理念,充分调动教师的教学积极性,将教学管理的重点从又教致师的“控制”转向又中攀生的“学”的引导上。这就要求学校领导针对教师的职业特点,尊重教师的个性化教学,给教师一个相对自由、民主的工作环境,鼓励教师进行教育科研,提升教师的教学能力,使教师乐教、会教,创造性地教,真正发挥教师在教学中的主导作用。注重学生学习心理的调控,研究学生的发展特J点,为学生创造良好的学习环境,使各个层次的学生愿学、会学,真正成为学习主体。其次,加强与合作教学有.关的课堂管理研究,改变教师集体备课只备知识点的现状,将课堂管理也作为集体备课的主要内容。在课堂教学过程中,灵活使用各种有效管理手段,保持学生的注意力,唤起学生的学习自信心。

【Abstract】 Under the keen competitive educational conditions, many headmasters on senior middle school run the schools as administrating enterprises in order to make the schools develop quickly, Their administrative purpose is to pursue the high proportion of students entering Universities .So they treat the teachers as the employees and judge the teachers’ value just by the students grades in the exams. Finally they connect the grades with the teachers’ salary, the professional post’s appraisal and soon, In such atmosphere, the teachers have to pay more attention to the language points in the classroom teaching .The important things in the teaching programs are to detail the outlines for the language knowledge ,to collect the good examination questions ,and print them in the papers as the teaching materials .Then the teachers force the students to read and learn them by heart .The teachers won’t waste time in reforming the method of teaching ,what they want is the high teaching efficiency by controlling the learning action with strict class disciplines. In the course of teaching, the teachers mark the students with "the good" and the "the stupid" according to the grades .So the polarization in English learning is becoming worse and worse.An English teaching method is the very mode and means in produced with thedevelopment of some educational theory. But the birth of the "Co-teaching method’ is another thing .In the 1960s, the governments in America and England wanted to meet the people’s demands of democratic rights in education that the children with disabilities can study in the junior middle schools with the healthy children of an age, thy had the special teachers work with the teachers from the ordinary school in the same classroom. Soon it became an special approach to satisfy the different needs of the various students’ study. The co-teaching emphasizes the co-action of the teachers and the students .The distinguishing features of the method are suitable for English teaching .In some English learning theory, the experts believe that the successful language learning is the by -product of communication, the students communicative abilities can be cultivated by using the language, and it is less efficient to learning language purposely in the classroom .It can create a proper language conditions that mix the learning consciously with grasping it unconsciously by the students discussing in groups, and the students can get the help of the teachers and the classmates in the co-teaching. So the students can master the practical ability to communicate in the target language, and proud or their own progress in English study .The students will help each other in order to arouse their enthusiasm for learning English and establish the self-confidence, so the teachers must pay attention to the course appraising. Such things are beneficial to carrying out the new English Curriculum criterions.In line with the actual English teaching states the research mainly employs thequestionnaire method and the auxiliary random interview with the teachers and students to discuss the followings.1 .the division of the groups; 2.the division of the students’ individual tasks in the co-learning and how to control the process; 3.the detail contents in the classroom teaching; 4.the order of the teaching process; S.the appraisal of the co-teaching ; 6. the effect on the polarization ’s changing; 7.the level of learning strategies in English employed by the students ; S.the management of the classroom teaching ; 9.How to enhance the teachers ’ enthusiasm by improving the level of the administration.The findings of this research indicates that we can’t bring the efficient method of teaching into full play, owing to the divergence of the teachers’ view on the co-teaching as follows: 1.the students won’t participate in the co-learning initiatively for the teachers’ divergence of the grope division and the management of the classroom teaching .2.teachers neglect the feeling interflow with the students because of their unchanged ra

  • 【分类号】G424.2
  • 【被引频次】1
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