

【作者】 王冰

【导师】 卢少军;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中学思想政治课是对中学生系统进行公民品德教育和马克思主义常识教育的必修课程,它承担着中学德育工作的主要途径的特殊使命。如何对学生进行有效的道德教育,如何展现课堂的吸引力,使思想政治课“焕发课堂的生命活力”是思想政治学科教学的热点问题。思想政治课教学要想摆脱困境,必须“与时俱进”,从当代先进的教育理论中吸取营养,从现实教育改革实践中获取灵感。本文选取了“课堂”这一独特的视角,以主体性教育理论为指导,提出了建构思想政治课学生主体课堂的理念,并进行了一些初步的理论探索和实践总结。 本文的创新之处在于选取了课堂这个独特的角度,来透视我们当前的基础教育,提出了在信息时代和主体性教育理论背景下的新课堂观,提出了“学生主体课堂”的概念,尝试性地构建了思想政治课学生主体课堂的理论体系并对在此理论指导下的教学实践探索做了总结和分析。 论文共分三个部分。 第一部分 创建思想政治课学生主体课堂的立论基础 文章分别从思想政治课学生主体课堂所涉及到的三个领域:主体性教育哲学、课堂教学理论和思想政治课学科教学理论,论述了建构思想政治课学生主体课堂的理论和现实的依据。 首先,论文回顾了主体性哲学的发展历程,并着重介绍了最具代表性的、最前沿的黄葳博士的现代主体性教育理论和张华博士的新主体教育理论,为建构思想政治课学生主体课堂提供了教育哲学基础。 其次,在课堂理论方面,笔者分析了现代的课堂教学理论,认为课堂是“在被重视中忽视”。提出了新课堂理念,分析了课堂的三个要素,即特定的时空场所、主体、活动和两个维度,即时空维度和生命维度,认为应该全方位地认识课堂,从时空层面看,课堂由中心课堂延展到卫星课堂,由现实空间延展到虚拟空间;从使命的角度看,课堂不仅有学科使命而且还有非学科使命;从关系层面看,课堂已由单向度的传授关系发展到主体间的交往关系;从价值层面看,课堂由单纯追求认知价值发展到追寻课堂参与者的生命意义和课堂的境界。论文同时区分了新课堂和传统课堂的不同。认为课堂是灵动的、变化的、发展的,具有无限的生命活力和发展张力,它是随着主体的主体性的发展而不断扩张的弹性的具有延展力的时空维度。从而为思想政治课学生主体课堂的构建提供了理论依据。 第三,在思想政治课学科教学方面,认为创建思想政治课学生主体课堂有利于完成成它承担的学科使命,有利于克服传统思想政治课教学中的反主体的弊端,顺应了思想政治课教学改革的方向。 第二部分建构思想政治课学生主体课堂的理论思考 论文首先界定了思想政治课学生主体课堂基本概念。提出并定义了学生主体课堂的概念,并在此基础上阐释了思想政治课学生主体课堂的含义。认为思想政治课学生主体课堂的课堂形态,包括“中心课堂”和“卫星课堂”两种形式,它们共同构筑了思想政治课学生主体课堂的课堂体系。辨析了卫星课堂和传统的课外活动的不同。界定了思想政治课学生主体课堂的主体和主体{,e]性,认为教师和学生都是课堂的主体,他们之间是一种主体间的交往关系。其次,分析了思想政治课学生主体课堂的一般特征,即交互性、开放性、体验性和差异性。第三,分析了思想政治课学生主体课堂的使命,认为思想政治课学生主体课堂是人化的谋堂,它的使命是多元的多层次的,既包括学科使命也包括非学利一使命,学科使命包括德育使命和其他本学科的课程目标,非学科使命包括教学生学会学习的使命和发展学生生命意义和价值的使命。 第三部分创设思想政治课学生主体课堂的教学实践 从实践层面上着重介绍了笔者在实际教学过程中,依据思想政治课学生主体课堂的理念,所做的一些尝试性的探索,总结了一些做法。第一,学生主体意识的激发。尊重学生、师生平权、教学民主是激发学生主体意识前提和基础。努力创设情境,让学生在积极的参与体验中激发他们的主体精神。给学生选择权和自主权。培养他们自我监控的元认知能力,从而提高他们的成就动机和自我效能感。第二,元认知和学习策略的指导,培养学生的元认知策略、阅读策略、自主复习策略等。第三,学生主体课堂体系的建构。介绍了中心课堂和一IJ星课堂的建构,着重介绍了卫星课堂的形式,如建立了自己学科的网上空间、中,自课堂的继续一一学生的研究性的学习、成立了中心课堂的信息资料小组、成立了社会调查小课堂、开设学习策略指导的选修课等。第四,学生主体课堂的教学评价。实施全面评价,变单纯的知识评价为态度、学习策略、知识等自主学习能力的全面评价。对一学生进行多元评价、过程评价、差异评价、开卷考试评价等。

【Abstract】 The Ideology and Politics Course is a compulsory course that gives education on citizen’s moral and general knowledge of Marxism to middle school students, which undertakes the special responsibility moral education in the middle school. The main question is how to make this course both effective and interesting, which is named as "radiation of the vigor of the classroom". To extricate from a predicament, the Ideology and Politics Course must draw nutrition of the modern advanced education theory, obtain the inspiration from the educational reform action. This work, which focused on the unique angle of "classroom" and regard education theory of entity as its guide, proposed a theory of building the political lesson classroom with the students as its subject. Some preliminary theoretical conclusions were drawn based on outcome of the practical exploration.The new point of this text is the unique angle of classroom, which presented a perspective view of our present basic education and put forward the new classroom view under the background with the education theory of entity at information age. We put forward a new concept of "students’ subject classroom", which means the theoretical system of the student’s subject classroom of lesson of ideology and politics. Then some exploration and try in practice were carried out.The thesis is divided into three parts altogether.Part I Establish foundation of setting forth one’s views of the students’ subject classroom oflesson of ideology and politicsThe thesis expounded theoretical and realistic basis of constructing the students’ subject classroom of lesson of ideology and politics in three fields: Philosophy of subject education, classroom instruction theory and ideology and politics lesson discipline teaching theory.First of all, this thesis reviewed the development course of entity philosophy, and recommended emphatically two of the most representative and modern theory: Dr. Huang Wei’s modern entity education theory and Dr. Zhang Hua’s new subject education theory. This thesis offered the educational philosophical foundation for building students’ subject classroom of the political lesson. Secondly, for the theory of classroom, through the analyses of the modern classroom instruction theory, I think that the classroom is "ignored in being paid attention to". I proposed a new classroom theory, analyzed three key elements of classroom: specific space-time place, subject, activity, and two dimensions (space-time dimension and life dimension). I think that we should know the classroom omni-dimensionally: (1) from the space-time aspect, the classroom is extended from center classroom to the satellite classroom, extended from realistic space to the fictitious space; (2) From the point of view of mission, it is not only a mission of discipline but also a none discipline mission in the classroom; (3) from the relationship aspect, there is already interactive contactsamong the subjects instead of one-way degree teaching in the classroom; (4) from the value aspect,the classroom is pursuing life meaning and realm of the classroom of participants instead of simplecognitive value development. This thesis distinguished the new classroom from traditional classroom.I think classroom should be vivid, inspiriting with limitless life vigor and developing tension. Itexpands constantly with development of the entity of the subject is the space-time who extendsstrength and linked degree elastically. Thus it set up and offered a theoretical foundation to theclassroom for student’s literary composition of the subject classroom of lesson of ideology andpolitics.Thirdly, for lesson discipline teaching of ideology and politics, I think that it helps to finish thediscipline mission that undertakes to establish students’ subject classroom of lesson of ideology andpolitics. It helps to overcome the drawback against the subject in traditional ideology and politicslesson teaching, complying with the direction of the reform in education

  • 【分类号】G633.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】366

