

【作者】 张富萍

【导师】 苑寿泽;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 知识经济和信息化社会的到来,要求人应具有学会学习、学会合作、学会做事和学会生存的能力,要求教师应从权威式的传授知识转变为帮助学生去发现、组织和管理知识,要求教师本人应具备自学能力、人际交往能力、教育教学能力等。但是,担负着培养学生“做人”和“为师”双重任务的我国中等师范学校的教学目前仍以讲授为主,很少让学生通过自己的活动和实践获得知识,依靠学生查阅资料、集体讨论为主的学习活动很少,忽视了学生教育实践能力的培养。这样,学生无论是从“做人”还是“为师”的角度,都不能适应将来社会发展的需要。为此,本文进行了“师生互位”教学的实验研究,试图通过这种方法的实施,不仅可以提高学生的学习成绩和学习兴趣,而且可以改善师生和生生间的人际关系、培养学生的自主学习能力、培养学生的基本教学技能。 “师生互位”教学法,就是采用角色置换原理,在教师的指导下,学生扮演教师走上讲台,变学为“教”,从“教”中学,“教”学结合。具体地说,就是以现行教材为基本载体,在教师的启发引导下,在学生独立自主学习和合作讨论的基础上,让学生走上讲台扮演教师角色,利用部分课堂教学时间,把教师指定的教学内容讲给本班同学听。该方法的实施主要分为课前学生活动和课上活动两部分。课前学生活动包括学生独立学习、小组集体研究、个人写出详细教案三个环节;课上活动又包括学生讲解、全班讨论、教师精讲、师生共评四个环节。 本文采用实验法、观察法、问卷调查法、数理统计法及逻辑分析法对山东省临邑师范学校2000级学生共72人进行对比实验研究。通过前测,确定学业成绩无显著差别的两个班为实验班和对照班。实验班学生分别按成绩、性别分成9个学习小组,每组4人。实验班和对照班分别采用“师生互位”教学法和传统的讲授法,控制这两个班的学习环境、任课教师、学习内容及课时均相同。 通过教学实验,对实验班和对照班进行比较分析,得出如下结论: 1、“师生互位”教学法能显著地提高学生的学习兴趣和学业成绩。该教学法强调学生的主动参与和学生的责任心,能激发学生的学习动机,提高学生的积极性,因此实验班喜欢或很喜欢生物课的学生达94.4%,不喜欢的学生为0,及格率、优秀率及平均分均明显高于对照班。 2、“师生互位”教学法能提高学生参与教学活动的程度。实验班学生经过系统的训练,具备良好的心态和合作意识,能积极表现自己,为自己的小组争得荣誉。学生参与教学活动的程度提高,参与率达100%。 3、“师生互位”教学法能培养学生的自主学习能力。实验班学生借助榜样的作用和小组内其它成员的帮助和监督,能控制自己的不良行为,并能在无人监督的情况下,初步养成自主学习的习惯。 4、“师生互位”教学法能提高差生的自我效能感。实验班中原来成绩较低的10名学生通过他人的帮助和自己积极主动的学习,提高了学习成绩,增强了学习的自信心,认识到自己有能力学好,因此增强了其自我效能感。 5、“师生互位”教学法能有效地改善生生关系和师生关系。通过观察及教师的评价表明,实验班学生的人际关系好于对照班。 6、“师生互位”教学法能提高学生基本的教学能力。实验班学生模拟教师角色,分析教材,撰写教案,组织和开展教学,在实践中提高了自己的教学能力。

【Abstract】 The comings of knowledge economy and informational society require a person should possess the abilities of learning to study ,learning to cooperate , learning to do things and learning to live, require teachers should change their authoritive roles of passing on knowledge into helping students to discover, organize and manage knowledge, and also require teachers should possess the abilities of self-studying, interpersonal association, educating and teaching and soon. But, nowadays the teaching of our national normal schools with shoulder the double tasks of training the students "to be a person’’ and ’"to be a teacher" mainly play a role of explaining and passing on the knowledge. They seldom let students gain the knowledge by activities and participating in of their own, and they seldom depend on activities to let students look up materials and discuss in groups. So they ignore to develop the ability of teaching practice. No matter from the point of view "to be a person" or "to be a teacher", these students can not meet the requirements of the society development. So the author has been carrying on the experiment which is called "exchange the roles between teachers and students" and attempts not only to raise students’ achievements and interests for studying but also to improve the relationships between students and that between students and teachers, and then train the students to develop the ability of voluntary studying and the skill of basic teaching.The teaching method of "exchanging the roles between teachers and students" adopts the theory of exchanging the characters. Under the teachers guide, the students act as the teachers and stand in front of the teachers’ desks. Thus they change studying into teaching, learn from teaching and combine teaching and studying together. Concretely speaking, using the present textbooks as basic carriers, and on the basic of the students’ practice study and cooperative discussion, let students act as teachers, make good use of class time, and explain the given texts to their classmates, with the help of teachers’ enlightening and guide. Carrying out this method is made up by two parts: the students’ activity before class and the activity in class. The students’ activity before class includes three chains: the students study independently, every group study together and students make teaching plan individually. The activityin class includes four chains: students explain, the class discuss together, teachers explain accurately and students and teachers give comments together.This paper is an experimental study about 72 students of Shan Dong Grade Three in Lin Yi Normal School with experiment, interview, statistic analysis and logical analysis. Two classes whose level are almost the same are looked as experiment class and control class separately by an exam. The students in the experiment class are divided into 9 groups according to their marks and sexes respectively, and in each group there are 4 students. In the experiment class and in the control class, we adopt the teaching method of "exchanging the roles between teachers and students" and the traditional teaching method. The studying environment, teachers, teaching contents and classes’ time are the same between two classes.After doing the teaching experiment for a whole term, I studied and analyzed two classes, and then got the following results:1. The teaching method of "exchanging the roles between teachers and students" can extraordinarily raise the interests and achievements of the students. This teaching method lays stress on the students’ voluntarily participating in and responsibility. It can arouse students’ learning motive and improve their enthusiasm. So the number of the students who like or like Biology very much is up to 94.4%, and the number of students who dislike it is 0. The percent of which how many students pass the test and of which how many students are excellent and also the average marks of the experiment class are obviously higher than the control class.2. The

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】170

