

Research on Implementing Innovation Education in the Classroom Teaching of Geography in Middle School

【作者】 刘斌

【导师】 郑新奇;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,创新教育的研究与实验正在全国范围内展开,创新教育作为深化素质教育的亮点,引起社会广泛的关注。本文从自己所从事的中学地理学科教学出发,以实施创新教育的主渠道——课堂教学为切入点,对中学地理课堂教学中实施创新教育的问题进行了研究。 要在中学地理课堂教学中实施创新教育,首先应将创新教育的基本理论问题搞清楚,鉴于目前有关创新教育的理论问题尚存在众说纷纭的情况,所以有必要将自己对创新教育有关理论问题的认识作一阐述,文中主要谈了创新教育的内涵及其与素质教育、创造教育的关系;实施创新教育的理论基础;中学创新教育的主要目标几个问题。在课堂教学中实施创新教育,应结合学科教学,体现出学科特色,因此文章接着探讨了地理学科实施创新教育的特点和优势,笔者认为,科学人文主义是创新教育应有的内涵,地理教学应充分体现人文教育价值,地理学科具有体现科学人文主义教育的优势;地理学科在培养学生形象思维能力、综合能力、实践能力方面,体现出培养学生创新能力的优势。如何在课堂教学实践中体现出创新教育的理念,做到理论与实践相结合,文章接着又谈了基于创新教育理念的地理课堂教学模式的构建。教学模式的构建,存在一个继承与创新的问题,继承是为了创新,创新离不开继承,因此,文章首先对教学模式及其发展概况作了介绍,接着结合自己的教学实践,在对一些符合创新教育价值取向的现代教育教学理论进行研究的基础上,借鉴已有的教学模式,创建了基于创新教育理念的地理课堂教学模式——地理“问、探、结、用四环节”课堂教学模式。 创新教育反映了时代发展的需要,作为素质教育的核心,应成为教育教学改革的方向。但创新教育是一项系统工程,涉及到方方面面的改革,根据我国的教育现状,还有很长一段路要走。本文仅从本学科出发,就在课堂教学中实施创新教育的问题作了一些研究,尚存在许多不成熟和不周全之处,但望为我国创新教育在中学教育领域的实施尽一份绵薄之力。

【Abstract】 Presently, the research and experimentation of innovation education is being carried out all over China. As a sparking point of deepening the quality education, innovation education has attracted concern of all the society. In this article, research of the implementation of the innovation education in the subject of geography in middle school is carried out based on the personal experiences of the author , with classroom teaching as the main channel of innovation education.Before innovation education can be implemented in the classroom teaching of geography, it is very important to first understand the basic theory of innovation education. As there are different opinions of the theory of innovation education at present, it is necessary to present my own understanding of the theory. The following items have been discussed: the contents of innovation education and its relations with quality education and creation education; the theoretical basis of implementing innvation education; the main targets of innovation education in middle school . During the course of implementation of innovation education , it is important to consider the characteristics of the specific subject. In this article, the author explores the advantages and characteristics of innovation education in the subject of geography. The author believes that science-humanism is the important content of innovation education.Geography teaching should embody enough the value in humanity education.The subject of geography has the advantages of embodying science-humanism education. The subject of geography has the advantages of developing the ability of thinking in images, synthesis and practice. As for how to apply the theory of innovation education into the practice of teaching and combine theory with practice, this article , on the basis of innovation education idea, continues to describe the construction of the classroom teaching model of geography.Here, there is an issue of continuation and innovation. Continuation is the base of innovation, while innovation closely depends on continuation. This article first gives anintroduction of teaching model and its development, and then constructs an innovation education-based classroom teaching model of geography, in combination with my personal teaching practice and with the basis of the research of modern education-teaching theory and the existing model.Innovation education reflects the need of the development. As the core of quality education, innovation education will be the development orientation of the reforming of teaching and education. However, innovation education is a systematic project involving the reforming of different aspects. There is a long way to go based on situation of education in China today. This article has stated some research of practicing the innovation education in the classroom teaching of geography. There must be some opinions which might not be mature or complete. Yet we sincerely try to make our own contribution to the implementation of innovation education in the middle school education in China.

  • 【分类号】G633.55
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】339

