

Theory and Practice of the Math-teaching in Key High Schools According to Individual Differences

【作者】 王忠义

【导师】 王爱礼;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 重点高中扩大招生以后,学生数学学习的个体间差异随之加大,面对差异,数学教学应如何有效地进行,是摆在重点高中数学教师面前的现实问题。针对这个课题,有研究者提出实行分层教学,有研究者提出合作学习,有研究者对数学优秀生培养进行研究,有研究者对数学学业不良学生进行研究,有研究者对男女生的差异进行调查。但目前还没有较系统的理论体系,研究一般没有采取对比实验研究,其结论失去可信度,或只是理论假设,根本没有进行实践,或只有现象调查及内因分析,没有教学对策,或有教学对策,但不是来自于教学实践的总结,只是推理研究。 本研究针对重点高中学生的数学差异,以科学的心理学和教育学理论为依据,以差异教学为主线,以多元化的研究思路为依托,对重点高中数学差异教学理论和实践作了科学而深入的探讨,力图构建重点高中数学差异教学理论体系,为当前的重点高中数学教学服务。但由于时间和能力所限,笔者只做了以下工作。 1.在对数学学习特点进行综述的基础上,对重点高中数学差异教学进行界定,并论述了其哲学基础、心理学基础和教育学基础。 2.通过对国外高中数学课程的考察,提出重点高中在数学课程目标、数学课程内容、数学课程实施和数学课程评价各方面体现差异化,并根据时代的不同而呈现差异化,教师可根据自身的特点选择差异化的课程,学生也可根据自己的需要选择差异化的课程。 3.对文献中提出的班级教学组织条件下进行差异教学的对策作了分析,对目前文献中提出的按能力分组分层教学进行了试验研究,结果表明:这种教学形式对学生的数学成绩和心理都有消极影响,应该放弃;对合作学习进行了可行性分析,结论是:在当前重点高中大班额等条件下,合作学习不能作为差异教学的组织形式;提出:班级授课组织内,适应个别差异的学习过程个别化的强化的形式,是目前重点高中数学差异教学可实行的最佳选择。 4.在多年实践和文献研究的基础上,提出通过考试和对学生课内外表现的观察识别重点高中数学优秀生的方法,并从课内和课外两个方面提出针对重点高中数学优秀生培养的教学建议,此理论在作者实践中已收到良好效果。 5.针对重点高中男女生在学习数学的自信心、思维方式、数学解题思维定势以及空间想象力方面的差异,依据有关的教学理论,提出教学建议,以使男女生扬长补短,共同提高数学学习水平。

【Abstract】 After the enlargement of enrolling new students in key high schools, the differences among individuals in math learning are becoming obvious. Facing the problem, how to teach the subject effectively becomes a real problem that the teachers in key high schools have to deal with. Against this, some researchers suggest teaching according to different levels; some advocate cooperative learning; some made studies of how to train the excellent, while some did studies of how to teach low-achievement ones; some investigated the differences between male and female students. Yet, there has been so far no systematic theories, nor been any comparative studies made. Thus, the results might lack credibility, or be only hypothesis without practice, or only phenomenalistic investigation and analysis of internal causes without teaching strategies, or with strategies that are not based on teaching practice.This study, based on the theory in psychology and education, focuses on the differences in math-learning among key high school students, and discusses, to some extent, from theory to practice, the math-teaching in key high schools, in an attempt to construct a systematic theory in math-teaching according to individual differences in math-learning so that math-teaching in key high schools can be better conducted. Because of the limitation of time, the writer of this thesis has done the following aspects only.1. Having defined math-teaching according to individual differences among key high school students, and explained its support from philosophy psychology and education, based on a general survey of the features of math-learning.2. Having made suggestions of reflecting differences in objectives, contents, implementation and evaluation etc. of the course in key high schools abroad. Thus, teachers can choose different course to teach according to their own advantage, while the students can choose different courses to learn according to their own needs.3. Having analysed the strategies for math-learning according to the individual’s differences put forward in literature; having made an experimental study of the idea advocated in literature that students should be grouped and taught according to their intelligence. The results show: such teaching has a negative influence upon the individual’s achievements and psychology and therefore should nr abandoned; having analysed whether cooperative learning is feasible and the results show: cooperative learning cannot be used as a form of organizing teaching under the present condition that classes are large in key high schools. Instead, we suggest that the study process of adapting to individual differences and strengthening differences in organizing classroom teaching are the best choices in key high school math-teaching.4. Having suggested, based on the writer’s many years of teaching and literaturestudy, how to identify and train the excellent in key high school math-learning. This has achieved a great deal in the writer’s teaching.5. Having made suggestions, according to relevant teaching theories, with regard to students’ confidence, way of thinking, and solving math problems and their differences in special imagination so that both male and female students can carry forward their advantages and avoid disadvantages and improve their math-learning together.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】508

