

【作者】 张素梅

【导师】 曹道平;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的教育现状存在着:重视科学知识教育而忽视或无视人文教育的倾向,致使一些学生人文精神失落、价值观念淡薄、道德水准下降。中学生物教育更是科学主义倾向严重,生物教育只见“知识”,不见“人”。本文结合我国中学生物教育现状,在人本主义心理学和人本主义教育理论的指导下,提出了在中学生物教育中进行人文精神培养的必要性和紧迫性。本论文主要运用了问卷调查法和理论分析法进行研究,并通过教育实践对该问题进行了初步探讨。 整篇论文由五个部分组成。在第一部分中,简单介绍了对人文精神进行研究的时代背景:包括中国的教育现状和中学生物教育现状,并阐述了本论文所要研究的内容。 第二部分从人文精神的内涵,生物学科的性质及中学生心理发展的特点三个方面,论证了中学生物教育中蕴涵着丰富的人文精神,说明在生物教育中对学生进行人文精神教育是完全可行的。 论文的第三部分探讨了在中学生物教育中进行人文精神培养的目标、培养原则和要培养的具体内容。在研究中,人文精神被理解为一种价值观。论文从四个层面,即个体对自然、对社会、对他人以及对自身的态度方面分别阐述它们在生物教育中的具体目标。结合一般的教育原则,论文提出了五个人文精神的教育原则:渗透性原则、以人为本原则、开放性原则、针对性原则、情感性原则。同时,论文还指出生物教育中进行人文精神教育的具体内容有:辩证唯物主义教育、爱国主义教育、生态道德教育、科学价值观教育和美育。 在论文的第四部分提出了在中学生物教育中进行人文精神教育的对策。基于第二部分和第三部分对人文精神的理解,论文通过学生调查问卷来了解学生的实际情况,同时又设计了一套教师调查问卷来了解教师的教学习惯、对人文精神的认识及相关教学建议。根据调查情况和前面的理论分析,提出了生物教育的四条对策:创造包括生物教学在内的多因素教育合力,促进人文精神教育;积极参与生物课改,增加人文精神教育素材;加强生物教师自身的人文精神的培养;强化学科人文渗透;构建互动的师生关系。考虑到我国国情,最现实可行的方法是与科学精神相结合,在学科教学中渗透。 在论文的最后,即第五部分主要介绍了培养人文精神的具体教育实践过程。在教育实践中,采用生物教学过程的渗透为主要方式,辅之以灵活的专题讲座、课外活动、发动学生写心得体会报告等方法。通过一个学期的教育实践,在分析了学生测验结果以及教师和学生的反馈结果后,本论文认为在中学生物教育中进行人文精神的培养是可行的,但同时也指出人文精神的培养是一项长期的复杂的工作,不是一朝一夕或者通过一门学科就可以完成的,需要结合各门学科教学长期进行。这些实践启示我们:在教育中应始终把握一个教育理念“以人为本”。教师要正确处理好人文精神的培养与知识教学的关系,充分挖掘科学教育的人文价值。要培养学生的人文精神,教师自身先要加强自己的人格修养,提升自己的文化水平。另外,在教学评价上,要改变分数至上的价值取向,科学地建立既考评知识和能力,又考评个性发展的评估体系。

【Abstract】 The reality of modern education in our country is:ignoring or disregarding humanity education instead of attaching importance to science education. This caused some students losing their humanistic spirit, thinning their sense of value, gliding their level of morality. The tendency of sciencism in biology education is more serious. We can only see "knowledge" no "people" in biology education. Under the guidance of humanistic psychology and humanistic education theory, the thesis discusses the urgency and the necessity of cultivating humanistic spirit in biology education in high school, based on the reality of biology education in our country. The questionnair method and theory analysis method are used to the problem is done by educational practice.The thesis is composed of five parts. In the first part, it introduces the social background:including the reality of China’ s education and biology education in high school. The content of the study is also mentioned in this part.The second part of the thesis propounds that there is plenty of contents about the humanistic spirit in biology education in high school. The argumentation was demonstrated by three ways, one is the connotation of humanistic spirit, the second is the character of biology subject and the other is the characteristic of student’ s psychological development.The third part of the thesis puts forward the targets, the principles and the particular contents in biology education in high school. In the thesis humanistic spirit means a concept value and it is divided into four aspects, which are attitudes to oneself, human being society, other people and nature, and their concrete meaning in biology education is also interpreted. Five main principles are put forward. The first one is to permeate scientific spirit with humanistic spirit, the second one is to take the human being as root, the third principle is to have an open eye on the biology education, the forth is to be aimed at different people, the fifth is to have emotion. At the same time, in the thesis, the particular contents of humanistic spirit in biology education are:the education of dialectical materialism, the education of patriotism, the ecological motal education, the education of the scientific values and aesthetic education.On the basis of the part two and the part three, the forth part of the thesis puts the countermeasure on how to culture the humanistic spirit in biology education in high school. We used questionnaire method in order to find the present situation of middle school students, teachers’ teaching habits, views about humanistic spirit and their suggestions.According to the investigation and the forward analysation, the thesis puts forward four ways to deal with the situation in biology education:Create educational policy of many factors, including biology education , promote humanistic spirit education; Take active part in the reform of biology teaching, increase the materials of humanistic education to it;Strenthen the development of humanistic spirit to the biology teacher;Strenthen the humanity infiltration;Form a mutual relationship between the teachers and the students. According to the situation of our country , the most practical way is to be connected with scientific spirit and infiltrate into the teaching of the subject.The last part of the thesis describes the process of the educational practice and suggests the main style of penetrating humanistic spirit education in biology instruction. Other methods are also used, such as talking about special topics in class. Students are supervised and urged to go out to do some investigation, and write down what they have learnt. Based on the theory analysis and educational practice of one term, the conclusion was drawn from the testing and feedbacks from teachers and students themselves, telling us that it is feasible to culture the humanistic spirit in biology education in high school. And the result also demonstrates that it is hard to culture the humanistic spirit. It demands a long time of studying an

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】828

