

【作者】 苏青

【导师】 任建兰;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 “振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师”。高素质的教师队伍是实施高质量素质教育的根本保证。什么是高素质的教师队伍?可持续发展的教师队伍就是高素质的教师队伍。那么,什么是教师的可持续发展?可持续发展的教师素质构成是怎样的?中小学教师可持续发展系统水平如何?怎样通过继续教育提升可持续发展的教师素质? 首先,在1987年《我们共同的未来》提出的可持续发展概念的基础上,结合发展心理学所谓“人的发展就是人的潜力发挥”的理论,界定“教师的可持续发展就是满足教师个人的发展需求,又能促进后代人——教育对象学生发展需求的发展。”换言之,教师可持续发展是指这样的一种发展,既能促进教师自身潜力的发挥又能在学生身上得到延续,促进学生潜力的发挥。这一概念具有鲜明的职业色彩。 其次,我认为可持续发展的教师素质构成应包括:职业理想、教育观念即发展指向;知识水平、教学能力即发展能力;以及承载教师可持续发展的身心素质。本文从五个方面,即教学动机、教学效能感、学生发展观、学生观和身心素质对教师的可持续发展系统进行监测。 第三,通过对来自14所学校的272位教师问卷调查,统计分析发现:因学生发展观和身心素质不同导致男女教师可持续发展系统水平产生差异,男教师优于女教师;因学生发展观和学生观不同导致小学教师与其他学段教师可持续发展系统水平产生差异,小学教师低于其他学段的教师;因学生发展观和学生观不同导致中专毕业的教师与其他学历的教师可持续发展系统水平产生差异,中专毕业的教师与他学历的教师有差距;虽然不同教龄段的教师可持续发展系统水平差异不显著,但进一步比较发现,在教学动机和身心素质方面还是有差异的,并且与教龄变化最紧密的是教师的教学效能感;教师可持续发展系统水平与学校类别无关。 在此基础上,为可持续发展的教师素质提升实施方案——继续教育提出对策建议:通过实行小班化教学、重新制定编制和工作量标准、学会自我减压,减轻教师的工作压力是前提;通过改革激励机制、坚持正确的舆论导向、树立人本化培训目标,激发学习动机变“要我学”为“我要学”是关键;通过增设修养性课程、体现综合化的特点、注重交往的教学过程,改革继续教育内容是主要任务;通过制定带薪进修政策、增加多种学习方式、注意随机通达教学,改变继续教育方式是手段。

【Abstract】 ’The hope of a nation’s development is education, the hope of developing education is the teachers’. High-quality education relies on the high-quality teacher. What is the high-quality teacher? Our answer is the teacher with the ability of sustainable development. Under this topic I try to answer the following questions in my thesis: What is the sustainable development of teacher’s quality? What are the components of teacher’s quality under the frame of sustainable development? What are the current characteristics of sustainable development of teachers in primary and secondary schools? How to improve the quality of teachers via life long education?Firstly, based on the definition of sustainable development in Our Common Future published in 1987and the conception of development of human being in developing psychology, I define the sustainable development of teacher’s quality as development that meets the needs of the personal development of teachers and fosters the development of the students who are the object of education. In other words, the sustainable development should be able to stimulate the potential of teachers, and at the same time be sustainable on students, thus be able to assist the students to develop their own potential. By narrowing down the general definition of sustainable development, this concept is specific and carries the characteristics of the profession of education.Secondly, I research the components of the sustainable development of teacher: 1) professional ideal and education conception, i.e. the indication of development; 2) education, teaching ability, i.e. the ability of development; 3) and the emotional and physical quality that development may base on. In this thesis, I study the sustainable development of teacher from five aspects: motives of teaching, sense of teaching effectiveness, sense of student development, student cognition and the emotional and physical quality.Thirdly, I explore the characteristics of sustainable development of teacher based on the first-hand data I collected from 272 teachers from 14 primary and secondary schools. I find that the difference between male and female teacher is significant on their conception of sustainable development, and the male teachers holds prior opinions. Because of different sense on student development and student cognition, primary school teachers are differentiated from other group of teachers; teachers with secondary school educationbackground are differentiated from teachers with higher education background; although there is no obvious difference on sustainable development resulted from age difference, there are teaching motives and emotional and physical quality differences in various age groups; the aspect influenced mostly by age factor is the conception of teaching effectiveness; school type is not related with the sustainable development of teacher.Based on my research, I make the following suggestions to the practical scheme (the life-long continuous education) aimed at improving of sustainable development of teacher’s quality. The premise is to relief the heavy burden of teachers by reducing the class size; re-set the standard of workload and assist teachers to alleviate pressure. The crucial point is to stimulate the motive of studying from the original ’want me to learn’ to ’I want to learn’. By doing this, reform should be taken on the encouraging system, good guidance of value should be provided, and, individual oriented training purpose should be established. The major task is to reform the format and content of continuous education through adding of courses on self-accomplishment, implementing of integrated theme of education and focusing on interacted teaching process. The method is to change the approaches of continuous education via formulating regulation of on-job training with payment, verify forms of learning and maintain flexible feedbacks from teaching practice.

  • 【分类号】G451
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】490

