

Setting up China’s Credit System under the Condition of Asymmetric Information

【作者】 喻敏

【导师】 曾令秋;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 当前我国出现的种种失信行为已经严重影响了我国经济的健康发展,对信用问题的研究引起了从中央到地方,从知名学者到普通百姓的高度重视。本文以非对称信息为基础环境,从经济学角度分析失信——守信的原因,指出信用不仅以中介的身份促成实体商品的交易,它还直接以交易商品的身份参与交易。以此为出发点,论文解释了信用商品的使用价值、价值及价值的构成要素,指出信息不对称是影响信用商品供给与需求的主要原因。信用体系的建设就是围绕信用商品的价值构成要素,以信号传导机制、管理系统、监督系统和法制系统为框架而展开。信用体系的最终目的是尽量降低市场中信息不对称的程度。信用体系的建设中,个人、企业和政府分别担任不同的角色,个人信用是信用体系建设的基础,企业信用是市场中最活跃的部分,政府要在宏观的角度对信用体系的建设起设计、监督、协调以及制度选择、制度安排和制度建立的作用。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic reform, it is well concerned that the anti-credit behaviors have greatly impaired the sound economic development of our country. The study on credit problem has been emphasized by all walks of people, ranging from the central government to the local government, from the famous scholars to the masses.Based on the asymmetric information, the article analyses the reasons of keeping credit or breaching credit from the view of economics. As a result, the article points out that the credit is not only as a media to facilitate the transaction of goods, but also as special goods to take part in the transaction. So after explaining the value, the use value and the factors which comprising the value, the article points out that the asymmetric information is the main factor which influences the supply and demand of credit goods. The ultimate aim of setting up a complete credit system is to decrease the asymmetric degrees of information. Under the assumption of credit goods, the main theory of designing the credit system is the signaling mechanism. The credit system comprises the credit signaling mechanism, the management system, the supervise system and the law system. In a word, it is One Mechanism, Three Systems. Then how to construct the credit system, in practical, is to set three layers, which are government, enterprise and individual. These three layers play different and important roles in the credit system. At last, the article discusses the concrete construction respectively.

  • 【分类号】F203
  • 【下载频次】194

