

The Influence Analysis of Regional Environment on Evaluation of Residential Blocks

【作者】 任晔平

【导师】 阮连法;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 环境是资源,是有价值的,不能被无偿使用,消费者在购买住房的同时也购买了环境。区位环境对商品住宅价格的影响随人们物质文化生活水平的提高愈日明显,居住区区位环境的优劣也随着住宅建造质量的日趋完善而成为人们择房时的主导因素。 选择优雅的居住环境,是人类聚落定居时就开始意识到的,早期人类的聚居强调依山傍水,应该说是一种依赖天然物质条件和贴近生存地的自然属性。随着人类社会的发展,这种属性已发展为人类文明的一部分—居住文化。今天,现代科学的进步和发展,使人们的居住生活距离原本赖以生存的自然越来越远,但人们那种天性中固有的对自然的向往却变得越来越强烈。与此同时,生活习惯的改变也使得人们在居住环境的选择上更具多样性。因此,高质量居住区区位环境的规划建设给房地产开发商提出了更高的要求。 随着我国福利住房制度的终结,住宅房地产市场的不断完善,开发商的竞争将越来越激烈,建造质量已成为产品开发的必要手段,而不再是竞争手段,竞争明显高层次化,成为一种文化竞争、品牌竞争,相对来说这种竞争的不确定性,不可预见性,风险性就越来越大。因而,高质量的建造水平、丰富的居住区文化内涵和完善的居住区功能将是开发商在竞争中减少投资风险、获得利润、取得优势的主要手段。 区位环境的规划建设是房地产项目开发的重要组成内容,已成为项目开发成败的关键,成为房地产商竞争的主要手段。本文从我国住宅房地产现状及发展的形势,论证分析了区位环境对住宅小区建设的重要影响,并利用数学手段研究了其对商品住宅价值的影响,构建了一套评价体系,将定性的问题进行了量化的分析,用以提高商品住宅定价的科学性和准确性,使得开发商获得合理的利润,并使消费者得到适宜的产品。同时,本文对房地产开发商在以后的开发建设中把握好开发方向也有重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Environment is a valuable resource which cannot be utilized without pay. Consumers purchased it in the meantime of buying their houses. There is a rising influence of regional environment on the price of residential houses with the improvement of people’s living standard. It also is being the main factor for people selecting a house besides the perfection of building quality.People started to realize the importance of selecting a comfortable and elegant environment to live in at the beginning of clan. Early people prefer to living near mountains and rivers due to the incline to natural material and nature of closing the inhabited region. This nature, with the development of human society, has become one part of human civilization-residential culture. Today, as the advance of modern science and technology, people are living farer away from the natural environment, which they used to rely on. However, the inherent instinct of yearning the nature becomes increasingly stronger. Meanwhile, changes in living style make much more variety in selecting houses. Therefore, real estate developer is facing a big challenge on high planning and construction quality of inhabited environment.With the end of welfare housing system in China, housing market is improving while the competition among developers is fiercer than ever. Construction quality is now an elemental factor instead of a competitive approach. Competition is on a higher level, on which culture and brand are more concerned. This kind of competition is with more uncertainty and risk. Thus, high quality of building, abundant culture connotation of residential block, to provide perfect function will be the major methods for developer to reduce investment risk, gain profit, take advantage in competition. That is, the value of residential building includes two aspects, material value and art value. The work to form the value is composed of fundamental work and advanced work.Planning and construction of regional environment is significant for exploitation of real estate project. It has become a key factor to determine a project and a main means for competition. Proceeding from the current situation of real estate industry in our countiy, this thesis analyzes the impact made by regional environment on construction of residential blocks. It also studied the impact in maths methods, forming a set of system, using quantities methods for qualities problems which can be used for price -making of houses, reducing investment risk, acquiring rational profits for developers and for consumers to obtain suitable products. Meanwhile, the thesis enjoys a great significance for developers to get hold of the directions of development in their future real estate construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU984.12
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】355

