

Consideration and Practice on Revelopment of the Roads Environment in City

【作者】 徐舜

【导师】 金伟良;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国城市发展在经历了上世纪90年代开始的城市空间急剧扩张阶段后,城市不断地扩大,环境质量也在不断地下降,许多历史文化遗产在急剧增长的建设和交通需要中遭到破坏。随着人们认识的提高和城市现代化发展以及城市经济实力的提高,目前许多城市已经转入城市环境整治的发展阶段,各个城市纷纷进行“城市形象营造”。“城市形象营造”(Place Marking)是资本主义发展到成熟阶段城市管治的一项重要内容。其目的是希望通过改善城市面貌,提高竞争力、吸引投资。许多地方政府开始像经营企业一样来经营城市。“企业化”使得城市政府放弃了以往一贯坚持的“福利社会原则”,而把促进经济发展、提高竞争力、吸引投资放到首要地位。城市道路环境整治涉及城市基础设施改善、城市交通整治、城市的经济开发和运营、提供市民公共活动空间、提高城市道路景观、改善城市生态环境、保护历史文化古迹等诸多内容,是我国当前各城市环境整治的主要领域。在这一时代背景下,对城市道路环境整治的研究具备了实践上的必要性和紧迫性。 城市道路环境整治是一个经济环境、社会环境、文化环境、物质环境等多种环境因素共存互动、相互交错的复杂过程。在这一过程中,参与建设开发的部门和机构包括了市政府、金融、规划管理、规划设计、交通、城管、市政、园林、电信、电力、给排水、管道气、建设开发、公众社区机构等很多部门。同时,在这一过程中还需相关的引导政策、鼓励政策和控制法规的保障。只有全面系统地将上述要素整合在城市道路环境整治之中,才能取得较好的综合效应。因此,对于城市道路环境整治的研究需要一个综合的体系研究。 尽管我国的城市道路环境整治取得了一些令人瞩目的成果,但总的来看,对于道路环境整治的研究和实践还存在诸多问题,有些问题从空间环境的外在表现形态上就可发现,而另外一些问题则隐藏在城市道路环境整治的体制之中。本文从城市环境整治的意义入题,力图通过对我国城市道路环境现状进行分析,发掘深层问题和原因,并通过青岛市香港路环境综合整治的实例剖析和经验总结,进而提出包括决策管理、规划设计和开发实施等体制建设方面提出一些理论与对策。 本文研究的主要内容: 本文共有三部分:第一部分从中国城市道路环境整治的背景出发,探讨城市道路环境整治中存在的问题,并剖析了当前影响城市道路环境建设的深层原因:经济因素的制约;缺乏相应的政策与法规的支持;决策的失误;管理机制与开发建设机制的不健全以及规划设计的局限。指出在当前的形势下,要重视经济与决策、规划与设计、开发与管理等各方面问题的研究,还要强化法制意识。只有全面系统地将上述问题整合在城市道路环境整治的研究、设计和建设之中,才能取得较好的综合整治效益。第二部分为实例剖析。结合青岛市香港路环境综合整治的经验方法进行了总结归纳和分析。第三部分在前面分析总结的基础上,针对我国国情,从经济、决策与法规、规划与设计、开发与管理等方面提出了道路环境整治的一些理论与对策。 本文的主要成果: 本文从城市建设管理的层面出发,针对我国当前城市道路环境整治中存在的决策机制与法规的不完善、规划设计的局限以及开发建设与管理方面存在的问题,参照项目管理的理论和方法,研究探讨道路环境整治的理论与对策。 明确城市道路环境整治与经济发展的互动关系,通过道路环境综合整治促使城市经济良性循环,以有限的投资获取最大的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。 强调城市道路环境整治中决策的重要性。城市道路环境整治应保证项目决策的开放性、科学性、权威性。建立开放、可行的研究决策组织机构和科学的决策流程,加强规划管理部门和专业人员在研究决策层次的作用,支持公众参与规划决策。强调领导的决策作用,同时又要避免地方领导为宣扬政绩、实现个人目标的盲目决策。 建立了综合、科学的规划设计体系。这是提高城市道路环境整治质量的关键。 完善实施开发与管理层面的理论和对策,指出科学系统的开发建设和持续的建后使用管理,以管理控制与鼓励措施为基础的管理引导,以及经济可行性研究、投资多元化保障等可操作性措施对环境整治的成功同样具有非常重要的意义。 城市道路环境整治需要根据城市规模和性质以及城市总体规划进行决策和规划,通过城市建设工程项目来综合生成。以项目管理的理论和方法来指导道路环境整治是科学合理的,并具有可操作性。随着城市规划建设的法制化进程和市民参与、阳光操作的不断发展,城市道路环境整治工程作为城市真正的形象工程对城市形象发挥重要作用和影响,改善城市投资环境,加快城市经济发展和区域化城市进程,是一种成功的城市经营战略选择。

【Abstract】 Since 1990, the urbanization has speeded up in our country, with the expanding of the urban area, the quality of the city environment has been deteriorating constantly. The deterioration considerable destroyed many cultural and historical relics. With the raising of the level of people’s cognizing and the economic growth as well as the speeding step of city’s modernization, the administrative authority in many cities have turned to the redevelopment of the urban environment, so called "Place marking " . The purpose of the "Place Marking" project is to beautify the appearance of urban area, to raise the competition of each city, to attract the investment, it is a very important contents of the city’ s administration in the developed cities of the capitalistic country. But in our country, the administrative authority always manage the city’ s administration as an enterprise, they put the economy development on the top position. The enterprising tread of the city’s administration make the authority to abandon the welfare policy, and then to pursue the promotion of the economy, raising the competition and the attraction of the foreign investment. The redevelopment of the urban road involves with the foundation work , traffic control, economic development, public space, road landscape, ecological environment, cultural remains and so on, which is the main task of the redevelopment of environment of city in our country. Under this background, the necessity and great urgency are put on the research of the redevelopment of road environment in city.The redevelopment of the urban road environment is a complicated project which is related to economical, social, cultural and substance environment. During the procedure of the project, many units such as city government, finance, planning, traffic, city administration, municipal administration, gardens, telecommunication, electricity-supply, public traffic, construction and the communities are involved. At the same time, the relevant policies and rules are needed. Only integrating all those key elements above mentioned, the redevelopment of urban road environment might achieve the all-around effect. So the research on the redevelopment of urban road environment should be a systematic work.Although there are getting many achievements in the redevelopment of urban environment in our country, but there are still many problems in the research and practice on the redevelopment of road environment, some ones can be found out fromthe appearance of the city, others are hided in some systems of the organization and system. This study raised advanced theories and countermeasures in decision-making, planning design, development and implementation in the system and organization of the redevelopment of road environment by means of introducing the importance of the road environment redevelopment, analyzing the present state of road environment in our country, summing up the experience of the Hong Kong Road redevelopment project in Qingdao, deeply finding out the problems and cause.Main contents of this thesis:This thesis consists of three parts: Part 1 ~ Analyzes the historical background , existing problems and causes of the redevelopment of urban road environment: The restriction of economy; the lack of relevant policies and rules; the lapsus of decision-making; the imperfectness in the system of organization and construction; the limitations of planning design. Under this situation, it is necessary to pay the great attention to the economy and decision, planning and design, development and management as well as legal system. Otherwise we could not get the better comprehensive result. Part2-The analysis of the practice hi the redevelopment of road environment of Hong Kong Road in Qindao, summing up some successful experience. PartS-Based on the analysis above mentioned, we put forward some theories and countermeasures of the redevelopment system of road environment which are suitable for our country situation: economy, decision-making and laws and rules, planning and design

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU984.191
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】871

