

【作者】 徐军民

【导师】 陈宗农;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械设计与理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文通过对精密机床主轴系统的优化设计技术和CAD技术的系统研究,提出了一种将力学模型分析、优化设计方法、产品模型数据管理和图形绘制结合在一起的机床主轴多目标优化设计的CAD软件系统模型。本系统采用面向对象的设计技术,实现较强的人机交互功能,自动生成力学分析模型、优化设计模型和图形绘制与输出三个子模型,将力学模型分析、优化设计、图形绘制与输出三部分结合在一起,并将优化设计结果形成文档或输出,体现了智能化设计的功能。 第一章介绍了机床主轴系统优化设计技术和CAD技术在国内外的现状、应用及发展趋势,分析了目前的技术状态及存在的问题,提出了本课题的研究内容,给出了本文的设计框架。 第二章分析了目前CAD技术的发展状况及发展趋势,权衡利弊,确定了采用VB技术对AutoCAD基于ActiveⅩ Automation技术的二次开发,提出了设计方案和解决措施。 第三章深入的研究了目前国内外在机床主轴系统优化设计方面的技术状态,客观的评价它们在设计方面的优缺点,从建立较为接近主轴系统实际情况的“卸积木式”力学模型入手,选择易于在微机上实现分析计算和优化的数学方法,建立多支承变截面机床主轴系统静特性参数分析与优化及计算机模拟的通用程序。 第四章和第五章详细的阐述了力学模型分析、优化方法分析、和图纸绘制三个子模型,通过对机床主轴二维垂直剖面力学模型的精、动特性分析,确定采用复合行法作为优化设计方法寻求主轴设计的优化方案,编制相应的优化程序,并将优化设计结果和图纸形成文档或输出,提出了产品设计模型的概念。 第六章总结了本课题的成果,对课题的发展方向和要解决的问题进行了展望,并对后续的工作做了分析,提出了几点建议。 由于作者才疏学浅,文中难免存在不少错误和不足之处,敬请批评指正。

【Abstract】 A CAD system model on the optimization of machine-tool spindle including mechanics model analysis, optimization method, product data management and drawing creation is proposed. Based on OOP technology, it can create mechanics analysis model, optimization model, layout drawing and print with friendly interface automatically, embodied the thinking of agent design.Chapter 1 is a brief introduction on the optimization technology of machine-tool spindle as well as the application and development trend of CAD tech. Based on the brief analysis of current technology’s advantage and deficiency, the topic and framework of this issue is proposed.Chapter 2 investigate the current optimization technology of machine-tool spindle system in detail and evaluated the advantage and deficiency objectively. Used the disassembling toy-bricks mechanics model which is more similar to the factual system and the analysis and optimization algorithm easy to be realized on PC, the program on character analysis and emulation of the multi-bearing meta-section machine-tool spindle is created.In chapter 3 a particular analysis on the application and development trend of CAD technology is made and VB programming is selected as the tool of AutoCAD development based on ActiveX Automation. The design scheme and method is also proposed.Chapter 4 and 5 expatiate the three sub-schemas: mechanics model, optimization analysis, drawing layout and output. Based on the analysis on exact character and dynamic-properties of machine-tool spindle’s section model, multi-line method is selected as the optimization scheme and the program was writed. The optimization result and final drawing can be got in hard-copy. In addition the concept of product design model is proposed.Chapter 6 is a conclusion of this issue, put forward the future trend, point out some key problems in development and give some suggestions .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TG502
  • 【下载频次】224

