

Study and Development of the CAD System for Precision Progressive Die Based on SolidWorks

【作者】 吴央芳

【导师】 柯映林; 李江雄;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文结合工程的实际需要,在研究和分析级进模设计方法、引线框架级进模特点以及三维CAD支撑软件SolidWorks二次开发方法的基础上,系统研究并开发了用于集成电路引线框架的精密级进模计算机辅助设计系统(PPDCS)。全文共分八章: 第一章 结合制造业和CAD技术的发展趋势,综述了级进模CAD的国内外研究现状,分析了存在的主要问题,指出了级进模CAD的未来发展趋势。并介绍了系统实现的相关技术,最后给出了本论文的研究意义和主要研究内容。 第二章 根据级进模的定义和特点,详细总结了包括毛坯展开、压力与压力中心计算、毛坯排样、工序排样、模具结构设计、模具零件设计与模具图纸绘制等级进模设计内容的一般设计方法。 第三章 详细地分析了PPDCS系统所需实现的功能,运用IDEF0建模方法,建立了整个级进模CAD系统的功能模型。从总体上概述PPDCS系统的结构及运行流程,研究了系统各个模块的实现方法。 第四章 级进模工艺设计是冲模设计中的一个关键环节,工艺设计结果直接影响模具的结构和生产的产品质量。本章根据系统的工艺设计流程图,研究了PPDCS系统产品模型建立、毛坯排样、工艺性分析、刃口设计、工序排样模块的具体实现方法。 第五章 论述了级进模结构设计在整个级进模CAD系统中的重要性以及提高其效率与适应性的必要性和有效途径。在研究PPDCS系统结构设计模块实现的关键技术和级进模“自顶向下”设计流程实现方法的基础上,成功开发了级进模结构设计模块。 第六章 结合支撑软件SolidWorks的相关功能,提出了一种简捷、实用和形象化的建立级进模三维标准件库的思想。研究了该标准件库的参数化建立过程和使用方法。并给出了该标准件库在作者开发的级进模CAD系统PPDCS中的成功应用实例。 第七章 以一个具体的产品——IC引线框架为例,阐述PPDCS系统中模具的整个设计过程。论证系统的实用性与开放性。 第八章 对全文进行总结,并提出了以后的工作和发展方向。

【Abstract】 The design method, characteristic of progressive die of lead frame and the redeveloping way based on SolidWorks are studied. Combining with the practical requirement, a precision progressive die CAD System (PPDCS) for IC lead frame is researched and developed. Eight chapters are included in this dissertation.In chapter 1, some key technologies in relation to progressiv die CAD are discussed and compared. The significance of this research is pointed out and the main contents of this dissertation are summarized.In chapter 2, based on the definition and characteristic of progressive die, the design procedure, including flat pattern geometry, force calculations, strip layout, die constructions design, die components design, drawing generation, is concluded.In chapter 3, the functions of PPDCS are analyzed at first. Then, based on IDEFO method, the function model of PPDCS is built up. At last, the structure and run-flow of PPDCS is given, and the methods adopted in the modules are discussed.In chapter 4, based on the flow chart of process plan, the detailed design of PPDCS, such as feature modeling, blank layout, strip layout and point design, is accomplished.In chapter 5, the significance of the progressive die structure design is summarized, the necessity and available way that can improve its efficiency and flexibility is also discussed. After studying the key technology of structure design in PPDCS and the realization of top-down design, the constructions design module is developed successfully.In chapter 6, a concise, practical and visualized idea is proposed for establishing the 3D database of the standard part. Based on the introduction of the SolidWorks and its functions, the parameterized establishment process and application method of the standard-part database are described. And the successful application of the standard part database in PPDCS is introduced.In chapter 7, based on PPDCS, a practical part design process is demonstrated.In the last chapter, the main results of this dissertation are summarized, and the further study is put forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP391.72
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】348

