

A Study of "Tang Shi Gu Chui" Selected by Yuan Haowen

【作者】 张立荣

【导师】 傅如一;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 中国古代文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 《唐诗鼓吹》是现存最早的一部唐七言律诗选本,选96位诗人596首诗,基本以中晚唐作者为主。此书后世流传较广,出现了不少注释本、解评本,并吸引了许多著名学者为之批点作序,如钱谦益、何焯、纪晓岚等。但近世对此书研究较少。 本文从《唐诗鼓吹》选者辨析、版本研究、选诗特色、为何不选李白、杜甫、韩愈、孟郊、元稹、白居易六大家诗及所体现的诗学思想等几个方面进行分析研究,以便探讨这本出自金元之际的文坛主盟元好问之手的唐诗选本,它不同于一般选本的独到特色和所产生的深远影响。

【Abstract】 It is the seven syllable poem anthology of the Tang Dynasty that stored earliest now named " Tang Shi Gu Chui ", select 96 poets 596 poems. The great majority were authors who hit mid-Tang and late-Tang. This book spreaded relatively widly in later age, presented many explanatory notes , solved and commented notes , and attracted a lot of famous scholars to comment and do preambles for it, such as Qian Qianyi, He Zhuo, Ji Xiaolan,etc. But study this book relatively little in modern times.This paper study the person who selected on " Tang Shi Gu Chui ", edition, characteristics of the poems that were selected , why not select 6 famous poets, such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Han Yu, Meng Jiao, Yuan Zhen, Bai Juyi, the thought in poems that were embodied in this book. In order to probing into the characteristic and far-reaching influence of this Tang poetry anthology which is selected by Yuan Haowen/who was the main alliance of literary world between Jin Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】398

