

Distinguish the Essence of Corporate Culture and Core Competence--Managing Corporate Values

【作者】 吕润泽

【导师】 容和平;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着以信息化、全球化、知识化、人本化为特征的新经济时代的来临,过去的管理理论已经越来越难以解释和预测急剧变化的企业环境。面对如此动荡时代,众多学者都在努力从各自的角度来阐释和分析企业环境的变化,以及企业自身的应对措施,这种努力的表现形式就是通过对现有理论的整合与创新方式来把握时代脉搏。而处于企业管理核心地位的企业战略管理的更是理论与现实交锋的前沿。 本篇论文试图在深入探讨面向新经济时代的企业文化和企业核心竞争力理论体系的基础上,明晰两者的辩证关系,寻求两者的交互影响作用的根源,即,两者的基础交点——企业的价值观。企业文化伴随企业的整个生命周期,在企业核心竞争力形成之初具有强大的促进作用,甚至会融合为核心竞争力的重要组成部分。与此同时,核心竞争力也会不断促进企业文化的深化和拓延。然而,随着企业的不断发展,企业文化本身固有的刚性作用又阻碍了核心竞争力的再造和提升。进一步分析可知,企业文化与核心竞争力是存在于企业内部的两个体系,两者都是具有精神内核的体系,而两者的精神内核都可以归结为企业的价值观,因此,企业价值观是导致两者作用关系的根源。企业内部组织、团队、个体成员价值观直接影响着企业价值观的形成、变化、贯彻。因此,企业应建立一套关于价值观的认识、价值观的变化和认同、价值观的贯彻的价值观管理的框架体系,从而更为有效的塑造企业文化、构建企业核心竞争力,营造企业持续竞争优势。

【Abstract】 As the coming of new economic era which is based on information, globalization, knowledge and human resource, the past theories of management couldn’t explain and foresee the violent changes of enterprises’ surrounding. Faced such a fierce era, many scholars make great efforts to explain and analysis these changes, they want to seek how our corporate should respond to this. These efforts integrating and innovating existed theories in order to grasp these turbulent changes. Strategic management, the core of management, now is standing at the joint of theory and practice.The paper wants to distinguish the dialectical relationship of corporate culture faced new economic era and core competence on the basis of their theories system, and to find out the basic source of their interaction, that is corporate values. Corporate culture exists in the whole life cycle of corporate in the primitive stage, it contribute to the core competence greatly, even integrated as a part of it. Meanwhile, core competence may widen and deepen the corporate culture. However, with the development of the cooperative, the natural characteristic of corporate culture will hinder the re-engineering and advancement of core competence. Both core competence and corporate culture exist in the corporate as two systems. The core of themselves is corporate values. Further research discovered that the basic source of their interaction is corporate values. The values of organizations and individuals inside of corporate effect the development and change and implementation of corporate values directly. So, what should be established is a system includes the shaping of values, the change and identification of values, the implementation of values. The system will promote effectively to shape corporate culture and develop core competence and form continuing competitive advantages.

【关键词】 新经济核心竞争力企业文化价值观
【Key words】 New EconomicCore CompetenceCorporate CultureValues
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】914

