

Research of Many Year’s Training Plans of Chinese Excellent Athlete Ren Ruipinp in Women’s Triple Jump

【作者】 李治

【导师】 郭元奇;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 女子三级跳远是八十年代后期兴起的运动项目。我国运动员在这一运动项目的最初时期有过辉煌的成就。随着时间的推移,我国运动员的成绩与世界先进水平逐渐拉开了距离。而且在这一项目上国外运动员的运动生涯相对较长,在30岁左右还继续参加比赛,并能把成绩保持在高水平上。这与田麦久博士关于多年训练全过程理论中的“运动年限”13—24年相符。而我国大多数优秀女子三级跳远运动员,在她们达到高水平后不久就退役。随着竞技体育的高度发展,比赛激烈程度日益增加,国家为培养运动员投入大量的人力、物力。如果优秀运动员在她们达到最好成绩或能够继续保持较好成绩前就退出比赛场,对运动员来说很遗憾,对国家来说也是一种巨大的浪费。长期以来我国女子三级跳远的训练一直沿用男子训练的模式,但由于女子身体形态、机能、生理等特点导致的身体素质与男子之间的差异。因此,完全沿用男子训练的模式是不利于女子三级跳远的发展。本文通过对任瑞萍多年训练安排的研究,从中找出她自身存在的优势、差距和成绩下降的原因。以改进我国女子三级跳远运动的现状,为广大的教练员和运动员提高训练效果提供参考。 文章通过文献资料法、访问法、数理统计法、对比分析法,就任瑞萍多年训练安排进行了深入研究和分析,得出以下结论: 1.从任瑞萍多年训练的主要身体专项素质指标及技术指标变化情况看,她的训练全过程中,一直保持了稳固增长的趋势,与成绩增长的变化基本一致。说明在任瑞萍的训练中,比较全面、系统的训练是她成绩提高的一个主要原因。 2.任瑞萍的多年训练主要身体专项素质指标及技术指标和成绩的变化,表现了比较明显的几个阶段:基础训练阶段、专项提高阶段、最佳竞技阶段和竞技能力保持阶段。从这几个阶段的时间分配看,与运动训练学理论的观点相一致,也同中国田径教学训练大纲相一致。 3.在任瑞萍的专项技术指标中,她的助跑速度与国外优秀运动员相比,没有显著性的差别;而助跑速度利用率则与国外优秀运动员相比,有显著性的差别;在三跳远度比例中,任瑞萍的第二跳成绩明显低于国外优秀运动员;第三跳远度和落地技术明显优于国外运动员,说明任瑞萍的三级跳远的关键性技术,还未能达到世界优秀运动员的水平。 4.在研究中,发现任瑞萍的竞技能力保持阶段中,发生了较多的伤病情况。特别是在几次重大国际比赛前,较严重的伤病现象影响了训练的正常进行,并造成了比赛中成绩的不稳定性。这是任瑞萍在竞技能力保持阶段的重大比赛中,未能取得较好名次的重要因素。 5.在任瑞萍的整个训练过程中,最佳竞技阶段和竞技能力保持阶段的训练负荷,与中国田径教学训练大纲的要求基本一致。但在基础训练阶段,任瑞萍的训练负荷中,训练次数、训练量和训练强度,明显高于训练大纲的规定。这种情况与任瑞萍在后期的训练中,产生大量的伤病现象是否有因果关系,值得进行进一步的研究。

【Abstract】 The women’s triple jump was a thriving event after 1980s. Chinese athletes have been splendid achievement in the beginning period. There was difference between Chinese athletes and world-advanced athletes to increase gradually. Sport’s life of foreign athletes is longer than ours. They can participate competitions continuously about 30 years old and keep the high level. But we can know which Chinese excellent athletes retired soon after they got high level.The training of Chinese athletes is always following the model of men’s training. Because women’s characteristics of body form, function and physiology that result in the difference between men and women. Through the study of process of Ren Ruiping’s many year’s training try to find advantage, difference and the reason that making her result down.. At the same time, we try to provide women’s triple to coaches and athletes, which promote training effect.Through the analyze of many years’ training plans of Ren Ruiping, we got the conclusion as following:1. Through the change of main special physical condition and technical condition, which keep steady increasing trend at her whole training process. It is consistent with the change of achievement increasing. The general and systemic training is the main reason that promoting achievement.2. Through the change of main special physical condition, technical condition and achievement, which show obvious phases comparatively: basic training phase, special promoting phase, optimal athletic phase and athletic keeping phase. The distribution of time from these phases is consist with the point of view of training theory and Chinese Track and Field Training Outline.3. There is no obvious difference between Ren Ruiping and foreign excellent athletes at the last 5m of approach speed, but her using ability of approach speed has obvious difference from Ren Ruiping’s special technical condition. The hurdler is obvious lower than foreign excellent athletes at three jumps, but her technique of jump and landing is better than foreign splendid athletes. From these we can know that the key technique of Ren Ruiping is not get the level of foreign excellent athletes.4. From studying, we knew that Ren Ruiping has lots of injuries at athletic keeping phase. The serious injury affects the training and competitions. It is the main factor that she didn’t get good result at athletic keeping phase.5. The practice load of optimal athletic phase and athletic keeping phase is consist with Chinese Track and Field Training Outline at whole training phases. But the training load of basic training phase, especially for training times, quantity and strength are higher than Chinese Track and Field Training Outline obviously. Whether is the reason that her has lots injuries at athletic keeping phase, we need study in the future.

【关键词】 女子三级跳任瑞萍训练安排研究
【Key words】 women’s triple jumpRen Ruipingtraining plansresearch
  • 【分类号】G823.4
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】426

