

The Research on Feasible Exercise Intensity of Women Aged from 56 to 60y

【作者】 安楠

【导师】 王安利;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 运动人体科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究通过对33名56-60岁女性进行为期8周的分组锻炼,观察不同运动强度对56-60岁女性各项身体机能指标的影响。锻炼方式选择每周3次、每次达到靶心率30分钟的健走运动,分别以FC的30-45%、46-60%、61-75%作为三组受试者的运动强度。选取身体形态及体成份、心肺功能、血脂等指标进行锻炼前后对照。 研究结果显示,56-60岁女性进行小强度(30-45%FC)健走锻炼可以有效改善体成份,降低体脂含量及体脂百分比,显著降低血脂,同时降低安静时收缩压及提高肺活量。进行中等强度(46-60%FC)健走锻炼,可以改善心脏功能,表现为EDD、EDV加大,射血分数、每搏量增加,安静时心率减慢,心肌收缩能力增强,安静时收缩压和肺活量改善,还可使FC得到提高。进行高强度(61-75%FC)健走锻炼,可以更为显著地促进心脏功能,提高肺活量,并能加快反应时及改善脂代谢,但对FC、血压及身体形态指标无明显作用。不同锻炼强度对提高身体柔韧性、平衡性、切、调性无明显影响。 本研究观察到不同运动强度对各系统机能的影响不同,对于不同健身目的的适宜强度也应有所差异,研究得到以下初步结论: 1.以减肥、改善身体形态为主要目的的健身运动应选择小强度:30-45%FC。 2.以降血压、降血脂为主要目的的健身运动应选择中、小强度:30-60%FC。 3.以增强心脏功能为主要目的的健身运动应选择中等强度:46-60%FC。 4.以增强肺功能为主要目的的健身运动可选择较大强度范围:30-75%FC。 4.对于有一定健身锻炼基础、无心脑血管疾病、体质较好的中老年女性,为进一步增强心肺功能、降血脂及提高机体灵敏性,可选择高强度61-75%FC作为进一步锻炼强度。 5.需进行有针对性练习以提高机体平衡性、灵敏性及协调性。

【Abstract】 The research studied the different changes observed on 33 women aged from 56 to 60 years old after an 8-week exercise at different intensities. All subjects were divided into 3 groups and given walking exercise (3 times per week, 30 min on THR time) at different intensities which are according to the percentage of Function Capacity (FC): 30-45%FC, 46-60%FC and 61-75%FC. We compared the data on configuration and body composition, cardio-respiratory capacity and blood fat took before and after 8-week’s walking.The results are showed as followed, lower intensity (30-45%FC) seems to threw better effect on body composition, reduce the content and percentage of body fat and blood fat, decrease the systolic pressure and improve vital capacity. Middle intensity (46-60%FC) can improve the cardiac fitness, e.g. increase EDD, EDV, EF, SV, reduce FIR and enhance the contraction ability of cardiac muscles, also meliorate vital capacity and systolic pressure. Higher intensity (61-75%FC) can visibly enhance the cardiac fitness and vital capacity, expedite reaction time and make better of the metabolic ability of body fat, but it has no effect on FC, blood pressure and body composition. Different intensity seems to have no apparent effect on balancing and coordination ability.The research observed different effects on different system at different exercise intensity. Different intensities are suitble for different aims of physical exercises. The conclusions can be drew as followed,1 xercise for good shape and reducing body fat, lower intensity (30-45%FC) should be taken,2 Exercise for decreasing blood pressure and blood fat, lower and middle intensity should be selected,3 xercise for enhancing the cardiac capacity, middle intensity (46-60%FC) should bechoosed,4 xercise for increasing vital capacity, all intensity (30-75%) can be selected,hose who have been basically trained and no disease on the heart and vessel, 61-75%FCshould be suitable for their further training. Special related exercises are needed to improve balancing, flexibility and coordination.

【关键词】 中老年女性健身强度
【Key words】 middle and old agefemaleexerciseintensity
  • 【分类号】G806
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】659

