

Development of CAD Software for Chemical Tower Equipment

【作者】 甘辉

【导师】 郑忠俊;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 化工合成塔设备的设计和研究,在化工、石油机械工业中有着重要的地位和作用。化工合成塔设备的参数化设计绘图系统的开发,对于化工机械行业的发展具有重大意义。本文详细介绍了化工合成塔设备CAD软件的特点、功能及开发过程中的关键技术,对基于Windows 2000操作系统下AutoCAD2000软件平台上进行专业化CAD软件开发的技术做了深入研究。 软件的开发采用了目前AutoCAD二次开发的最新语言:ObjectARX2000,通过Visual C++6.0编程环境,实现软件界面的可视化设计。ObjectARX2000是Autodesk公司针对AutoCAD2000软件平台上的二次开发而推出的一个开发软件包,它支持面向对象编程,采用C++语言,可以直接访问和控制AutoCAD,进行基于图形界面的应用开发。这种开发工具结合了两大优势:一方面充分利用AutoCAD环境的强大的图形、编辑功能,利用Autodesk公司提供的类和库函数对图形数据库进行操作,以完成其绘图功能,另一方面可以利用Windows的资源、微软的基本类库和Visual C++的可视化编程语言与工具,方便、高效地设计具有典型Windows风格的CAD应用程序。正因如此,它成为进行AutoCAD二次开发的首选工具。 在现代机械设计CAD中,采用面向对象设计思想的参数化设计的应用很广。文中通过对化工合成塔设备设计过程的分析,找出其结构特点:其主要零部件在每个系列里的结构变化不大,而其尺寸、规格等又有标准可循。因此,完全可以将它们设计成参数化设计、绘图系统,通过对其主要结构参数的确定,来进行图形绘制。 文中通过对用户界面设计过程的描述,分析了利用ARX和MFC混合编程实现软件界面的可视化设计的方法,介绍了启动界面设计技术与菜单开发技术的应用。同时,探讨了界面容错性、稳定性、数据动态更新等技术的实现方法。 在程序设计过程中秉承面向对象的程序设计思想,全文贯穿了模块化设计理念,分析了软件开发过程中的关键技术及实现方法:如面向对象的程序设计技术、参数化CAD系统的接口技术、模块化设计技术、CAD系统的参数化设计的实现方法、ARX与MFC联合使用技术、工程数据库的建立以及基本功能模块的开发等等。在开发过程中进行了特征参数的选择、函数建立、数据检索、实体绘制及图形数据库操作等多项工作。 该软件完成了化工合成塔设备的参数化设计,建立了合成塔工程数据库,实现了设计、绘图的自动化。该系统在给定基本参数条件下,通过人机交互,能够自动从软件中建立的数据库中提取数据,创建塔设备零部件二维图,并在AutoCAD中生成图形。当修改设计参数时,该系统将重新进行数据的检索、参数计算等工作,迅速建立新的图形。 最后,通过对软件的反复使用,用不同数据进行测试,表明该系统使用方便、界面友好、运行可靠,实现了从数据到图纸的计算机参数化设计、绘图。不仅可以节省设计人员的时间和精力,而且能够减少工程设计及绘图中的人为错误、缩短工程周期,对生产实际具有重要的实用价值。

【Abstract】 The design and research of chemical tower equipment has an important status in chemical engineering and petroleum mechanical industry. The development of parameter design and drawing of CAD system for chemical tower equipment is very important on progress in chemical machine. In this thesis, the properties, function and key technology of developing process in chemical tower equipment CAD software are introduced in detail. This professional CAD software is based on AutoCAD 2000 software platform in the Windows 2000 system. And the paper discusses the technology.The software’s development takes advantage of ObjectARX 2000 which is the newest language in the second development of AutoCAD at present. Through the programming environment of Visual C++ 6.0, the Visual interface design of the software is realized. ObjectARX 2000 is a development tool of AutoCAD 2000 software platform, which is supported by Autodesk company and can support Object-Oriented programming, using C++ , visit and control AutoCAD directly, then develop the software based on drawing interface. This method of development has integrated the following two advantages -one is powerful image displaying displaying and compiling function under AutoCAD ambient, it can operate drawing database by using class and standard library offered by Autodesk company, to realize drawing function. And the other is design CAD system efficiently by making great use of the resources of Windows , class of MFC and visual program tool. For these reason, ObjectARX becomes the prior tool in the secondary development of CAD.In modern mechanical CAD, parametric design which adopting the idea of Object-Oriented Programming is widely used. By analyzing the process of design,we can find that it has characteristics, such as the main parts and components of the chemical tower equipment have a little changes according to the structure of different series. Their size and specification can also be found from database. So we can create a parametric system of design and drawing, and realize drawing by gaining the main parameter.In the process of design Interface, the methods of realizing the Visual interface design by combining ARX(AutoCAD Runtime Extension) and class of MFC are analyzed. The techniques of AutoCAD menu development and start interface development are also discussed. At the same time, the paper discusses the essentials of technique , for instance, modification , stability and dynamic updating of data.The process of programming uses Object-Oriented programming idea, processes the modularization technology. During the course, the key technology and development are discussed, such as the technology of Object-Oriented programming, the interface technology of the parametric CAD system, the modularization idea, the method of realizing parametering design of CAD system, the techniques of ARX and MFC combination, the technology of process basic function module, the foundation of database, and so on. The process of development includes selecting main parameter, function building, data searching, body drawing and database operation, and so on.The software accomplished parametric design of the chemical tower equipment, established engineering database, and realized design and drawing automatically. The important features and capabilities of this CAD system include, according to radical parameters of design, the design system can extract data from assigned database automatically, generate draw in AutoCAD by using easy-use friendly interactive interface. When the parameters are changed, the software will search data and calculate parameter again, and create new draw rapidly.At last, we use the software time and again by different parameters. Under the above foundation, the system has a friendly interface, simply operation way, powerful function and runs safely, realizes parametric design and draw from data to draw. The software can not only save the time and energy of designers, but also reduce factitiously mistake of design or drawing, speed up the proceeding o

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP391.72
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】244

