

Study on the Developing Strategy of South-west Electric Power Design Institute

【作者】 杨坤明

【导师】 宋伟; 周大吉;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 建国以来,电力工业一直被视为国家管制的自然垄断行业,按所属关系和行政区划设立的电力设计院的目标是:完成上级下达的指令性电力工程勘测设计任务。设计收费低,单位功能单一,设计资质窄。随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和中国加入WTO,中央所属行业设计院全部由事业单位转制为科技型、服务型的企业,西南电力设计院身份和角色将发生转变。如何适应新的形势,是每一个中国电力设计企业正在探索和研究的新问题。 针对国际国内环境的变革和国家经济体制的转型,本文以西南电力设计院(SWED—South-West Electric Power Design Institute)为研究对象,就SWED作为中国国家电力公司电力工程顾问集团公司的全资子企业,如何形成自己的而且适应当前新形势的发展战略,如何保证战略目标的实施,探索性地提出了自己的见解。 依据战略制定和实施的基本理论,通过深入研究SWED所处的外部环境及SWED企业现状分析,认清了使企业受益的外部机会和面临的威胁,认清了企业内部的优势和不足。根据SWED的经营思想和经营目标,依据SWOT矩阵匹配分析提出了五个主要发展战略: (1)实施市场开发战略,以开拓西北、华北、华南市场和西部水电配套输变电工程,实现企业经济效益的新增长目标。 (2)实施市场渗透战略,利用区位优势迅速而且极大地扩大“西电东送”项目中的市场份额,以保持和扩大经济效益。 (3)实施成本领先战略,以提高企业整体经济效益。 (4)实施主、辅分离,实行剥离与集中多元化相结合的分层次经营发展战略。向环保、计算机信息管理等高科技领域进军。 (5)实施国际化战略,发挥大院的人才、技术优势,组建设计集团,与跨国公司和知名企业集团合作,逐步推进企业经营国际化。 根据企业发展战略构想,提出了实施该战略必须以创新为手段,保证对市场的快速反应,提高顾客满意度,确定年度目标和有关保证政策。主要内容包括: (l)树立以知识、技术为基础的战略理念。 (2)调整组织架构。 (3)建立科学的管理体系。 (4)有效的资源配置。 (5)塑造与战略目标适应的企业文化,建立学习型组织等方面的设想。 中国电力工程顾问集团公司和各省级电力设计院,到目前为止还没有一个成功地形成自己的发展战略和战略实施纲要。通过该课题的研究,本论文主要在如下几方面提出了新的见解: (l)系统化地提出了SWED应以市场渗透战略为核心,以市场开发、成本领先、剥离与集中多元化等为表现形式的发展战略,使战略目标更具体化,更具操作性。 (2)通过对组织结构的研究,提出了SWED改为具有EPC(设计一Erection采购一Procurement建设一Colluni osioning)总承包能力的国际型工程公司,建立现代企业制度,通过资产重组组建华西电力设计工程公司,与下属股份制公司之间建立母、子或参股制资本关系思路。建立以EPC工程项目管理为中心,项目设计实行矩阵式管理的生产经营模式,这一设想在电力行业内是首创。 (3)在战略实施中,阐述了对于SWED,应树立以知识、技术为基础的竞争战略实施理念,提出了应重塑劳动、人事、分配新机制,提出了企业财务管理与资金投向重点领域的思路,在电力行业设计院内有借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 The electric-power industry has been viewed as a monopolized industry since our states was found. According to relation of belongingness and division of administration, there are several targets to establish a electric power design institute: achieving ordered tasks given by higher authorities about, power engineering, lower design price, a single function and a single structure of products. However, china’s entry WTO and establishment of socialistic market economy, power system’s deeper reform, and all of these state-run design institutes’ changing into technical and service enterprises, status and role of the design institute are gradually taking a great charges. How to adapt to new situation is a new problem- researched by each power design institute.To aim at international and internal environment’s innovation and economic system’s transformation, in this dissertation, the research object is SWED (South-west electric power design institute) for SWED, who is a part of china electric power engineering consultative group, the author will exploratly come up with his opinions about how to form its development strategy that can adapt to the new situation at present and how to guarantee to carry out the targets.According to the basic theory of stratagem’s establishment and implementation, this dissertation analyzed the SWED’s industry background, present situations, the consultative group’s situations and requirement. Recognized the advantaged chances and threat from outside, meanwhile, recognized the advantages and disadvantagesfrom inside. It proposed five leading development stratagem by SWOT matrix mate analysis:(1) implement market exploration strategy, exploit the markets in the northwest, north and south of china, and western water-electricity system transmission and transformer engineering to realize the new increase target for corporation’s economic benefit.(2) Implement penetration strategy, make rapidly full use of the project on the transference of electricity from west to east, increase the market share to keep and improve the corporation’s economic benefit.(3) Implement the strategy of cost leading.(4) Implement the separation of principal and subordinate parts, enter into the high technology field like environment protection, computer information management and so on.(5) Implement internationalization strategy, make use of the advantage of technology and persons with ability to establish design group, and cooperate with the transnational companies and famous enterprises to internationalize the management step by step.In order to realize these stratagems, it must innovate, assure the fast reaction on markets, and increase the degree of the customer’s satisfactions, meanwhile-, confirm the target for a year and relative assuring policy. By the development strategy of enterprise, it proposed the following thoughts:(1) Implement competition strategy ideas with knowledge and technology, i(2) Adjust the structure of organization.(3) Establish scientific management systems.(4) Efficient configuration for resources.(5) Form the enterprise’s culture corresponding with the strategic targets, at last, found the organization with studying style.At present, both china electric power, engineering consultative group and provincial electric power design institutes haven’t own development strategy and its implementation program. Discussing this problem, this dissertation proposed thefollowing new ideas.(l)It proposed in a systematic way that technological enterprise like SWED should choose strategy targets, example market exploration strategy, penetration strategy, cost leading strategy, etc.(2)Studying the organization structure, it proposed originality hi electric power ranks that SWED should be reformed to be a international engineering company , which has EPC function, establish Huaxi electric engineering company, found the relationship of institution & function with sub-company, convert the center of management from func

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】F426.61
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】410

