

The Design on Leverage Buy-Out for a Realestate Enterprise

【作者】 曾强

【导师】 孙璐;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会主义市场经济的不断创新和发展,企业并购活动在社会经济的各个行业广泛开展,并购已经成为社会经济生活中的特殊风景线。对于不同行业中的并购活动,由于行业各有特点,因而在方案设计时必须结合这些特点,设计出相对有效的方案。 房地产行业作为国民经济发展的重要行业,正面临着行业内部资源整合的巨大机遇,在房地产行业内进行杠杆收购方案设计和具体操作实施并最终取得目标企业的土地使用权资源的思路具有重要的现实意义,本文选择从这个角度进行研究,总结出在房地产行业内为取得土地使用权资源进行的杠杆收购方案设计及操作应遵循的一些原则和方法,期望为从事该类并购活动的资本运作人员及投资银行专业人员提供借鉴。 本文以成都LW有限公司为取得原国有企业成都ZY厂厂区用地,而对成都ZY厂的联合开发企业四川DX有限责任公司实施整体兼并案例作为分析的切入点,在通过综合运用企业并购理论、企业融资理论,并结合房地产行业的特点和政策法规,通过两次关联的企业并购活动实现了并购目标。全文共分为四个部分:第一部分是对杠杆收购方案设计和实施过程的详细介绍,阐述了杠杆收购过程中涉及的各企业间关系及历史背景,在收购过程中设计方案时的思路等;第二部分是对企业并购相关理论以及并购中的融资理论进行介绍,主要涉及并购的基本概念、基本理论、杠杆收购理论和操作特点以及企业并购中的融资理论;第三部分是对本次杠杆收购过程中的几点问题的讨论,包括对房地产开发行业特点及开发企业财务特点进行分析,指出房地产开发中土地使用权资源的特殊性;并对本次并购方案在理论指导下的特点进行了剖析并对并购完成后的效果进行了分析:在最后部分还对并购过程中的银企合作关系建立以及并购风险控制做出了探讨。 通过本次发生在房地产企业之间,以获取土地使用权资源为目的的杠杆收购方案的设计,本文得出以下观点:第一、杠杆收购方案的设计必须结合行业特点和企业特点,尽可能采用利益均衡的原则,从双方的利益角度设计方案,以获得被收购企业的配合;第二、收购方案中的价格问题谈判是并购活动的核心内容,通过对项目开发过程中现金流量以贴现现金流量法(DCF)倒推的方法,可以测算出并购价格基础,在此过程中的贴现率难以通过资本资产定价模型(CAPM)进行确定,但可以通过收购方根据自身综合财务成本和投资回报率要求拟定;第三、杠杆收购中的融资方案的设计是重要环节,应综合使用多种方式解决收购中的资金支付问题。

【Abstract】 Nowadays following the marketing economy’s blooming, M&A( Merger &Acquisition) has been wildly developed in various social fields. A successful M&A designer should follow the speciality of each field to get an effective solution.The real estate field is one of the most important national economy infrastructure departments, and it is facing a great opportunity to deal with its resource. This article attempts to uncover some principals and some important key-skills of the designing method by analyzing the detailed designing steps of LBO for a real estate enterprise. The article is aimed to apply reference for the professional persons engaging in the M&A fields, especially for those making a plan for LBO.The making of the LBO plan for Chengdu LW Limited Co. purchasing Sichuan DX Limited Co. is applied as a model. The LBO purchasing is accomplished under the guidance of various theories of M&A and enterprise financing, also making the reality of the real estate fields into consideration. By two related M&A actions, the merger’s goal of obtaining the land is achieved. There are four parts in this article: the first part is the detailed introduction of the LBO process; the second part is the summary of various M&A theory and enterprise financing theory; the third part is a brief discussion on several questions;and a conclusion is made in the last part.Through the detailed LBO plan making, we can get three points: First, during the course of the LBO plan making , the designer should study the fields of M&A carefully so as to equal the benefit of both sides. Second, the price decision of LBO is the core of the plan designing. DCF is a wildly used method for price calculation in M&A program, but the discount of DCF method is hard to put. In order to find a proper discount, the CAPM should be reformed(because the data of β is hard to chose, which reflect degree of risk). In this article, we suggest that the discount should be evaluated on the base of financial cost and ratio of yield. Lastly, we focus on the financing plan designing, which is the key of the whole plan. We should find out a proper way to deal with the payment during LBO purchasing.

【关键词】 房地产企业杠杆收购方案设计
【Key words】 Real EstateLBOProgram design
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【下载频次】401

