

Comparative Research between Chinese and American Finance & Business Magazine

【作者】 刘镎

【导师】 李苓;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 新闻学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 美国拥有世界上最发达的杂志工业,三大财经杂志《福布斯》、《商业周刊》、《财富》都享有世界性的声誉。中国杂志市场是世界成长最快的发展中市场,财经杂志也是其中成长最快的品种之一。在中国加入WTO、美国财经杂志逐步进入中国市场、中国财经杂志也有机会走向世界的大背景下,对中美财经杂志业进行对比性研究显得尤为必要。 本课题的研究目的是,对中国财经杂志事业的生存现状进行客观的、全面的描述,为业界规划财经杂志的经营模式提供决策的依据;分析中美著名财经杂志成长的经验,为业界提供应对市场考验的可参考性范例,以降低投资风险;就现阶段财经杂志市场的问题与发展前景进行分析和探索性研究,提供有助于我国政府制定指导业界政策的建议方案。 本课题主要研究内容是,从杂志分类中辨析财经杂志的含义,明确界定广义财经杂志、狭义财经杂志的概念;从经济发展的历史角度比较中美财经杂志的发展进程;从社会控制和产业支持角度比较中美财经杂志的外部生存环境;对中美财经杂志业的内部生存和竞争状况进行描述性和解释性研究;对中美最具有代表性的三种财经杂志《财经》、《福布斯》、《商业周刊/中文版》的报道特色和栏目设置进行实证分析和对比研究。 本课题通过上述比较研究得出如下结论: 1.中国财经杂志业存在六大机会——蓬勃发展的经济使得财经新闻需求量增大,入世后外资和外刊进入财经杂志业成为可能,业外资本对财经媒体兴趣浓厚,中国财经杂志业存在众多空白的市场细分点,缺乏强势财经杂志和媒体集团,国家将在5年内重点扶持部分品牌期刊;也存在六大问题—政治性与商业性制约并存;杂志发行成为供给与需求的瓶颈;财经杂志的消费集中在大城市;杂志广告销售混乱,发行数据模糊;杂志广告效果评估工具不完善;财经杂志的编辑能力夜弱。 2.美国财经杂志可供借鉴的成功经验主要是创造自由的发展环境、塑 造强大的品牌、注重消费者需求、增强多媒体互动、高度重视人力 盗源和培养核心竞争力。 3.「!,国未来则经杂志的发展战略是加强受众市场的开拓、加快广告市 场的培育、健全资本市场的运作、激活内容市场的发展和加速杂志 的集团化进程。 本课题的创新之处在于:明确界定“财经杂志”的广义和狭义概念;从经济发展的历史进程对中国财经杂志的历史进行梳理;对三种狭义财经杂志进行实证分析和对比研究得出成功财经杂志的共性与个性;提出中国财经杂志业的发展战略和应当努力开拓的“四个市场”—受众市场、广告市场、资本市场和内容市场。

【Abstract】 America holds the most developed magazine industry in the world. Forbes, Fortune and Business Week take cosmopolitan reputation. Chinese magazine market is the most fast-developing one. When China entered WTO, American finance & business magazines began to develop the Chinese market, and Chinese magazines got the opportunities to enter the international market. Nowadays, the comparative research between Chinese and American finance & business magazine is becoming more and more important.This project aims: describing the actuality of Chinese Finance & Business Magazine industry, to provide warranties for marking out management mode and making decision; analyzing the growing experiences of three famous magazine, to provide the successful examples; studying the problems and opportunities of Chinese present market, to provide advices on magazines ’ development to our government.This project content: defining the broaden sense and narrow sense "finance & business magazine" ; comparing the histories of the Chinese and America finance & business magazine from an economic-developing view; comparing the social control and industrial aegis between China and USA; studying the competing actualities in finance & business magazine industries; doingdemonstration research on Caijing, Forbes, Business Week/Chinese. This project gets the following outcomes:1. Chinese finance & business magazine industry has six opportunities: the expending demands on finance & business news, the entering of the foreign capitals and foreign magazines, the dense interest from out-industry capitals, the empties on subsection markets, lacking famous magazine combines, supporting from the government to many excellent magazines. However, Chinese finance & business magazine industry still has six problems: restriction both from polices and business, the magazine issue problem, the consumption central izing on big cities, the confusion on magazine advertising distribution, lacking evaluating tools on advertising, the weak editing capacities.2. The experiences from America finance & business magazine: loose developing environment, powerful brand influence, consumer guide, multimedia use, manpower resource, and core competition capability.3. Chinese future finance & business magazine market must do more on the following things: exploiting the reader market, fostering the advertising market, consummating the capital market, exciting the content market, and accelerating the process of building magazine combines.The innovations of this project: defining the broaden sense and narrow sense "Finance & business magazine" ; describing the finance & business magazine histories from an economic-developing view; summarizing the commonness and individuality of successful finance & business magazines; bringing forward the four markets which Chinese finance & business magazine industry must develop: the reader market, the advertising market, the capital market, and the content market.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】G239.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】684

