

The American Newsweekly Pattern and the Inspiration of Chinese Newsweekly Development

【作者】 陈晓

【导师】 郭亚夫;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 新闻学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 美国是世界上杂志业最发达的国家,杂志种类繁多,风格各异。新闻周刊则是美国杂志大军里的一支劲旅。自1923年《时代》创刊,开创现代新闻周刊的先河之后,《新闻周刊》、《美国新闻与世界报道》等优秀新闻周刊紧随其后,成就“美国三大新闻周刊”的美名。经过近八十年的苦心经营和积淀,美国现代新闻周刊在内容提供和发行经营上都已形成一套成熟的模式。反观中国的新闻周刊,仍处在起步阶段,新闻的塑造能力仍处于初级水平。因此本文试图以美国新闻周刊的发展脉络和《时代》为研究蓝本,以史料分析和个案分析相结合的手法,通过对国外杰出新闻周刊在新闻操作和发行经营上的分析,为现阶段中国新闻类周刊的成长提供借鉴。 论文的第一章是绪论,介绍文章的研究背景和方法。第二章是给文章要研究的对象下定义,总结出新闻周刊的几个特点。由于新闻周刊是期刊的一种,本文从期刊定义入手,将新闻周刊分为广义和狄义两类。再根据期刊的分类,排除了周报和专业类新闻杂志,界定了本文的研究范畴:以杂志形式出版的综合类新闻周刊。 论文接下来分为两部分:一部分放眼国外,包括笫三章和第四章。第三章简单梳理了国外新闻周刊的发展历史。第四章则是个案分析,以《时代》为蓝本,总结它在新闻报道和多项经营上的风格,探讨它在新闻操作和经营上的致胜之道。 最后一部分则落脚到中国本土,包括第五,第六章。第五章介绍中国新闻周刊市场的现状和面临问题。首先将目前市场上出现的综合性新闻周刊分成两类:一类是比较严肃的时政类新闻周刊,代表刊物是《瞭望》和《新闻周刊》;一类是文化生活类周刊。代表刊物是《新周刊》,《新民周刊》。.《三联生活周刊》创刊之初的发行周期是双周刊,定位为社会文化生活,但改成周刊后又逐渐向时政报道靠拢,所以处在这两者的分界线上.概述市场现状后再提出问题,分析我国的新闻周刊市场的特点和面临困境.第六章则试图解决文中提出的问题,从定位,内容,网络,人刁’培养和储备,发行等几个方面入手,借鉴前一部分总结的国外优秀新闻周刊的经验,探索一条中国新闻周刊的强大之路. 通过上述结构,本文就中国新闻周刊的发展之道得出如下结论: 1.新闻周刊的卖点在于有见地的观点。 新闻期刊出版周期长,实际也影响了新闻的时效性,所以新闻周刊的卖点不是在单纯的信息上,而是在于深层次的观念。这是新闻期刊在现阶段,乃至将来的任务,也是新闻期刊得以生存发展的基石。买报纸是消费信息,但买新闻周刊是消费一种观念。这就要新闻周刊的文章始终要有评论的精神在里面。 2.新闻周刊的成功之道在于树立品牌和权威. 新闻周刊的权威是具有个性魅力的话语权威和洞察l付事的观点权威。信息的权威性实际上是一份新闻周刊综合实力的反映,至少是其新闻采集能力、分析加工能力以及后期制作能力的全面体现。而树立权威的方法则分为三种:首先是新闻事实的详尽,通过图表、数据、贴身采访和大量的幕后工作把最值得关注的东西呈现在读者的眼前:然后是观点评论的独到深刻。在这两者的基础上,新闻周刊还应该刻意形成自己的独创栏目,用时间和苦心经营将其砺炼成杂志的招牌。策划成功,需要投入大量人力和时间的独家调查性报道是形成杂志权威的法宝。口前我国的新闻周刊还停留在比拼大而全和以生造概念来制造独家的阶段,这也足我国新闻周刊发展初期浮躁的一个表现。 3.坚持“两手抓”,一手抓内容采编,一手抓广告发行。 单纯做一个优秀的内容提供者己经不能让中国新闻周刊走向强大,《三联生活周刊》和中国《新闻周刊》曾经的休刊遭遇都证明了这个道理:经营和采编齐头并进才是新闻周刊强大的正途。

【Abstract】 The U.S is the most developed country of magazine industry in the world. Its magazine sort is various and its style is different unusual. The Newsweeklies are strong forces in the American magazine army. Since TIME has born in 1923, building a model of the modern Newsweek, other excellent Newsweeklies such as Newsweek, American news and the world report tightly followed TIME and won the reputation "American three great Newsweeklies". After nearly 80 years taking great pains to build up and storing up the source, American modern newsweeklies form a mature model in reporting and managing. Counter observing the Chinese newsweeklies, they are still in the preliminary stage, the news description capability yet in a primary level. Learning foreign ripe newsweeklies can help Chinese newsweeklies strong quickly.The first section of article is introduction of research background and means. The aim of second section is making a definition of newsweekly . Since the fact that the Newsweek is one kind of periodicals, The original begin with the periodical definition. The research category was fixed in the limit: Synthesis Newsweeklies with which the magazine shape not including the press.The dissertation is next divided into two sections: one section is the development history of American Newsweek. Another section is describing the situation of Chinese Newsweek marketplace and probing solutions of present problems.By means of the above-mentioned composition, the developing road of theChinese Newsweek obtains the following conclusion:1. The selling point of newsweeklies is judgement view.The period of newsweeklies is longer than press, which effect news time efficiency. Therefore it depend on supplying viewpoint that rests with the deep step. This is the task of newsweekly, also is the development basement of newsweekly. Buying newspaper is consuming message, while buying Newsweekly is consuming viewpoint.2. The road of the success of Newsweekly rests with establishing brand and authoritativeness.Authoritativeness of newsweekly is what one says that haves the personality charm authoritatively and concept authoritativeness who haves an insight into the current affairs. In reality authoritativeness of message is synthetical strength of a Newsweekly reflection. The means of establishing authoritativeness is divided into three kinds: first of all is the exhaustive of news fact, by means of diagram, data and details; Afterwards is the original profound of concept commentary. On the base of both mention above, the Newsweekly still should sedulously make its famous column. With takes great pains to build up sharpen to refine such in the way of time into the magazine shop sign ?3. Persevere "Dual tactics" : One uphold news report, another uphold management.Paying special attention to the substance of newsweekly, paying special attention to the advertisement all alone issue. Being an excellent content provider purely can’t allow the Chinese Newsweekly head for powerfully. The suspending publication experience of sanlian lifeweek And Chinese Newsweekly demonstrated this principle: It is the powerful correct path of newsweekly that management and reporting content advance side by side.

【关键词】 新闻周刊《时代》风格启示
【Key words】 newsweeklyTIMEstyleinspiration
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】G239.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】842

