

ZRF Furniture Franchising Design and Practice

【作者】 石进

【导师】 黎永泰;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 进入九十年代以来,随着国内房地产热的升温,消费者家具消费观念的更新和消费能力的提高,我国家具产量保持在年增长12—15%的速度。截止到二00一年底,中国家具生产企业已达五万家,工业总产值一千四百亿元,成为世界家具消费额超过了100亿美元的六大家具工业强国之一。国内家具业近些年处于高速发展的状况,家具企业面临的竞争越来越激烈,家具营销成为家具企业关注的焦点。1999年底,有的家具厂商开始采用特许连锁经营来拓展业务、塑造品牌,新的模式建立了企业、分销商及消费者的战略伙伴关系,涌现了像富运、大豪兴利、大富豪和迪信等一批在国内拥有上百家专卖店的大规模的家具厂商。到2003年家具业的特许经营经历了三年的发展,虽然特许连锁经营为家具企业的扩张提供了成功的商业模式,但更多的企业的特许经营停留在有名无实的阶段,运用特许连锁经营来规范地操作家具营销的少之又少,成熟的特许经营模式能供广大家具企业借鉴的几乎没有。 在本论文中以青岛ZRF家居用品有限公司作为案例对国内家具特许经营进行探讨。该公司是一家经营家具的专业公司,2002年8月开始以特许连锁经营开拓业务,对外正式招募经销加盟商。笔者当时所在的商场—南京石林家居装饰广场是该公司的第一位经销加盟商,笔者经历了首次洽谈开始到后续与ZRF家具的合作,并在2002年10月受聘担任ZRF公司营销副总,承担了ZRF家具的特许连锁经营的建立和推行工作。 本论文以特许连锁经营的基本理论为基础,以家具这一工业产品的基本特性为依据,结合青岛ZRF家居用品公司的实际现状,通过对ZRF家具实施特许经营的可行性分析,建立了ZRF特许经营体系,并在推行家具特许经营的工作中取得了显著效果,由此进一步对家具业的特许经营进行思考,给更多的家具企业开展特许连锁经营提供参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 Since 1990, with the heating of domestic real estate, the changing of furniture consumption concept and the development of the consumption ability, Chinese furniture output has been increased 12-15% per year. Until the end of 2001,there has been 50000 Chinese furniture manufacturing companies and 140 billion industry general production. China became one of the biggest furniture consumption countries in the world. But with the accelerate development, the competitions among these companies become more and more intense, especially from the late of 1999.a great deal of furniture companies used franchising. They all focus on furniture marketing. Today more and more companies set up their strategic partnership among their companies, distributors and customers. The large scales companies such as Fuyun, Dahaosinli and Dixin, have more than 100 chain-stores in our country. Although franchising has provided a successful pattern, there is little company known how and run it correctly. And it is hardly to find a maturity model to follow.The ZRF Furniture Limited Company of Qingdao, which using franchising, is used as a typical case in this paper. This company is a professional company manufacturing and distributing furniture. In August 2000, this company has expanded their business by this way. The author had experienced from the first negotiation to the opening of Shilin Nanjing ZRF Furniture chain store. The author also took part in the design of it.This paper, which is based on the basic theory of franchising, according to the fundamental character of industry product of furniture, using the case of the ZRFFurniture Company, is emphasized on the general operating pattern of franchising. This paper can provide experiences and references to more furniture companies.

【关键词】 ZRF家具特许经营设计推行思考
【Key words】 ZRFFurnitureFranchisingDesignPractiseAnalysis
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】F721.7
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】384

