

The Component-Based Development of Sub-GIS and the Research and Application of Several Key Technologies on the Automatic System for ATC

【作者】 李卫国

【导师】 游志胜; 杨红雨;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 计算机应用, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 该文基于新一代机场管制中心系统MRD2K—JH的研发工作,全面阐述了机场管制中心系统的详细设计与系统结构,从软件工程及建立空管自动化系统的角度,针对软件开发模式、开发过程以及空管的若干关键技术,进行了大量深入细致的研究,提出了行之有效的开发解决方案。主要的研究结果如下: (1)基于构件技术的软件开发的研究:从软件工程角度,详细探讨了基于构件技术的软件开发方法、过程。软件复用多年的实践表明,软件复用有助于大大减少系统的开发周期、提高系统质量、降低系统开发成本。软件复用被认为是解决软件危机现实可行的途径。作为一种基于复用的软件系统开发方法,构件技术是在面向对象开发方法在软件复用实践的基础上得以发展一种软件开发技术,它的出现改变了以往封闭、复杂、难以维护的软件开发模式。对于像ATC等大型软件系统的开发更能发挥基于构件技术的优势。 (2)基于构件技术的空管地理信息于系统的开发:通过对现有地理信息系统平台的分析,并结合军航管制业务特性,提出开发一套基于Unix图形界面的适于我国军航机场管制作业的地理信息子系统,可以很好满足MRD2K—JH系统对地理信息的需求。在基于构件的地理信息子系统的设计、实现过程中,可重用构件的提取是一个十分复杂的事情,为从领域中提取重用构件建立设计开发模型,对系统的业务、功能以及数据流程做出描述和抽象,再从抽象化的模型中提取重用构件。已设计出的构件库得到了很好的复用,大大提高了系统开发质量、降低了开发周期和系统开发维护的成本。 (3)计划航路通报地址自动生成研究:根据军航管制的飞行情报自动化技 Abstraet术的要求,对计划航线将要穿越的区域进行通报,通报的地址由系统自动计算生成。结合计算机图形学和地理信息子系统的技术优势,提出一种可见面显影方法的通报地址自动生成方案,该方案具有以下三个优点:①地址完全可靠②地址生成不受地标点、航线等数据库内容的限制,对于用经纬度描述的航线同样可以给出准确的通报地址③通报关系明了,易于修改、维护。通过计划航线通报地址的自动生成,降低了人工的工作量和错误的发生率,提高了通报的准确性,大大提高了工作效率。该技术在国内处于领先地位,具有极大的应用和推广价值。 (4),达数据显示控制席位人机界面的设计:从软件工程和人机界面理论的角度出发,详细研究了基于Unix的雷达数据显示控制席位的人机界面的实现。在空管系统人机界面的设计时,采用X Windows乃涯otif风格的界面,充分对总体性能和界面友好性等诸多方面的因素进行考虑,获得了业界人士的一致认可的人机界面,对于系统的推广以及增强系统的国际竞争力具有重要意义。 该文的围绕这四个方面的研究展开论述。第一部分讲述系统开发背景、目的和意义;第二部分讲述机场管制中心系统结构;第三部分讲述基于构件的软件开发技术:第四部分讲述基于构件技术的地理信息子系统的开发;第五部分讲述计划航路通报地址自动生成方法的研究与实现;第六部分讲述雷达数据显示控制席位人机界面的设计;第七部分全文总结。

【Abstract】 The thesis is based on the research and development of MRD2K-JH system. which is a new Air Traffic Control system. In the thesis the design and construction of the MRD2K-JH system are investigated in detailed. With the knowledge of software engineering and the Automatic System for ATC, a lot of studies have been carried out on the model and procedure of software development, and on several key technologies on the automatic system for ATC. The main results are presented in the following:(1)Component-Based development of software: With the knowledge of software engineering, the methods and procedures of software development is discussed in detail. Software reuse techniques have indicated that the reuse of software can shorten the software development circle obviously, improve the quality of the software greatly, and decrease the software development cost. The software reuse technology is considered as a well method to resolve the software crisis. The component-based software is one of the main technologies of the software reusing. With the techniques of component-based development is coming, it changed the model of software development. The development is becoming more open, simple and easy to maintain. It will be even predominant during the complicated system, just like ATC system, etc.(2)The development of component-based Sub-GIS for ATC: Considering the characteristic of the GIS in current (like Arc/Info, Maplnfo, etc.), the GIS is not fit in domain of MRD2K-JH. A sub-GIS for MRD2K-JH is developed, which GUI is based on Unix system. With the technologies of component-based development, the requirement analysis and domain analysis has been carried out. After the system isabstracted and decomposed, the reusable components are created with the principles of component-based development. This is even more complicated procedure. The library of the components is well designed, and many of components are reused. As the reusing of components, the quality of the software has been improved greatly, the software circle is shortened and the costs of software are decreased. Also the system has more excellent performance in real time.(3)The research on telegram address auto-generation of planning airlines: As the requirements and trend of the key technologies on the automatic system for ATC, the telegram address must be generated automatically. In this paper, a new method of realizing telegram address auto-generation is proposed, the experimental result proves it a sound way to generate the telegram address of planning airlines. It has three advantages following: (1)the telegram addresses are all accurate(2)not be limited with the beacons and airlines in the database (3)easy to modify and maintain. It is a valuable automatic technology to be developed and applied in the ATC system.(4)The design of Man Machine Interface for the SDD (Supervise Display Device): Considering the principles of the software engineering and man machine interface, the implement of the MMI based on Unix for SDD is discussed in detail. Many factors are considered, the design of MMI is based on X windows/Motif. Well-designed MMI is very important; it can advance the usability of the system and make it more competitive in the world.The thesis is dissertated around the four aspects, The first part, it gave the background, purpose and signification of MRD2K-JH system development. The second part, it introduced the system structure and function structure of MRD2K-JH system. The third part, it introduced the techniques of the Component-Based Development (CBD), and narrated the methods of abstracting and realizing the components. The fourth part, it introduced the component-based development of the sub-GIS for the ATC. The fifth part, a new method of realizing telegram address auto-generation is proposed. The sixth part, it introduced process of the MMI design for SDD. The last part, it summarized all contents of the thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【下载频次】152

