

The Research of a Collection and Processing System of Alum Image

【作者】 张真

【导师】 汪道辉; 黄山;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,工业的进步和人民生活水平的提高,对水质的要求也越来越高。设计开发更合理适用的加料实时控制方式,解决水厂沉淀池中明矾混凝剂的投加量控制问题,建立完善的自动化加料系统,是水厂生产实现全面自动化的关键,也是摆在整个水处理行业面前的重要课题。对于水厂沉淀池中明矾添加量的检测,传统的方法是通过人的肉眼进行观察,无法达到真正意义上的计量投加,直接造成明矾混凝剂的过分消耗、水质情况难于掌握等问题,与日益提高标准的水质要求不相适应。 近年来,数字图象处理广泛应用于各行各业中。随着数码相机技术的迅速发展和应用,基于数码相机的数字图象采集处理系统以其凌驾于传统采集方式之上的高分辨率、低成本的优点而得到了广泛的关注及应用。但是在应用中,以突破实际限制和增强系统抗干扰性为目的的实践方法研究,仍然是一个具有挑战性的课题。 针对水厂沉淀池的加料控制,本文介绍了一个利用数字图象处理技术进行矾花图象采集处理的系统,给出了系统的设计思想、设计方案和详细设计。 通过分析得到矾花图象的特点:干扰强烈、对比度低、矾花颗粒随机分布,在本系统的设计中,通过对数码相机采集到的矾花图象进行预处理、纹理分析以及粒状统计三个步骤的处理,完成对矾花图象的分类,以实现相应的加料控制。在整个过程的设计中,现有的算法并不能良好的应用于该系统,因此,我们在三个过程的设计中都不同程度的提出一些改进的新算法。实验结果表明,改进的算法是切实可行的,而且系统分类准确率高,速度快。

【Abstract】 As the advancement of industry and people’s life level, the demand of water quality is more and more great. It’s the key to implement the full-scale automatization of water plant how to design and develop more rational control of adding material. And figuring out the precise quantity control of precipitator alum in the deposition pools is an important problem of the whole water industry. It can’t realize adding precipitator by measure, which traditionally depends on naked eyes to detect the quantity of adding alum in the deposition pools. As a result, there are the problems such as consuming alum without measure and difficulty to control water quality, which isn’t adaptive to great demand of water quality.Currently, the digital image processing is applied widely in every day of life. Along with the rapid development and application of the digital camera, the collection and processing system based on the digital camera has obtained wide attention and application, which has higher resolution and cheaper cost than the traditional fashion of collection image. However, in the practice use, the research of the application methods to overcome the practice limit and to enhance the anti-disturb ability of the system is still a task of great challenge.This paper describes the collection and processing system of alum based on the digital camera for the adding control of deposition pools in a water plant, and gives a set of designing thinking, designing scheme and designing measure.Because of the characters in the alum image: strong disturbances, low contrast and random arrangement of alum grain, in the designing of the system we sort theimages collected from digital camera and get the corresponding control of adding alum through three steps: pre-operation, vein analysis and particle processing. In the whole designing of the system, present arithmetic can’t be used to get the perfect result, so we proposed some improved arithmetic in each step. The experiments show that the arithmetic is effective, and this system is high efficiency and reliable.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP274.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】117

