

The Study of the Listing Securities Companies of China

【作者】 罗澍

【导师】 王建平;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 民商法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 证券公司上市已逐渐成为人们关注的热点。目前,人们较多的从经济学、组织学、社会学等角度展开讨论。实际上,证券公司上市从根本上涉及一个公权力和私权利分配的问题。权利(力)分配的侧重点不同,对证券公司上市的效果所产生的影响也不同。在我国证券市场上,政府主导观念根深蒂固,但是随着经济的发展,该观念的缺陷越来越明显。对此,本文提出应当树立“证券公司上市以公司为主导”理念,并从主体、权利、行为、责任四方面逐一对证券公司上市展开论述。这正好构成本文的四大基本框架。 在第一部分的主体论中,先从国内外证券公司的发展现状入手,明确了上市的证券公司面临的重大意义:通过上市,证券公司能够打开新的融资渠道实现大规模的融资,也能够迅速提高证券公司的资本规模和对外扩张能力;证券公司将聚集到的资本再次投入到证券金融市场势必会拓展其经营业务范围,从而改变现在证券公司业务单一、缺乏核心竞争力的局面;同时,证券公司上市还可以有效防范时常风险并可以将证券公司置于社会监督之下,实现约束的透明化。在我国现行法律文件中,没有对证券公司的上市基本能力的限制,但是证券公司是否实现股份改制、股权结构是否合理、公司治理结构是否完善等目前面临的问题却将会对证券公司能否实现上市产生影响。虽然证券公司具有上市能力,但是由于受传统政府主导观念的束缚,证券公司并没能够实现充分独立,更不说实现市场化了。由于政府主导,证券公司长期以来不仅缺乏竞争意识和核心竞争能力,而且还存在诸多制度缺陷。上市将增强竞争并加速市场化的进程,为实现高质量上市,应该树立“证券公司上市以公司为主导”理念,该理念不是对政府作用的完全否定,而是对公权力和私权利的重新分配。目前证券金融控股公司的出现正体现了这种变化。 第二部分进一步明确了证券公司上市就成为公司自身权利行使的结果。是否上市、什么时候上市、采取什么样的方式上市都将取决于公司自己。虽然证券公司享有上市方面的权利,但是上市权利不得滥用,在权利行使过程中要受诚实信用原则的限制并应该接受合理监管。监管和上市权利行使之间的关系,实际上就是如何协调公权力和私权利之间的关系问题。 第三部分主要涉及证券公司上市行为。指出权利意识的确立,将充分调动证券公司自身的积极性,从而有利于更好实现上市过程中常常会涉及到的证券公司整和、公司治理结构完善以及信息披露等问题。 第四部分强调的是民事责任。由于政府主导,我们更多依赖于行政责任和刑事责任,民事责任制度极不完善,而证券公司上市由于涉及众多利益主体,所以市场责任或社会责任的承担以及针对特定主体的民事责任都应该引起足够重视。鉴于篇幅,本文只是对市场责任中的诚信责任和证券民事责任做了讨论。不仅结合证券公司主要违法违规行为对民事责任进行探讨,还在程序保障方面强调了代表人诉讼的重要性。

【Abstract】 An increasing number of people are interested in the listing securities companies of China in many fields. In fact, we should take care how to deal with public rights and private rights when talking of this topic. The different choice will lead to different result. In our security market, the government has played an important role which rooted in the market, but with the economic developed, more shortcomings appeared. So, we should set up a thought that a company is the center, and we can make it clear by four sections as followed:In section one, We will know it is very important to list for securities companies. The securities companies listed not only can gather a great lot of money, but can improve its service scope which will change something. At the same time, the companies are graded openly. The companies have the right to list in special market, however, something hold the leg of the companies owe to the control of our government. Therefore, we should place it by a new one.In section two, it makes much clearer that it is the securities companies" right to list or not. Of course, the companies can not misuse the right. Then, we should think highly of how to put it into practice. In common, some basic rules and safe-garde ways are taken.In section three, several actions of securities companies listed are argued. In order to play the important role of securities companies, we should pay attention to the right to list for securities companies, which is good to gain a great result in some fields, such as how to merger , how to be a sound management structure and how todisclose the vital information.In section four, civil liabilities of securities companies are talked. Owe to the government’s control, we often depend on the other two liabilities instead of civil one. But market liability and securities civil liability are the most important. Besides, representative’s action can be used in our process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D912.28
  • 【下载频次】186

