

On the Remedies of Copyright Infringement

【作者】 吴烈俊

【导师】 吕彦;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 民商法, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 版权是一种依法自动产生的民事权利。由于其客体无形、具有地域性、受法定时间限制之类物权等民事权利不具有的特点,权利人的专有权范围被他人无意及无过失闯入的可能性与实际机会,比物权等权利多得多、普遍得多。数字技术使作品的复制变得从未有过的廉价、简便和快捷,大大刺激了非法盗版的产生,而网络环境又将侵权的结果迅速在全球的范围内扩散。这些现实使得法律救济在整个版权法体系中处于重要地位。 版权人权利的扩张已是不争的事实,但版权法保护的范围最终取决于侵权救济的水平。不论是版权传统的国家还是作者权传统的国家,都不断使本国的版权法的扩张理性化、规范化,相应的版权救济制度也日趋完善。在版权内涵日益丰富的同时,版权救济已经呈现出一种不同于一般民事救济的新的积极姿态,由传统的过错责任向普遍的无过错责任倾斜;由传统单纯的事后救济转变为更重视事前保护和主动保护;同时版权救济包括了更多途径并发展了多于一般民事救济的特殊救济措施。版权救济必须体现法律的根本价值目标——公平和效率,否则将背离版权法鼓励创作和繁荣文化的立法初衷。 民事责任的承担是版权救济实现的一般和经常的方式,版权侵权的归责原则是侵犯版权的民事责任的核心问题,它关系着司法救济的效果与效率。由于版权自身性质和版权侵权行为的特点,在版权领域应建立根据侵权类型分别适用过错责任和无过错责任的二元归责体系。同时,制止即发侵权、技术措施保护和版权集体管理等都是版权救济得以实现的独特而有效的方式和途径。 中国当代的版权法制度诞生在新技术和国际贸易对版权法形成急剧挑战的时代,因而能够在借鉴国外法律和国际公约的基础上获得较高的起点。但同时,由于整个体系是在较短的时间内建立起来的,难免还有比较粗糙的一面。中国在满足有关国际公约的最低要求的前提下,应该综合利用多种救济手段,进一步完善符合自身发展水平的版权救济体系。 本论文要研究这样两个问题:版权侵权救济如何突破了传统的救济理念以及如何实现及时、有效和适当的救济。论文的第一部分将从版权的历史及发展现状入手讨论版权侵权的形态和特点;论文的第二部分立足于救济的基本理论来分析版权侵权救济的价值取向及其特点:论文的第三部分将基于这一价值目标讨论现有版权侵权归责原则的妥当性及一些独特而有效的版权救济措施和救济途径:论文的第四部分将通过对国际国内版权救济制度的比较研究,针对我国立法现状,提出完善版权救济措施的建议。

【Abstract】 Copyright is a kind of civil right that is acquired automatically in law. Since it has characteristics such as intangibility, prescription and regional definition, which real right and other civil rights don’t have, the possibilities and actual chances of invasions of copyrighter’s exclusive utility are much more frequent and universal than that of the latter. As duplication through digital technology has become much cheaper, simpler and faster than ever before, the production of piracy has been being stimulated greatly. In addition, through Internet have the infringement outcomes spread throughout the world very quickly. Thus the lawful remedies have become indispensable to the whole copyright law system.Although it’s indisputable that the copyrights have been expanded, the scope of copyrights finally is subject to the level of remedy. No matter either the copyright countries or the author-right ones are constantly rationalizing and standardizing the expansion of copyright so that relevant remedies systems become perfect day to day. While the intension of copyright is being enriched increasingly, the remedies for copyright appear more positive than common civil remedies. For instance, traditional fault liability turns to common no-fault liability; remedies after harm occurring has turned to initiative protections beforehand; in addition, there exist more special ways and remedies for copyright than for the common civil rights. The remedies for copyright must reflect the foundation value, i.e. fairness and efficiency, otherwise, it will deviate from the aim of legislation that is to encourage creation and flourish culture undertaking.Civil liability is the general and common way to realize copyright remedies. It is the core of civil liability for copyright infringement that someone should commit himself to answer for injuries he causes by some rule, which concerns the effect and efficiency of judicial remedies. Owing to the nature of copyright and the feature of the infringement, a dual rule for fault or no-fault liability should be established according to the types of infringement. Meanwhile, imminent infringement prevention, technical protection and collectively administration are effective and special ways to realize the remedies.The contemporary copyright legal system of China could have a higher starting point in reference to foreign laws and international conventions since it comes into being in the time when copyright laws meet the rapid challenge from new technology and international trade. However, it is unavoidable for the whole system to have imperfection owing to its establishment in a short time. On satisfying the basic requirements of relevant international conventions, China should develop its own copyright remedies system according with its reality by comprehensively making use of all kinds of possible means.This thesis is discussing two questions. One is how the copyright remedies break away from traditional modes, and the other is how to realize remedies timely, effectively and properly. This thesis is divided into four parts. The first part is to discus the forms and characteristics of copyright infringement through the history and development of copyright; the second one is to analyze the value the remedies should aim at and the features they should have on the basis of essential principles of remedies; part three is about whether present liability rule of infringement is appropriate, and analyzes some effective and special ways and measures for remedy; the last part is giving suggestions so as to improve the remedies system in view of our country’s situations by comparing and studying the national and international systems.

【关键词】 版权侵权法律救济
【Key words】 CopyrightInfringementLawful Remedies
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】266

