

【作者】 常良

【导师】 王建平;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 民商法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的进步。消费者权益保护日益重要。我国《消费者权益保护法》第四十九条规定,经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或者接受服务的费用的一倍。由于相关法律未对“欺诈行为”作出定义,理论界与实务界对消费欺诈行为的构成有较大的分歧,甚至造成不同法官对法律的理解不同而对同样案件可能作出不同判决。 本文认为,《消费者权益保护法》作为民法的特别法,消费欺诈行为的构成与民法上欺诈行为应该有渊源关系,但因前者系对不平等的民事主体进行调整,对两者的权利义务配置有其特殊性。 本文认为,消费欺诈行为应由四个部分构成:1、经营者实施了欺诈行为,经营者为消费者提供其生产、销售的商品或者提供服务的自然人或法人,包括零售商、批发商、生产者、服务提供者。这种欺诈行为具体表现为积极的作为与消极的不作为。互联网的普及使电子商务对经营者欺诈行为的认定上构成了挑战。2、经营者的主观要素方面,作为继受德国法的我国立法,仍主张经营者需有主观上的故意。这种主观故意不应包括意善欺诈。经营者在履行合同的附随义务不当时,其主观上确有实施欺诈的故意才能追究消费合同的欺诈的民事责任。经营者在主观故意上应该承担证明责任;但对于商品质量是否合格、是否属于假冒伪劣产品等其它的举证责任则由经营者与消费者按传统方式承担。3、消费者应有具体的消费行为。消费者的主体范围含三种对象:产品购买人,包括个人,含自然人及购买商品须用于非经营用途法人与非营利的组织;商品继受持有人;商品使用人。我国《消费者权益保护法》将农民视为消费者。本文对有争议的消费行为如教育培训、医疗服务、商品房消费作了分析。4、消费者的主观方面。本文主张在消费欺诈构成中,消费者主观上须因经营者的欺诈行为而陷入错误的认识,并作意思表示。另外,消费者因第三人欺诈而向经营者作出的错误意思表示一般应认定有效,但如果经营者与第三人恶意串通而形成的欺诈不应拘束消费者。对于王海的“买假索赔”,因其主观上“知假”,是反欺诈的行为,不应构成《消费者权益保护法》四十九条上的双倍赔偿问题。 本文认为,消费欺诈行为构成的四要件说有利于保护交易秩序。我国《消费者权益保护法》对于经营者欺诈消费者行为引进了英美等国的惩罚性赔偿原则,对保护消费者权益有益,但仍有完善的必要。

【Abstract】 Thanks to the rapid development of society and economy, the self-awareness of consumers has awakened. The protection of consumers has been well-established by legislation and administrative supervision-It is essential to review the consumptive fraud,adjustments and conjunction between dealer and consumers regarding more extensive and complicated consumers’ issues. According to the Article 49 of LAW OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON THE PROTECTION CONSUMER, dealer have to prevent consumers from being cheated ,otherwise they should be punished.Because there is no definition in the field of law,scholars and judgers have great divergence on consumptive fraud’s factors. Consumer Protection Law, as a special law of civil law, has regulated some factors idented to civil law.But Consumer Protection Law has some different factors, we will discuss the related issues in the thesis.The thesis mainly focuses on the research of consumptive fraud. The major issues on fraud are as followings:1, There is exist a behavior of cosumptive fraud by the dealer. The dealer include seller and manufacturer.2, The dealer have intention to flaud, and they should undertake the liability of giving proofs.3, The consumer,including Consumer, Subsequent Owner and User,should take on exact consumption. In our country, the farmer is also regarded as consumer by law. We analyze the divaricate consumption such as educational train, medical service and merchandise house’s purchase.4, The consumer should fall into wrong conscious for dealer’s fraud on subjective aspect.In order to maitain the order of trade, the consumptive fraud should include the four factors as mentionedlt’s beneficial to protect consumer’s rights that apply the punitive damages to dealers in the LAW OF PROTECTION CONSUMER.The author think it is necessary to recommend the amendment of the LAW OF PROTECTION CONSUMER.

【关键词】 消费者经营者消费欺诈行为
【Key words】 consumerdealerconsumptive fraud
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D923.8
  • 【下载频次】752

