

YangZi Model in China Press

【作者】 殷俊

【导师】 吴建;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 新闻学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 20世纪90年代,中国报业进入战国时代。纵观全国,报业竞争具有五大区域特征,被打上鲜明的时代印记。①西南以成都为标志。②华南以广州为代表。③华北以北京为门户。④素有“东方巴黎”之称的上海,由于其特殊的地位和身份,政府的调控与报业发展高度相关,因此上海报业的竞争格局单独研究。⑤华东以六朝古都——南京为典范,纵观南京的报业市场,在不大的城市里“共生”着七家生活服务类日报,它们想方设法挤占有限的市场空间,一时间两毛钱甚至一毛钱一份的报价大战铺天盖地;而坚持五毛钱一份的扬子晚报,固守本色,坚持创新,发行量在最初的稍降后迅速持续攀升,直至创下全国报业的新标高。 新华日报集团创办的扬子晚报,18年来实现了两个惊人的跨越:1995年,发行量突破100万份,创下江苏报业史上的“第一”2002年9月26日,发行量突破200万份,成为中国报业史上的一座丰碑。18年来,扬子报人坚持晚报特点,立足于抢发当日新闻和夜间新闻,并在采访和编辑、发行和营销、经营和管理三条线上创造优势,形成了信息密集、服务到位、格调高雅、可读性强的特色,日发行量突破200万份,宣告了报业新纪元的到来。“扬子模式”引起了业界广泛的关注,引发了业界内外深入的思考。 本文通过实地调研、实证研究为主,以思辨研究为辅,试图回答这两个问题:“扬子模式”的基础在于其强大的核心竞争力,这种竞争力源自何处?是什么样的动力结构维系着这种竞争力日趋走强?笔者剖析了扬子晚报的竞争力来源,认为它由8个核心部分构成:来源1:营销力——发行为先,网点密布;来源2:扩张力——扩版破界,与时俱进;来源3:凝聚力——众志成城,无坚不摧;来源4:科技力——信息时代,网络为王;来源5:经济力——广告经营,拓展实力;来源6:品牌力——服务社会,拉动经济;来源7:延展力一一呼叫中心,信息为王;来源8:变革力一一变中求胜,青春不老。扬子晚报竞争力动力结构分为:1、基础结构(制度层面):三不策略一一扬子可持续发展之本;2、基础结构(精神层面):奉献与求实一一“扬子精神”解密:3、核心结构(原理层面):开发注意力经济一一扬子发展的枢纽;4、核心结构(操作层面):晚与早的搏弈一一打造扬子特色。《扬子晚报》建构的核心竞争力使它脱离了价格战的低层次报业竞争,始终把握住了中国报业的前进方向。因而在某种意义上讲,“扬子模式”带给我们的思考远远不止在报业领域。

【Abstract】 In the 1990’s,China Press business entered into the period of WarringStates.Surveying the whole nation, the press competition has five regio nal feature, with bright age mark.1)ChengDu is a symbol of westsouth ern China.2)GuangDong is a representative of the south of China.3)Be iJing is a door of northern China.4)ShangHai is called "Paris of the Ori enf’.For its special status,the government’s controling is closely relatedwith the press developing level.So, we shall study paper’s competitive situation in ShangHai alone.5)NanJing.which is known as an old city o f the Six Dynasties, is a pattern of the China.Taking a general view of paper’s market in NanJing, there are seven kinds of daily newspaper ab out life and sevice,which try to rush to occupy the limited market spac e.So,at the same time,so much newspaper’s price is failed to two even one jiao each one while YangZi Evening still keep five jiao, and persiston its own character and innovation. So its amount of publication kee p to rise to make a new high standard of national press except for little fall at the beginning.YangZi Evening, which established by XinHua Daily Group, has two a mazing achievement in 18 years:The amount of publication broke one million in 1995,became "No.l" in the history of JiangShu Press;On Se pt 26,2002,the publication amount broke two million,became one of th e monuments of China press history.During 18 years,staff of YangZi E vening have always keep evening paper’s feature,stand a point of sendi ng out news in day and night as quickly as possible and make advantag es on three linesiinterview and edition, publication and sale,operation a nd management.So it form four characters:information concentrated,se vice attentive,elegant style and better readable.It declaimed that a newera of press industry is coming. "YangZi Model"has gained wide attent ions of the press and led to inside and outside of the press further think ing.This article will answer the following two questions through empirical study and speculating study:Where is the powerful core competence w hich is the basis of "YangZi Model" from?What is the motive structure which maintains the competence more and more powerful?I think that it consists 8 core parts through analizing the origin of YangZi Evening ’s competence. 1)Sale force:Publishing first,covering every where.2)Exp anding force:Expanding space of page and breaking boundary,keeping abreast of the times.3)Cohesive force:All people have a common will, being impregnable.4)Science and technology force:In information time s,net is the king.5)Economic force:Ad management,developing actual strength.6)Trademark force:Serving society,pulling economy develop ment.7)Extending force:Calling center.information is the key.8)Revolu tionary force.-Succeeding while changing, never be old. YangZi Evenin g competence’s motive structure includings:l)Basic structure(system la yer):"Three No"strategy-the essence of YangZi’s continuous develop ment.2)Basic structure(spirit layer):Contribution and being pragmatic-telling the secret of "YangZi spirit".3)Core structure(principle layer):O penning up the attrative economy梩he center of YangZi’s development. 4)Core structure(operation layer):Contrast between morning and eveni ng-making YangZi’s character.The core competence of YangZi Evenin g seperates itself from price war which is a low level newspaper comp etence.It always hold the aheading direction of China Press.In a sense, "YangZi Model" brings us thinking far only being limited to the press field.

【关键词】 中国报业核心竞争力扬子模式
【Key words】 China Presscore competenceYangZi Model
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】G219.27
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】245

