

Studies of Money Laundering Crime

【作者】 郭伟

【导师】 向朝阳;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 刑法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 作为一种与经济生活密切相关的犯罪活动,洗钱犯罪已有半个多世纪的历史,其影响波及世界各国。20世纪80年代以来,随着世界经济的发展,洗钱罪在国际与各国刑法规范中发生了迅速变化。 本论文从洗钱犯罪的由来及特点谈起,涉及其发展及变化,在对国际社会反洗钱立法作了比较全面介绍的基础上,分析了我国洗钱罪的立法现状,揭示了洗钱活动的严重社会危害性,并进一步阐明在全球化趋势加剧的情况下洗钱活动对国家和社会的潜在危害。 本论文中,作者对中国刑法中洗钱罪的概念和犯罪构成作了如下解析: 从法条解释层面上看,洗钱罪的客体是金融管理秩序;洗钱罪的客观要件中,“掩饰、隐瞒”是洗钱行为的本质特征,并不须具有犯罪目的;洗钱罪的主体要件中,原生罪的行为人不能成为洗钱罪的主体;洗钱罪的主观要件是故意且为明知。 从立法完善的角度,总结国际立法经验,立足法律的基本原则,建议单章设立洗钱罪,洗钱罪成为类罪名,同类客体是社会经济秩序;洗钱罪的客观方面中,其他方法包括三类:1,前述四种方法以外的通过金融机构进行的清洗赃钱行为;2,不直接通过金融机构进行的清洗赃钱行为;3,清洗后的赃钱的再利用(Recycle);原生罪的行为人可以成为洗钱罪的主体;洗钱罪的主观方面中“明知”包括确知和应知。 最后,本论文指出反洗钱是一项系统工程,国际社会所要作的是进行积极的行政、司法以及情报方面的国际合作,从立法、司法等多种途径避免使洗钱成为一个产业并对国际经济产生更进一步的危害。

【Abstract】 As a crime closely related to economy, half a century has passed since Money Laundering Crime’s emergence. It is diffused all around the world. And since 1980’s, with the development of world economy, Money Laundering Crime has changed rapidly .In accordance with the new Criminal Law of our country, The requisite of the crime are as follows: The Object of the crime is the finance economy system. The Subject of the crime is those persons excluding up-stream criminals and their accomplices. They are general Subjects including natural persons and units. Generally speaking , money laundering is the acts of covering up or conceal ing the nature and sources of gains and profits from drug trafficking, smuggling, terroristic crimes and organized crimes. The means and methods are of various kinds, while subjectively this crime belongs to voluntary crime, involving direct voluntary and indirect voluntary.From the view of perfecting legislation, the Object of the crime is the routine work of judicial department and the society economy system, the subject of the crime includes up-stream criminals. Knowing means "to know" and "ought to know" .In the end, this paper points out that works of counter-money laundering is a systematic project. What international society should do is to strengthen cooperation between each other.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【下载频次】131

