

Study on Occupational Women before the Anti-Japan War

【作者】 郭瑞敏

【导师】 陈廷湘;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 中国近现代史, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 19世纪末20世纪初,在中国社会由传统的封建社会向现代资本主义社会转型的过程中,职业妇女逐渐产生并发展起来。早期的职业妇女主要集中于工业、教育业和医药卫生业,就业人数少,就业范围狭窄。至20世纪20年代,经过五四新文化运动的洗礼,职业妇女就业门类大为增加,教育、文学、医学、商业、政府、金融等各个部门都有女性介入。南京国民政府建立初期,延续其国民革命时期的较为积极的妇女政策,并在30年代初颁布的《中华民国民法》中正式承认了妇女从事社会职业的权利,女子职业得到了进一步的发展。但很快,由于受世界经济危机的影响,国内经济形式严峻,失业率猛增,国民党“新生活”运动和第一次“妇女回家”的争论随即拉开了序幕,对女子职业发展造成严重冲击。 从清末到五四时期,伴随着社会的进步,女性观也发生着巨大的变化,由对女性参与社会工作的全面排斥,发展为有条件的支持。女性从事教育业,尤其是初等教育得到了社会较为普遍的认同,再加上政府的推动与保护、女性自身的不懈努力和低薪对男性就业意愿的排拒,使女性从事教育工作得到了很大的鼓励和发展。 在整个民国时期,知识阶层女性所从事的社会职业中,教师业一直是从业人数最多、所占比例最大的行业。女性从教虽有优势,但是,在其职业进程中也仍然与其他行业的职业女性一样面临着性别歧视、就业机会不平等、收入低、四川大学硕士学位论文已婚妇女处于家庭与职业的两难选择等问题。这就严重的限制了女性从教队伍的扩大和向高层次发展。女性经济独立,不是单靠形式上的平等和女性自身努力就能完全实现的,只能随着社会的全面进步而向前发展。

【Abstract】 In the end of 19th century and the early 20th century, occupational women gradually took their place and later developed in the course of the Chinese society transforming from the feudal society to the capital one. The early occupational women’s fields mainly were in factories, educations and hospitals. Their number were small and their occupational scopes were very narrow. Up to the 20th years of the 20th century, after the baptism of the May 4th Movement and the New Culture Movement, the kinds of the occupational women increased greatly. Women appeared in the field of education , literary , medical science , business , government departments, financial and banking institutions, and so on.In the early times ruled by GMT Government built in Nanjing, the positive policies about women had been put into practice during the Great Revolution in China went on, and the women’s rights getting occupation admitted by the Civil Law of the Republic of China promulgated in the 3Oth years. So, women occupation had a better development. Following the good situation, however, the national economies became serious and the rate of unemployment increased sharply as the results of the world economic crisis. It initiated the controversies over women going back home. All these had tremendous impacts on the development of women occupations.During the period that from the end of Qing Dynasty to the May 4th Movement,views on women had greatly changed along with the progress of the society, which switching to conditional support from absolutely excluding women from getting occupations. These women engaging in educations especially in elementary education obtained wide social approval. In addition, women engaging in educations received their great impetus with promotion and protection given by the government, women’s sustained efforts, men’s exclude teacher’s low salary.Till before the Anti-Japanese War, in all occupations engaged by women intellectuals, education was one field which with largest number and proportion. Although women teachers had their own advantages, they yet faced such problems women engaging in other fields faced as discrimination against women, unequal employment opportunity, low salary, married women’s difficult choice between family and occupation, etc. These negative impacts on women hold back the increase of women teachers number and further development. The practices have proved that the development of women occupations did not depend on the equality laws and women’s efforts only, but were up to the comprehensive liberation of society and nation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】K264;D442.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】387

