

Study on "Government Interference Complex" in Ethnic Regions

【作者】 范逢春

【导师】 陈昌文;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 行政管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 深入地研究民族地区行政“政府干预情结”对把握我国民族地区行政的本质特征是一个关键所在。目前行政管理学在方法论上的理论成就及其局限性,不能加深对这一课题的研究,开辟一条管理学研究的新线索,是深刻解读民族地区行政“政府干预”的必要前提。 本文在行政哲学的高度(?)对民族地区行政“政府干预情结”进行深度研究,试图通过民族地区行政“政府干预情结”问题中隐含的逻辑线索,揭示民族地区行政“政府干预”理论起点:对经济决定论的曲解、对历史发展单线论的真理化,揭示民族地区行政“政府干预”经验起点:后发现代化效应,揭示民族地区行政“政府干预”实践动力:“共时性”诉求,以及政府主流管理思想对民族地区行政“政府干预”的推动作用;在此基础上,进而梳理出民族地区“政府干预情结”多方面的现实表征:一方面,在单线历史进化论考察下的民族地区进步;在另一方面,政府干预带来了民族地区自然生态观的冲击与毁灭、文化生态的滥用与消亡、民族地区伦理道德的流失与嬗变、民族心理的依赖与失衡,再一方面,政府干预带来民族地区的制度性说谎,并让民族地区陷入了逻辑的怪圈:政府干预“政府干预后遗症”。 在对原因、结果的清理基础上,本文对民族地区“政府干预”逻辑展开、问题解决等一系列重大问题进行合利性、合法性、合道德性、管理的民族性与科学性的冲突等等维度的理论反思,指出民族地区政府干预的在合利性问题上的偏颇,在合法性问题的欠缺,在合道德性问题上的目标责任与手段责任的失衡,在管理原则上对人文精神忽视。指出在传统与现代、保守与改革、宗教与世俗这几种力量相互碰撞与冲突之下,“政府干预”下的民族现代化是以人的换世俗这几种力量相互碰撞与冲突之下,“政府干预”下的民族现代化是以人的换位和痛苦的高昂代价来换取新的机会与前景,它的发展必然造成政治经济利益的再分配,因此对其困难我们应该有充分的估计和准备。 在文章的第五部分,文章以前面价值判断为指导,以破解“政府干预情结”为线索对我国民族地区行政进行理念层面、制度层面、操作层面的理论再造,指出民族地区政府要沿着全能政府一有限政府一有效政府的途径进行政府模式的建构;要从目标责任政府向手段责任政府进行行政理念再造;要从民族同化的管理特点转向塑造“因俗而治”管理特点,以期对民族地区行政的未来建构提供指导性的思路。文章最后认为民族地区的“政府干预”给中国行政带来了充满悖论问题;并且提供了充满了“两难抉择”的答案,而“悖论”既存在于现实中的,同时也存在于逻辑中。对于一个两难问题的回答,既需要大智慧,同时也需要时代大发展带来的机遇。

【Abstract】 The key to seize the essence of exercising executive powers in ethnic regions is to have a profound study of "government interference complex" in executive field in our ethnic regions. At present the theoretical achievements in methodology on executive management and the theoretical limitations cannot guarantee a comprehensive study on this subject. So it’s necessary to develop a new channel so as to interpret the "government interference" in ethnic regions.This thesis aims to carry out a profound study on the "government interference complex" in the ethnic regions from the pointview of executive philosophy. It tries to expose the complex’s theoretical origin-misunderstanding on "economy determinism" and insistence on "straight development of history"; its empirical origin-modernization effect; practical motive-desire for synchronization and the promotion function given by the mainstream management ideas to the "complex". Based on these, the thesis reveals the realistic characteristics of "government interference": firstly, it examines whether ethnic regions get some progress under the guidance of "straight development of history"; secondly, government interference brings about the destruction and change in the fields of natural ecology, cultural ecology and ethics as well; finally, government interference leads to the systematic lies and will involve the ethnic regions in the sequela caused by the interference.After examining the complex’s origins and aftermath, this thesis begins to take a theoretical meditation on such problems as its logic development and solutions. Thus it points out that government interference on the ethnic regions’ business is notcorrect. Because it’s against the principle of reason; the target responsibility and the method responsibility on morality orientation is not balanced and it ignores the human spirits principally. The thesis also points out that in the conflicts between tradition and modernization, between conservatism and reform and between religion and secularism, the ethnic regions will face their new opportunities and prospect but at the price of the sufferings and disposition of human beings. Their development will necessarily call on the redistribution on political and economic interests. So we must be fully prepared for any difficulty possibly met in their development.In the fifth chapter of the thesis it attempts to make up the theoretical defects from the aspects of ideas, systems and operations of executive management in the ethnic regions. The ethnic regions should construct their government model transforming from all-round government to limited government to effective government in the end; should change their executive management ideas from target responsible government to method responsible government; change their management characters from ethnic assimilation to ethnic specialty. At last the author thinks that government interference in the ethnic regions produces a lot of problems and also offers some paradoxical answers. The paradox is rooted in both reality and logic. It needs great wisdom and new opportunities brought about by modernization to the ethnic regions to step out of the paradox.

【关键词】 民族地区政府干预情结
【Key words】 ethnic regionsgovernment interferencereasonmarkmeditation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D67
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】308

