

【作者】 吴红瑛

【导师】 李有星;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 经济法, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 董事竞业禁止是现代公司法人治理结构中的一个重要问题。由于公司法人所有权与经营权的分离,没有所有权的董事在公司生产经营管理方面的权力却不断得到加强。为防止处于特殊重要地位的董事侵吞、损害公司和股东利益,西方各国都陆续通过立法,强化董事包括竞业禁止在内的各项义务。董事竞业禁止义务有其经济学上和法学上的理论根据。最近十余年来,我国有关法律也相继对竞业禁止行为的认定与处理作出了一些规定,但存在着主体范围的不一致性、期限的不明确性、竞业界限的模糊性、法律责任体系的不完善性以及缺乏必要的灵活性等不足和缺陷,董事竞业禁止制度的实际运行情况不够理想。本文在研究董事竞业禁止的内涵及其理论依据、考察相关国家董事竞业禁止制度的基础上,有针对性地提出了确立我国董事竞业禁止制度的四项基本原则——法益衡平原则、权利义务相一致原则、淡化差别待遇原则和可诉性原则,并进而设计了完善我国董事竞业禁止制度的五条具体意见——改董事竞业的绝对禁止为相对禁止、统一董事竞业禁止义务的主体范围、明确规定竞业禁止义务的时间界限、明晰董事竞业的外延范围和完善法律责任体系。笔者相信,在现代企业中建立起以竞业禁止为核心的法制化董事制,对于完善企业法人治理结构,保障公司健康发展有着十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Prohibition of business strife, one of the duties of directors, is a major issue in the modern corporate governance structure. As a result of the separation of the ownership and the management of the corporation, the power of directors having no ownership in deciding the production and management of the corporation is being strengthened continuously. Thus, in order to preclude those powerful directors from embezzling and jeopardizing the interests of the corporation and the shareholders, western countries have promulgated laws to ensure their duties including the duty not to compete. Prohibition of business strife duty has the theoretical grounds in economics and jurisprudence. In the last ten years, China published some laws and regulations regarding the definition and disposal of the directors’ act concerning the prohibition of business strife. However, this system did not work well due to some deficiencies and defects, particularly the inconsistency with the subject scope, the uncertainty of the term, the obscurity of the competitive limits, the imperfection of the legal liability system and the scarcity of necessary flexibility. On the basis of the research on the connotation, the theoretical basis and the relevant systems of several countries, this article advances four fundamental principles for the establishment of prohibition of business strife system in China - legal interests equity, rights consistent with obligation, mitigating discrimination treatment and litigation remedy. Furthermore, this article proposes five suggestions, i.e. to change absolute prohibition into relative prohibition, to unify the subject scope, to define the term limit, to define the extent of the duty and to perfect the legal liability system. The author believes that the establishment of the legal system of directors in modern enterprises with the prohibition of business strife duty as its core will have great significance in perfecting the corporate governance structure and in ensuring the cooperation’ s healthy development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】166

