

Determination and Analysis of TOU Power Price Based on DSM

【作者】 吴秋伟

【导师】 邹云;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在电力市场环境下,确定合理的用户侧电价,可以使用户积极参与电力工业改革,调整用电方式和用电结构,使负荷保持在一个比较平稳的状态,提高电力系统运行效率和稳定性。作为用户侧电价的一种,分时电价目前在世界各国得到了广泛的应用,而且分时电价是需求侧管理的一种重要手段,可以达到削峰填谷与减少用户购电费用的目的。 本文对分时电价的确定进行了探索性研究,提出了确定分时电价的三种方法:用市场清除价确定平时段电价,然后在此平时段电价基础上确定峰、谷电价;根据削峰填谷最优同时确定峰、平、谷时段电价;根据削峰填谷和用户购电费用最佳均衡同时确定峰、平、谷时段电价。此外,根据分时电价确定方法建立了数学模型,利用MATLAB进行了数值仿真,验证了本文方法确定的分时电价的有效性。 仿真结果表明,本文确定的分时电价可以达到削峰填谷和减少用户购电费用的目标,与现有工作比较,本文方法确定的分时电价可以达到更好的削峰填谷作用,使用户购电费用更小。

【Abstract】 Under power market circumstance, if reasonable power price to consumers is established, power consumers can be motivated to adjust their mode of power using and power load can be kept in a stable condition. Thus efficiency and stability of power systems can be improved. As one of power prices to consumers, TOU(Time-Of-Use) power price is applied in many countries in the world, and it is one of the important methods of DSM(Demand Service Management).It can accomplish the goal of load shifting and reducing costs of power consumers.In this paper determination of TOU power price is studied and three approaches are brought out: use MCP(Market Clearing Price) to determine flat load’s power price, then determine the power price of peak and valley loads; determine power price of peak, flat and valley loads according to optimization of load shifting; determine power price of peak, flat and valley loads according to load shifting and reducing costs of power consumers. Furthermore, mathematical models are built based on these three approaches. Numerical simulations are made via MATLAB to verify the efficiency of TOU power price determined in this paper.Simulation results show that TOU power price determined in this paper can achieve the objective of load shifting and reducing costs of power consumers. Compared with existing work, TOU power price determined in this paper can get better effect of load shifting and reducing costs of power consumers.

  • 【分类号】F426.61
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】501

