

【作者】 席志纲

【导师】 周君; 施祖康;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 现在柔性装配系统在制造业中变的越来越重要,开发一些具有通用性、附加值高的单元设备来满足制造业装配作业的需要,设计一种低成本而且能够拥有高生产率的具有创新思想的装配方案,在生产实际中具有广阔的推广价值,本装配机器人项目为实现这个目标给我们创造了一个很好的机会。在本文中我提出了一种简单易行的机器人装配单元建模方法;详细给出了单元可靠性分配计算的两种方法;推导该SCARA机器人动力学显方程,并运用它对系统进行相应的分析;设计出一种伺服电机——齿轮减速器一体化关节传动装置,同时给出相关的技术描述。

【Abstract】 Flexible assembly is becoming more and more important in manufacturing of nowdays. Breaking through the limitation of the conventional thinking, we try to provide a comprehensive range of the value-added engineering services to achieve innovative manufacturing assembly solutions that deliver the highest productivity at the lowest cost. The assembly robot development project provides a good opportunity for us to fulfill this object. In this paper, I give a concise method on the modeling of the robot assembly cell, put forword a practical method on the reliability calculation of the system, deduced a dynamic equation of the SCARA robot and have made an analysis on it, finished the gear-reduction-servo-motor integrated transmission design and applied it on the robot joint, made a detail description on this device at the same time.

【关键词】 机器人装配动力学可靠性
【Key words】 robotassemblydynamicreliability
  • 【分类号】TP242
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】470

