

【作者】 施燕

【导师】 戴跃伟;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 因特网技术的盛行带来了数字多媒体应用的迅速增长。数字媒体与模拟媒体相比,有着不可比拟的优点,但是这些优点也使与数字媒体相关的版权盗用问题显著增加。传统的技术无法进一步满足防止盗版的要求,因此,二十世纪九十年代初,一种新技术“数字水印”出现了。在短短十多年内,数字水印技术飞速发展,并被迅速地应用到信息隐藏、版权保护等各个方面。 把数字水印技术应用到防伪技术中是二十一世纪的新发展。我们紧跟时代发展脚步,选择这样一个新颖课题“数字水印技术在印刷证件防伪系统中的应用”来研究,目的是为了研究出一种能够应用于印刷证件防伪系统的数字水印算法。论文的第一部分对数字水印技术作了整体的介绍,提出了今后数字水印技术发展的方向,第二部分介绍了防伪技术并给出了一套数字水印证件防伪系统设计方案。 论文第三和第四部分分别对研究中的难题进行了深入的研究。在第三部分主要针对图像抗几何攻击问题给出了一种有针对性的算法,并通过仿真实验证明该算法有较好的鲁棒性。第四部分针对扫描打印过程给图像带来的像素值失真问题做了研究,并对前一章的算法做了改进和进一步的实验,实验结果也证明了该算法有较好的鲁棒性。文章的最后给出了研究结论并提出了今后进一步工作的方向。

【Abstract】 With the great development of Internet, the application of digital media spreads quickly. Digital media has many advantages while analog media has not. But these virtues also result in the critical problem of piracy. The traditional protecting technique can’t satisfy the request of protecting authority. So in the early 1990’s a new technique, digital watermarking, comes up. Because of its startling merits the academic pays more attention to it. Within a short decade, this technique has been applied into lots of aspects with its rapid development.In twenty-first century, there is a new evolution with digital watermarking of applying it into certificate’s forgery detection. We follow close behind the times and choose this subject to do some research. The object is to bring out a new algorithm used in the certificate’ forgery detecting system.In the first part of this paper, a review of digital watermarking technique is given and some developing orientations are rendered. Then we discuss about the forgery defending technique and design a certificate’ forgery detecting system. In the next two parts two important and difficult problems in practice are discussed and one algorithm is given. We also use specific tests to testify the robustness of this algorithm. At last the conclusion of this paper and the future research orientations are pointed out.

  • 【分类号】TP309
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】258

