

【作者】 熊邺

【导师】 方大纲;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 电磁场与微波技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 内插和外推算法是电磁场领域的常用算法,它在天线设计、微波技术、雷达目标散射建模等各种电磁场计算领域都要用到。因此内插和外推算法的成功应用,直接关系到电磁场数值计算技术的计算效率。 本文主要介绍了内插和外推算法在电磁场数值计算中的应用背景;提出了当前所面临的问题:研究了电磁场数值计算中的经典算法——矩量法(MoM)并编写了相应的程序;研究发展了Neville算法和模基参数估计算法(MBPE);探讨和创新性的改进了渐近波形估计技术(AWE)。 具体工作主要包括: 1.编写了大量的矩量法程序,这是研究内插外推算法的基础。这些程序包括: 采用点匹配法和磁场积分方程计算三维目标的矩量法程序; 采用矢量三角基和全波离散镜象分析微带贴片的矩量法程序; 研究频率选择面(FSS)结构电磁散射特性的应用程序; 独立完成了对基本目标的表面三角剖分方法; 与计算机系合作完成了对任意目标的表面三角剖分程序。 2.研究和发展了一些有效的内插方法: 研究了MBPE方法对天线方向图,目标散射等问题进行二维内插的应用; 深入研究了Neville算法,并将其作为一种优秀的内插算法在目标建模当中应用。 3.深入研究并改进了AWE算法: 设计微带贴片时,首次采用AWE技术以微带衬底的相对介电常数为变量进行外推; 进行目标建模时,采用AWE技术将二维涂敷介质圆柱的雷达散射截面(RCS)数据的求解速度大幅提高; 在一维的AWE技术上发展了二维的AWE技术,同时在天线分析、目标建模当中应用,取得了较好的效果; 将神经网络技术和二维AWE技术相结合,使AWE的计算速度进一步提高。

【Abstract】 Interpolation and extrapolation are in common use in the field of computational electromagnetics, such as antenna designing, microwave technique, radar scattering model, and so on. The reasonable and suitable application of the interpolation and extrapolation can make computation in electromagnetics more efficient. The main work includes:1. To develop several programs based on the method of moment (MoM):The method of moment in conjunction with the magnetic field integral equation and pulse basis function for calculating the radar cross section (RCS) of the three-dimensional metal objectThe method of moment in conjunction with the hybrid field integral equation, vector triangular basis function and full-wave discrete imaging (FWDI) for calculating the input characteristics of the microstrip antennaThe method of moment in conjunction with the free space periodic Green’s function for calculating the one -dimensional frequency selective surfaces (FSS)Software for meshing the surface of the object with triangular faces2. To develop and improve some interpolation methods:MBPE technique has been discussed, and been used to interpolate the radiation pattern of antenna and object scattering in the frequency and angular domain simultaneously.Neville algorithm has been developed to interpolate the RCS data of the object in the frequency and angular domain simultaneously.3. To develop and improve AWE method:AWE method is applied to calculating the input characteristics of the microstrip antenna at f first time, as the relative permittivity of the substrate is variable.AWE method is applied to calculating medium coated object, and makes the procession of the computing more efficiently.AWE method has been developed into the two-dimensional AWE method and been used in the analysis of the microstrip antenna and RCS modeling. The results show the two-dimensional AWE is very efficient.AWE method is combined with the neural networks. The hybrid technique can be used in the condition of multi-variables, even one or more variables are related with the dimension.

  • 【分类号】TM15
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】414

