

【作者】 王仕超

【导师】 刘凤玉;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 计算机技术及应用, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对设计大型企业网站的模型框架进行了研究。通过对已有成果的研究和文献资料的收集整理,我理清了基于Java开发网站的技术、模型框架的设计原理和思想,并对各种框架设计的优点和不足进行了分析比较。本文着重进行了以下的研究和设计工作:结合企业系统的结构特点,详细分析了J2EE的多层体系结构模型和核心技术,并总结出基于J2EE平台进行开发和部署企业应用系统的方案;对传统的网站开发技术进行了比较分析,采用框架的思想,设计面向整个Web开发的系统框架模型;对struts框架,一种实现了MVC模型思想的框架,进行了整体结构分析;在参照struts基础上,根据实际应用的要求,并结合长期进行网站开发的经验,最终设计出Webpump的整体框架结构;在文章最后,通过一个利用Webpump开发的实际应用,综合分析了Webpump框架如何在服务器端响应客户请求,并进行相应的数据库访问、画面数据传递、出错处理等方面的设计原理。利用Webpump框架进行网站的开发,可以在保证系统质量的前提下,提高项目开发的进度,增强系统的健壮性、灵活性和可扩展性,并尽可能的提供软件复用。

【Abstract】 This paper focuses on the research of the key technologies used in the web development based on framework. By the experiences that accumulated in the last development years and through the investigations of existent research results and documents, we have grasped the design principles and spirit of model framework and are familiar with the develop techologies, and also have done the analyse and comparison work on the merits and faults of each design of framework. The main work are following: Based on the sufficient investigation on the multilayer structure of J2EE, a blue print on how to develop and deploy enterprise application system, is presented; On the basis of the research work on the struts, an open-source of MVC implementation, and according to the requirement of the project, a new framework model, webpump, is designed. In the last chapter, an overall architecture and every functional module design of webpump are presented. By using the webpump in our project, it not only can insure the project’s quality,but also can build up the system’s toughness, flexibility and extendibility.

【Key words】 JAVAMVC ModelFrameworkWebpump
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】374

