

【作者】 戴新峰

【导师】 方大纲;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 电磁场与微波技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 自从上世纪70年代末起,国际上对微带天线进行了大量的理论和实验的研究,微带天线具有低剖面,重量轻,易于制造,易于与集成电路相联接,易于赋形等诸多优点。这些研究成果不仅在军事领域,如飞机上、导弹上、火箭上等,还在商业领域,如移动卫星通信,广播卫星,全球卫星定位系统,遥感等方面有着极其广泛的应用。在微带天线中,微带反射阵由于兼有阵列天线和反射面天线的特点,而受到日益广泛的关注,特别是相控的微带反射阵,又由于具有波束扫描的优点,更成为一个研究的热点和难点。本文研制了一个在方位面产生固定波束偏移的柱形卡塞格伦式微带反射阵天线系统,并提出了相控微带反射阵单元的实现方法,基于这一初步设想,研制了一移相器。我们的方法适用于任意极化和二维扫描的情况。具体的工作主要包括以下几个方面: 1.利用HFSS软件,对加载枝节的矩形微带贴片及加载枝节的口径耦合微带贴片的反射场相位与枝节长度的关系进行了计算,并从计算结果证实了口径耦合微带贴片单元在通过延长枝节来改变其反射场相位的情况下的宽带特性。 2.研制了一个用作卡塞格伦天线系统的馈源的微带天线阵。 3.设计了一个微带反射阵柱形卡塞格伦天线系统,使该天线系统在方位面方向产生了固定的波束偏移。对整个卡塞格伦天线系统进行了加工制作与测试。 4.设计了基于3dB定向耦合器的移相器,并进行了制作与测试。证明了其可行性。

【Abstract】 Since the late 1970s, the international antenna community has devoted much effort to the theorectical and experimental research on microstrip antenna, which offers the advantages of low profile, light weight, easy to manufacture, compatibility with integrated circuit and conformability to a shaped surface. All these research results are widely applied in military field such as aircraft, missiles and rockets but also in commercial areas such as mobile satellite communications, the broadcast satellite system, global positioning system (GPS), remote sensing. In the family of microstrip antenna, microstrip reflectarray has been given attention increasingly and widely since its combined features of array antennas and reflector antennas, especially for phased microstrip reflectarray, because of whose merit of beam scanning, became a focus and tough work. For the time being, the phased microstrip reflectarray is not popular. In this thesis, a cylindrical Cassegrain microstrip reflectarray antenna with a fixed beam deviation angle in the azimuth is designed, and an approach to realize phased microstrip reflectarray is presented. Based on the scheme, a phase shifter is designed and manufactured. Our approach is available to any cases of arbitrary polarization and can be applied for scanning in two dimensions. The detailed tasks include:1. By using HFSS software, phases of reflected fields of stub loaded rectangular microstrip patch reflectarray and stub loaded aperture-coupled microstrip patch reflectarray are computed. The results show that the latter possesses the wide-band characteristic.2. A microstrip array antenna is designed and manufactured to work as the feed of the Cassegrain antenna system.3. A microstrip reflectarray cylindrical Cassegrain antenna system is designed, which has an fixed beam deviation angle in the azimuth. Then, We manufactured and tested it.4. A phase shifter based on the 3dB directional coupler is designed, manufactured, measured and validated.

  • 【分类号】TN820
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】449

