

【作者】 李军

【导师】 刘卓林;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 进入二十一世纪,在全球经济不景气的背景下,中国经济发展一枝独秀,仍顽强地保持快速增长的势头,且在经济结构上逐步体现出较大变化趋势。西气东输作为西部大开发的标志性工程;在横跨东西部九省一市的漫长管线上已全面启动,与之相关的常州焦化厂正面临市场变化带来的冲击、政府补贴的削减与天然气导入的威胁;如何在新的形势下,摆脱困境获得企业的长效发展,是焦化行业尤其是受西气东输冲击的各焦化厂正在思考和摸索的首要问题。本文首先对企业战略研究的理论进行了简单的介绍,然后对焦化厂的宏观政策环境、行业状况及企业现状进行了分析,根据分析、预测结果及SWOT分析的基础上,提出了常州焦化厂的战略定位和目标、低成本战略、局部扩张的后向一体化及同心多元化战略、市场导向战略。论文最后提出了主要对策和措施:建立核算体系、人力资源开发、信息化系统、企业文化建设、市场化运作等。

【Abstract】 In spite of the worldwide economic recession in the 21st century, China, one of thefast-growing economies, maintains its good momentum in economic growth. Meanwhile,profound changes have occurred in Chinese economic structure. The project oftransmitting natural gas from China’s West to the East has been started in its entirety. Asa monumental project of the large-scale development in the west, it covers nineprovinces and municipalities along its gas pipelines. Consequently, Chang zhou factoryof coke and chemicals is confronted by the challenges of changing market, governmentsubsidy reduction and natural gas introduction. How to extricate from the predicamentand maintain sustained growth is a primary problem, which the coke industry andparticularly the coke factories affected by the project, should ponder over. In this paper,the author firstly introduces the theory of enterprise strategy, and then analyzes themacro-policy environment, the coke industry condition and the coke enterprise situation.On the basis of the analysis and the prediction, the author presents the strategic positionand objective of the Chang Zhou factory of coke and chemicals by means of SWOTanalysis. In addition, cost leadership, backward integration and concentric diversificationstrategy of partial expansion, and the market-oriented strategy are put forward. In theend, the important measures are suggested, namely accounting system establishment,human resource development, information system, enterprise culture enhancement,market operation.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】35

