

【作者】 杨非

【导师】 韩之俊;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 计量检测工作是保证社会活动稳定正常运行的基础性工作,负有重要职责。面对入世,我国的检测实验室迫切需要提升管理水平,以便同国际接轨,更好地为经济建设服务,而申请实验室认可即是一条行之有效的途径。本人根据参加苏州市计量测试研究所申请实验室认可的实际经验,综合运用管理学、管理统计学、质量管理学等理论和方法,深入探讨了实验室依据ISO/IEC17025《检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求》建立质量管理体系所应遵循的质量管理原则、实验室的质量管理体系架构、实验室检测过程的质量控制、校准实验室不确定度的评定以及统计技术的运用等几方面问题,本文所得的结论对广大同行依据国际标准建立质量管理体系具有一定的现实借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Measuring is important as a foundation to ensure the smooth run of social activities. Following China’s accession into WTO, the Chinese measuring lab shall improve its management so as to connect with the international practice and provide a better service for the domestic market. The application of lab recognition is an effective way for this goal. As I had participated in the prior application of lab recognition for Suzhou Measuring & Testing Research Institute, so I use many theories and methods in administration, statistics and quality management to deeply analyze the quality management principles, quality organization in lab, quality control in lab testing, error calibration in lab and the use of statistics which shall be followed when the lab set up a quality management system according to the General Requirement for the Testing and Calibration of the Lab (ISO/IEC17025). The conclusion of this paper may be used as a reference for many counterparts setting up the quality management system according to the international criteria.

【关键词】 实验室认可质量管理体系
【Key words】 Labrecognitionquality management system
  • 【分类号】F203
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】213

