

【作者】 陈志荣

【导师】 邵一明;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 2000年以来,中国经济发展结束了前几年的徘徊局面,2002年及今后若干年,中国经济仍将保持快速增长的势头,在良好的宏观经济背景下,南京市地方经济发展迅猛,基础设施投资逐步加大,拉动了预拌混凝土需求量的增加,随着预拌混凝土市场竞争激烈程度的增加,预拌混凝土企业必须对其战略进行研究,从而获得竞争优势。本文首先对企业战略的研究理论进行了简单的介绍,然后对预拌混凝土公司的经济环境、政策环境、社会环境、技术环境进行分析。并用灰色理论对南京市混凝土的需求进行预测,根据预测结果对该行业、行业竞争对手进行分析,在公司内部资源、核心能力及SWOT分析的基础上,提出了普迪公司的战略目标、低成本战略、一体化成长战略、资本经营战略。论文最后提出了主要对策和具体措施:加强人力资源管理、加强企业文化建设、加强产品质量和服务质量管理、加强营销管理等。

【Abstract】 From the year 2000, the Chinese economy has put an end to its slack pace of development. In the year 2002 and presumably in the years to follow, the Chinese economy will keep its fast growth rate. In the promising macro-economic background, local economy in Nanjing has been developing rapidly, accompanied with increased investment in infrastructure construction, which boosted the demand for pre-mixed concrete.With competition in the pre-mixed concrete market gains in heatedness, it’s a must for an enterprise in this industry to do some research strategically in order to sharpen its competitive edge.This dissertation begins with a brief introduction about some theories on enterprise strategies, followed with in-depth analysis of the economic, policy, social and technical environment faced by an enterprise in this industry. The gray theory is used to forecast the demand for concrete in Nanjing, the result is further used in the analysis of the concrete industry and competitors in this industry.Based on internal resources, core competitiveness and SWOT analysis, this dissertation drafted the strategic direction, integrated growth strategy and capital management strategy. The end of article suggests main approaches and concrete measures to take, such as strengthening and improving human resources management, the culture of PUDI, product and service quality management and marketing management.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】97

